Art in Wikiversity
[edit | edit source]This page about Art in Wikiversity can be displayed as Wiki2Reveal slides. Single sections are regarded as slides and modifications on the slides will immediately affect the content of the slides. The following aspects of Art in Wikiversity are considered in detail:
- (1) Options of visualization of Art in Wikiversity,
- (2) Learning Activities about Art in Wikiversity,
- (3) Tutorials and Wikibooks to create art
[edit | edit source]This learning resource about Art in Wikiversity gives an overview of creating learning resources about art in Wikiversity and address challenges and options.
Target Group
[edit | edit source]The target group for Art in Wikiversity a creators/authors of learning resources that want to identify options, requirements and constraints of learning resources in art.
Design of Learning Tasks
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Design of learning activities focus on
- (Analysis of Art - Painting) Design a learning activity in which learner should analyze a oil painting on canvas of Rembrand.
- What can of analysis is possible with the image of the "Night Watch"?
- Explore the history of the painting! Who cut a part of the original painting on the left and why was the painting reduced in size?
- An oil painting could have a 3D surface that changes depending on illumination.
- (Analysis of Art - Sculpture) Assume we have an wooden scupture. How could a 3D model of the sculpture could enhance the analysis? How could Stereoscopy and Photogrammetry be used to get a better understanding of the a wooden sculpture?
- (Production of Art) How can videos and sequences of images be used to understand the production of art and how learners benefit from those learning resources to create paintings and sculpture on their own?
Learning Activities
[edit | edit source]- Create a GIF-animation in the Open Source software Pencil2D[1], that shows how to create a pencil drawing of a face.
- Explore the wooden sculpture of the Anaglyph 3D image with a red-green anaglyph filters. Identify benefits of low costs filters for the left and right eye and challenges if colors have a significant for the perception of the sculpture. What are the benefits of stereoscopy images and create your own stereoscopy image of an art object of your choice.
Anaglyph 3D and Sculpture
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The following image shows an Anaglyph 3D of a wooden sculpture.
Anaglyph 3D
[edit | edit source]Stereoscopy 3D
[edit | edit source]References
[edit | edit source]- ↑ Patrick Corrieri, Pascal Naidon (2024) Pencil2D, Open Source animation software for Linux, Windows, MacOSX - URL: - GitHhub-Source-Code:
See also
[edit | edit source]Page Information
[edit | edit source]You can display this page as Wiki2Reveal slides
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- This page is designed as a PanDocElectron-SLIDE document type.
- Source: Wikiversity
- see Wiki2Reveal for the functionality of Wiki2Reveal.