Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/E-Laboratory Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Digital World

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e-Laboratory Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Digital World

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Challenges from 2014 to 2019

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The E-Lab Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Digital World (CulturalLab) aims to investigate different possibilities to represent, preserve and exchange local cultures and local languages in digital world. The perspective of complex systems is fruitful for the understanding of the experience that we propose in CulturalLab. Through CulturaLab we aim to foster Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in an academic program, understanding that the beginning of XXI century in Brazil is a historical moment, where important affirmative action policies approved in education create an optimum moment to develop programs that treasure diversity of cultural and linguistic expressions (cf. Brazilian Federal Laws 10.639/03, 11.645/08 and 12.711/12). This proposal is anchored in an international network in South hemisphere with nine higher education institutions in seven countries that use Portuguese language as academic language, which will be used to strengthen the creation, production, archiving and distribution of access to cultural and academic knowledge in a perspective of critical epistemology towards cultural studies, based on the theory of Self Organization proposed by Michel Debrun. Due to historical factors and to academic tradition, Portuguese Speaking countries in post-colonial situation do not have an established discussion on multicultural and multilingual values. This project aims to install in Portuguese speaking academic set a debate on critical epistemology through creation of assets that shall seed the debate on cultural studies and epistemological criticism in Portuguese language. For that we shall 1) create a research group to promote critical epistemological reflection, what might allow the integration of local cultures in the construction of knowledge in academic environment; 2) exchange information and create collaborative knowledge through digital culture among partner universities; 3) to form individuals to be able to integrate local values and local world vision in academic practices; and 4) promote the paradigm of the knowledge society through digital culture. This E-Lab aims to be the first example in Portuguese language to meet cross-country cultural and linguistic diversity in top research in humanities.


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If want to join our interdisciplinary work, please, contact us:


Name, website and institution of the responsible for the e-laboratory

   Claudia Wanderley | www.unicamp.br,  University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil*
   Simone Nogueira | www.puc-campinas.edu.br, Catholic University (PUC), Brazil

list of the teams participating in the e-laboratory

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1. Representative and Co-Representative of the e-lab:

Claudia Wanderley, (Researcher CLE-UNICAMP) cmwanderley @ gmail . com

Simone Nogueira, (Post Doctorat PUC-Campinas) capoeira.psico @ gmail.com

2. Researchers:

  • Elaine Cassan (independent researcher)
  • Gianfrank Miranda de Souza, (Researcher CTI Renato Archer )
  • Mariana C. Broens (Professor Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences – UNESP)
  • Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (Professor Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences – UNESP)
  • Nima Spigolon (Professor Faculty of Education - UNICAMP)
  • Kachia Hedény Techio (Professor at the Education Department - UNIR)

3. Invited Professors:

  • Debora Mazza (Faculty of Education - UNICAMP)
  • Itala D'Ottaviano (CLE-UNICAMP)
  • Sozinho Matsinhe (Academy of African Languages - ACALAN)
  • Wilmar D'Angelis (Institute of Language Studies - UNICAMP)

4. Students and Researchers working in partnership with our E-lab

  • Leo Renno (Pos-Doctorate Philosophy, São Paulo State University - USP)
  • Lucas Manca D'Alva (candidate to Master in Linguistics, UNICAMP)
  • Simone Hashiguti (Professor at the Institute of Letters and Linguistics, Federal University of Uberlandia - UFU)
  • Paula Vermeersch (Professor at the Department of Geography, São Paulo State University - UNESP)

Research projects in the e-laboratory

Researchers that participated in other times: Ariane Porto Costa Rimoli, (Professor Institute of Arts – UNICAMP) arianeporto@iar.unicamp.br (November 2015 to October 2016) Augusto Ramos (Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program - PROFIS Program, UNICAMP) augustomachadoramos @ gmail.com (November 2014 to October 2016) Diogo Bugnar de Aquino (undergraduate student in Social Sciences, UNICAMP) d iogobugnar @ g mail . com (November 2014 to October 2016) João Antonio de Moraes (Pos Doctorate in Philosophy, UNICAMP) moraesunesp @ yahoo.com.br (November 2014 to October 2015) Rodrigo Alexandre Costa (undergraduate in Philosophy, UNICAMP) r odrigoalexandrecosta @ g mail . com (November 2014 to October 2015)

From the Brazilian Roadmap:

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  (to be completed)

e-laboratory Scientific Committee

(to be completed)

URL for the Website and/or Wiki of the e-laboratory

   page at Wikiversity
   page at CSS Roadmap

Grid, Cloud, or other network utilities to be used Data and/or Tools to be shared

Activities 2015:

page at UNICAMP

Research Group Our research group website

Digital Library: Browse the digital collection conferences presented.

CulturalLab is at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science - CLE [Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência]. CLE was founded in 1977 at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.


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DEBRUN, Michel. Identidade Nacional Brasileira e Auto-Organização (Brazilian National Identity and Self-Organization) . Coleção CLE, v.53, 186 p., 2009. Organizadores: Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano, M.E.Q.Gonzalez, tradução por Valéria Venturella – Campinas: Unicamp, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência ISSN 0103-3147 RODRIGUES, Aryon. Línguas Brasileiras: para o conhecimento das línguas indígenas. São Paulo, Edições Loyola, 135p. 2002. isbn 85-15-01045-3 SIMONDON, Gilbert. L’individu et sa génèse physico-biologique. Epiméthée, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1964, p. 250 in Laymert Garcia dos Santos... [et. al.] . Revolução tecnológica, internet e socialismo /– São Paulo : Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2003. – (Coleção Socialismo em Discussão) ISBN 85-86469-79-3, Outros autores: Bernardo Kucinski, Maria Rita Kehl, Walter Pinheiro SIMONDON, Gilbert. Communication et Information: cours e conférences. Les éditions de la transparence/Philosophie. Chatou, France. 2010, isbn 978-2-35051-043-9 SPIVAK, Gayatri. A critique of postcolonial reason: toward a history of the vanishing present.449p. 1999, ISBN 0-674-17763-0 SPIVAK, Gayatri. In Other Worlds. 409P, 2006. Routledge Classic Edition. ISBN10: 0-415-38956-9 WANDERLEY, Claudia. Bibliotecas Digitais Multilingues: uma proposta inclusiva. in Greenstone: Un software libre de codigo abierto para la construccion de bibliotecas digitales. E-Laboratory Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Digital World Experiencias em America Latina y el Caribe. Editor: UNESCO Montevideo, Gunter Cyranek, UNESCO 2010, isbn 978-92-9089-149-9 WITTEN, I.H. , BAINBRIDGE, D. A retrospective look at Greenstone: Lessons from the _rst decade Proc Joint Conference of Digital Libraries, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 147-156, June, 2007

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