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Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Motivation and relationships

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by NatKat88 in topic Do Opposites Attract

Do Opposites Attract

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Hi again!

Thanks for commenting on my chapter. Your ideas look really great, hope you're going well with it! While I was doing some research I came across a really interesting article that I was going to use for my own chapter about sexual attraction. The study looked at how emotional expressions can effect attraction and found that men found women most attractive when the woman looked happy and least attractive if they showed pride. Women found men most attractive when they showed pride, and least attractive when they showed happiness. I thought it might be helpful under your section "do opposites attract" as this study seemed to suggest it does! I've added the link and reference below in case you wanted to use it. Also, I'm going to be adding a lot more content to my chapter tomorrow (Saturday) so I'd love it if you had any feedback on it once it's up!

Here's the article: Article: happy guys finish last

And the reference for that article:

Tracy, J. L., & Beall, A. T. (2011). Happy guys finish last: The impact of emotion expressions on sexual attraction. Emotion, 11(6), 1379-1387. doi:10.1037/a0022902
NatKat88 (discusscontribs) 13:29, 1 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Types of Relationships

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Hey there,

I'm doing the topic in sexual motivation and had a few chapter topics in mine that I thought you should probably include in yours. They are monogamous and polyamorous relationships. I would suggest looking at these from the angle of what motivates people to engage in monogamous relationships and what motivates people to engage in polyamorous relationships. I'll probably keep some information about the sexual motivation behind monogamy in my chapter, but I think it's more suited to your topic. From the perspective of monogamous relationships I'd probably include socio-cultural reasons why people practice monogamy (eg. socially acceptable and expected in western cultures, security, jealousy) and why people engage in polyamorous relationships (there's a huge financial and social benefit in having multiple partners to raise a family; wealth and responsibility of children and the household is shared so it's more common in poorer countries, though in certain religions like islam and mormonism it is practiced too). Of course it's up to you, but I think it would be really interesting if you tackled it from that angle.

Also I think it is really important to include friendships as well. Friendships are an important type of relationship and can be much longer lasting than romantic relationships. Which brings me to Sternberg's Theory of Love. It looks at three components that make up love, and the type of love/relationships that can be created depending on the combination of these three factors. Friendship is a result of feeling intimacy towards a person (one of the components of love), but lacks passion and commitment (the other two factors). Anyway, I think it would be really interesting to include and you can relate it to other types of relationships too!

I'll be including a link to your topic on my page, hope that's ok!

NatKat88 (discusscontribs) 04:53, 30 October 2013 (UTC)Reply


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Good start so far Blerg26 (discusscontribs) 02:24, 12 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, i've done a bit of research..i'm just a little worried how I can frame it in a 'positive' self-help kind of way... U3049223 (discusscontribs) 00:55, 17 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hey I was reading over the topics you're going to cover and they seem really interesting! I think another category you could cover could be to do with homosexuality and evolution. I think the evolutionary perspective fails to explain homosexual behaviour so maybe there are other factors you could discuss? I found this article which I think would be pretty helpful! Good luck :) The evolution of human homosexual behaviour Angela.Watt (discusscontribs) 00:35, 13 October 2013 (UTC) Thanks angela! I'm actually going to steer clear of that and make a statement 'assuming' hetrosexual relationships only for this body of research. The reason i'm doing this is because it would open up the scope of my research too wide and there is someone else covering that topic, i will provide a link to their page. Thanks!Reply

Hey Hey, found an article in Australian Journal of Psychology called 'Effect of facial stimuli exposure time on evaluation of facial attractiveness' thought might be useful for you, vol. 64 no. 3. Talks about whether length of time looking at a face increases or decreases attractiveness Blerg26 (discusscontribs) 05:55, 21 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

hey! only just saw your comment but you are more then welcome to link to my page. Florence21 (discusscontribs)

Self-help perspective

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Hi!, I saw in your comments you said you were trying to figure out how to make this topic into a self-help kind of way? Perhaps you could go into the other direction a little and talk about the benefits of 'moving on' as such, so maybe a sort of counselling perspective if that makes sense? e.g. when relationships don't work...what could be done to ease the process? Or talk about the benefits of putting yourself out there with things such as internet dating and looking outside the usual comfort zone to find love? if that makes any sense. Goodluck with your chapter! it looks like a really interesting topic! --U3068359 (discusscontribs) 00:56, 27 October 2013 (UTC)u3068359Reply

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


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Great effort, I can see you have put lots of time and attention into this chapter.

This chapter explored some interesting theories and there was good evidence of critique which was lovely to see. To improve further, delve a little more deeply into a smaller number of theories. Good work!

The chapter provides a solid research overview, with good evidence of critical analysis. To improve further, draw the research drawn together to conclude how one might use this information in a self help manner, i.e ideas for how one might use this info to choose a mate or avoid choosing the wrong one?.

Good job on the written expression. There were a few grammatical issues, be sure to thoroughly edit or have someone else read over your assignment before submission . Try to explain complex terms the first time they are used for those who may not have a background in psychology.

The headings were correct and the flow of the paragraphs worked well. The chapter had some nice in text links, and a good figure. To improve further, include an interactive feature as well, such as a quiz. Good APA style. Fantastic work!.Courtney.reis (discusscontribs)

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via login to the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.


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Overall, a great effort. See comments below for feedback

The presentation had a logical flow and covered the key points of the chapter. The theoretical coverage is impressive, with some good integration of theory. For future improvement, try and incorporate the self help aspect to draw others to the chapter for further info

The presentation was rather rapid, I would suggest rerecording at a slower pace. The visual aspects of the presentation were easy to follow but the slides tended to be a bit text heavy. To make the presentation more engaging perhaps include some images and illustrative case examples

The quality of the production was good and the voiceover was clear although fast. The presentation made effective use of basic tools, Great effort! Courtney.reis (discusscontribs)