Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2011/Gambling

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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Jtneill in topic Multimedia feedback
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[edit source]

Hey Alex, Your chapter is looking great and you have alot of helpful information! I also like your pictures. Just in time for Melbourne cup day next week! Jemmasanderson 05:50, 25 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Really informative so far, good job. The frequently used terms section leads nicely into discussed material. Under the heading 'pathological gambling', the middle paragraph is fairly long so maybe you could break it in two for a bit of an easier read? Otherwise, top stuff!AngeM 07:42, 23 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Looks great so far will you be discussing gender differences? If so did you know that the diagnostic criteria for gambling is also consistent with those with impulsive-compulsive buying disorder (ICBD) (Hartston, & Koran, 2002)? Except that females are more likely to shop and men are more likely to gamble. Miz.mira 05:29, 18 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hey there! Interesting topic; it's great to see that you'll be addressing the multi-faceted nature of this issue. I think the section on pathological gambling is interesting, particularly the diagnostic criteria. I look forward to how you approach recreational gambling, and how intrinsic factors tie into pathological gambling disorders. What I found interesting in some of my own reading is that the gamblers often engage in the activity for the "high" or excitement involved, rather than concrete expectations of fiscal gain. It could be worth exploring in more detail the character attributes of people susceptible to this compulsive behaviour. Nice work man! Typify 09:38, 18 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

This is a test comment. Sincerely, James -- Jtneill - Talk - c 03:02, 19 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hey Alex. There was a great article in InPsych Magazine (Dec 2010) - a special report on the psychology of gambling. Are you able to source a copy? If not, email me at: and I can copy it and send to you. Thanks :-) TabithaJ 09:36, 20 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Many thanks for your comments on my page Alex. Its a bit rough at the moment. I normally go through later and do a proof. Just concentrating on dumping stuff down. You might be interested in an interesting paper on EI and gambling Kaur, I., Schutte, N.S., & Thorsteinsson, E.B. (2006). Gambling control self-efficacy as a mediator of the effects of low emotional intelligence on problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 22, 405-411. Cheers,Ray U112052 00:03, 21 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hey Alex. I've added in a text box for you. As far as changing the size, wait until you put some text in first and then see if the size needs changing. You'll see in edit mode, that I've annotated "insert text here" meaning you just need to type in that space, save it, and it should appear in the text box. If you would like to change the size of the box, you go into edit and find the formating for the box. Embedded in the formatting, you'll find a command which says says width (40%). You can change this to 50%, 60% etc, then save and preview. Keep increasing the number until it gets to the size that you want. Also, I was wondering with your glossary if you would be better to not have the actual terms as headings in the TOC? Rather, keep Glossary as a heading and then bold the key terms within that heading? Let me know if you'd like me to show you what I mean. It would just make the key terms stand out a bit more as a glossary. Thanks, TabithaJ 22:41, 22 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hey Alex. Although I dropped the text box in for you, I took a guess in thinking you may not want them both to be bright yellow! I've changed one to blue, and the other one to silver. Please let me know if you would like different colours, or I can change it back. Alternatively, here is the link to Wikiversity colours: Thanks, TabithaJ 03:22, 23 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hi Alex, thanks very much for commenting on my page, that article is really helpful! Your page is looking great - good on you for making so much progress well in advance of the due date. I particularly like the idea of a glossary. To stay in line with the 'scientific self-help' theme, maybe you could include something at the end directing readers to services, or offering advice as to what they might be able to do to help themselves or those around them overcome a gambling problem. I think something along those lines would really be a great conclusion. Shauna ShaunaB 10:11, 25 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hi there, I have a whole swag of journal articles on the subject of on-line gambling amongst 'college' (aka university aged) students. I'm not sure if you want to add anything new at this stage, but the on-line angle is topical in terms of the nature of this BC via Wikiversity. Anyway, on-line gambling among students is motivated by peer influences, to escape negative mood states, even 'fun' initially and of course instant positive reinforcements. If you are interested I can send you some more info. Crazydaisy 10:17, 26 October 2011 (UTC)CrazydaisyReply

Hi Alex, It looks great and the content hits the mark. Thankyou for the inspiration, I now know I need to put in more work

Hi Alex, your chapter is really interesting and looks great. I noticed you have mentioned gambling in older adults, research has shown there is a distinct subgroup of late start older adults. Noticed also you have recommend Eudaimonic book chapter, no doubt environmental mastery would apply to gambling. (Susann 20:21, 1 November 2011 (UTC))Reply

Thanks Alex for your comment. Well done on your chapter, Im still needing more words not less. Regards, (Susann 23:31, 1 November 2011 (UTC))Reply

Your chapter is looking great. It makes my uploaded content so far look bad. The layout is nice and simple, which I like and makes it easy to read. Not overloaded with pictures or extra materials that tend to take away from the content. I'm glad I finally got around to looking at your chapter. Michelle.n 12:38, 3 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

