Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Time perspective and emotion

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Benefits?[edit source]

Hey there, I was wondering if there's any way we can change our perspective of time so that it benefits our well-being? I found this article which I thought might be helpful for you, it talks about benefits and costs of living in the present which i thought was really interesting hope it's helpful, Good luck! DorisWeasley (discusscontribs) 11:01, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Fantastic page. Here is a related article about quantum entanglement and the concept of time, which could be useful for your external links section. Basically, if it were possible to have an observer "outside" of the universe, the observer could not observe time as we do "inside" the universe. U3054911 (discusscontribs) 11:12, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Time perspective and motivation[edit source]

Note that I think this chapter probably will make more sense as Time perspective and MOTIVATION - feel free to change the title/subtitle. Sincerely, James -- Jtneill - Talk - c 19:40, 1 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Doesn't really make more sense to me, would rather keep as it is. --Liam 8 (discusscontribs) 08:19, 2 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.

Overall[edit source]

This chapter demonstrates a good level of understanding of quite a difficult topic - well done!

Theory[edit source]

Theories have been appropriately chosen, and a sound level of understanding has been demonstrated. Deeper exploration of the relevant theories would benefit the chapter, particularly because this is quite a difficult topic and therefore the target audience may need some more time to process the information.

Research[edit source]

Some really interesting research is presented in this chapter. To improve further, include evidence of critical thinking.

Written expression[edit source]

This is a very nicely structured chapter. The topic is potentially difficult for the target audience, however the clear structure and written expression increase it's readability - well done. To improve further, include links and interactive features throughout. A more creative layout would also benefit the chapter. ShaunaB (discusscontribs)

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via login to the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.

Overall[edit source]

Structure and content[edit source]

Key concepts have been well identified, and theory and research are well integrated. The flow between concepts was quite good, however the presentation ended quite abruptly.

Communication[edit source]

Ideas are communicated clearly through image. Speech is quite engaging, however there are some errors and breaks in dialogue which make the communication of ideas less clear. No/few illustrative examples are included.

Production quality[edit source]

Picture and sound quality are good. Rehearsing the presentation a few more times may resolve some of the issues with dialogue, and in turn create a more professional presentation. ShaunaB (discusscontribs)