3D Modelling/Create 3D Models/AR.js/Create HTML

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AR with Marker AFrame 3D Model JSON3D4Aframe Export Formats
3D Water Molecule with AR.js
3D Water Molecule with AR.js
Wassermolecukw in Aframe - erzeugt mit JSON3D4Aframe

Init JSON3D4Aframe with a water molecule example and to Aframe or AR.js format

To create different types of models out of JSON3D4Aframe.

  • Init the Wikiversity 3D modelling tool with the Water Molecule with the red "Init 3D" button on right.
  • select the export format with the select box:

By pressing:

  • Save AR you will download a HTML file for AR.js
  • Save AFrame you will download a HTML file for Aframe

See also

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