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Who Am I?

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  • Age: 20
  • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Canberra
  • Studying: Motivation and Emotion, Professional Practice in Health & Social Psychology
  • How Far am I into my degree: last semester of university :'(

What do I do?

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  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Work


Social Contributions

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Changes to book chapters

  1. Abortion and Emotion- Made a change for a sentence, rather than 'how do the women feel' changed to 'how women feel'
  2. evolutionary theory of emotion - Made a change for 'explains' to Explains'
  3. Self Perception and motivation for positive change - Made a change to the heading 'What is self perception theory?' to 'What is Self Perception Theory (SPT) ?'
  4. Perinatal Depression - deleted a provide more detail under a section


  1. Canvas Discussion Forum - Asked a referencing question for the Book Chapter / Topic development

Book Chapter Suggestions

  1. Motivation and emotion/Book/2018/ Goal sharing and goal pursuit - suggested a layout tip
  2. Methamphetamine and Emotion - suggested a journal article
  3. Restorative Justice and Emotion - suggested a journal article
  4. Behavioural activation and Motivation - suggested a layout tip
  5. Behavioural Automaticity - gave a APA referencing tip for image
  6. Multi-tasking and productivity - suggested a layout tip for a quiz in the book chapter
  7. Impulse buying motivation - Suggested a layout tip and provided a link for 'pretty boxes' wikiuniversity page