Wikiversity:School and university projects/List of projects
Full courses run or organized on Wikiversity (using Wikiversity as part of their course, or editing Wikiversity as part of their assignments):
Current and future courses
[edit source]You can help these courses get organized!
Past courses
[edit source]Summary reports on past projects are welcome (see also: Wikiversity:What I have learned).
Completed topics[edit source]courses that led to an orderly collection of knowledge about that topic.
Full courses[edit source]sharing course materials here, covering the entire course
Full courses: Prof. Quoc, University of Florida[edit source]Engineering courses by Prof. Loc Vu Quoc. Student usernames are prefixed by the course #
Partial courses[edit source]Courses that have posted some resources or assignments here, or at least a syllabus and course concept, but not the materials for a full course.
Uncategorized[edit source]