Very nice! I very much like the way you included the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling. Well done! Jackson997 04:37, 6 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

Draft feedback

[edit source]

Well done on getting a full draft together. Some suggestions - take, leave, or follow-up on any of them as you see fit:

  1. Glossary: Move the glossary into a subpage Motivation and emotion/Book/Gambling/Glossary since it doesn't really help to engage the reader or answer the problem question. You might also wish to combine/acknowledge the previous gambling chapter's glossary where appropriate: Motivation_and_emotion/Textbook/Motivation/Gambling#Glossary
  2. Introduction: Engaging and interesting. Maybe work more on setting up the problem to be solved - e.g., how to healthily engage with risk-taking through gambling whilst avoiding its potential pitfalls?
  3. Social Implications of Gambling: Long paragraph - consider splitting it. Explain how this section relates back to the practical life problem/challenge being investigated. I only skim-read this paragraph, but based on the conclusion, I'm concerned that it looks like a bit of a rant.
  4. Recreational Gambling (RG) - What is RG? (explain). Long para - consider splitting it. Ideally, express one idea per paragraph in three to five sentences. Sentence 1 links to the previous para and explains the idea. Middle sentences expand on the idea. Last sentence concluded the idea and sets up a link to the next para.
  5. Pathological Gambling (PG) - Source of testimonial (if its yourself, I think this should be explained)? I guess I'd be looking in this section for clear identification of signs and symptoms of PG, the risk factors (who is vulnerable) and what can be done at a psychosocial level to help mitigate the potential for PG. This is a long section, but on quick skim-read appears to fulfill these functions.
  6. Gambling in older adults + Gambling in adolescents - Maybe these two short sections could be brought together under a heading e.g., Gambling through the lifespan - or integrated into the previous section
  7. Risk - My sense is that risk-taking / sensation seeking / BIS/BAS etc. could be brought up into the Intro or a section immediately after in which the underlying psychological need to engage in novel, challenging, risky situations is explained. Then gambling can be considered as one of the ways in which we seek optimal arousal/stimulation. At the moment, I think the main theoretical proposition is based on intrinsic-extrinsic motivation. This could work too (although I am not familiar with this literature on I-E motivation and gambling), but I think it needs at the very least to be considered in relation to risk-taking. Basically, explain up front to the reader the problem/opportunity of gambling, a theoretical explanation of the risk-taking (gambling) instinct), and then look at examples of healthy gambling (RG?) and problematic gambling - when things don't have limits and get out of control.
  8. Summary - This hits the kind of mark, the book is looking for I think.
  9. Cross-word - if you want to do this it probably wouldn't take up wordcount - e.g., it can go on a sub-page. It is good if you're trying to each a glossary of terms. But there might be other activities which more actively engage the reader in the chapter's key goals/points.

Sincerely, James -- Jtneill - Talk - c 00:10, 26 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hi Alex You have done a great job. The reference list is fantastic. I have a bit of work ahead of me to be up toyour standard. u990911

Hi Alex, Great choice and integration of images throughout the text. I particularly like the Melbourne cup racing scene (which would be especially relatable at the moment!) and The Gambler, which is quite an emotive portrayal of gambling.

It must be a relief to have more words available now that you have moved your glossary. I am happy it is still available to refer to and reflect upon terms while reading through the chapter content. However, I'm not sure what the red circle is about next to extrinsic motivation in 'Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation and What's the Difference?'

You have taken an interesting approach to the chapter by focusing on the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction for gambling motivation. Within this approach, you could discuss how people might adjust their own problem gambling behaviour through influencing exposure to extrinsic motivators, cues etc. (how people might overcome impulses to gamble by managing incentives and consequences might be relevant?) A lot of the content seems to be descriptive and it might be worth including more prescriptive advice or self-help alongside this detail.

Being a statistician, I am quite excited to see that you have included prevalence rates!

Try to avoid one-sentence paragraphs, as in Pathological Gambling, 'Research on differences...'

In Pathological Gambling, 'women are more likely to gamble on EGM'? What's EGM? electronic gambling machines? You may like to acronym this when you first refer to it in full at the start of your chapter.

I like your inclusion of the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling in a separate feature box and how you draw attention to this in the text as a means of self-assessment and awareness of problem gambling behaviours. Drawing attention to awareness as the first step, then providing readers with a means of seeking help through CBT, Gamblers Ananymous and helplines is great and consistent with the self-help objective for the book. I also think the way you link to resouces at the end is a fantastic way for interested people to seek help!

I appreciate your discussion of risk, which could potentially be expanded to include more on risk-taking. Here, you might like to discuss the individual differences that predispose people to gambling. For example, people with a low level of arousal may seek out activities like gambling in order to achieve a level of stimulation and arousal that inactivity does not provide, as research suggests that excitement/arousal motivates gambling more than financial incentive (Reeve, 2009, p. 380). This could draw in a conversation around sensation seeking and acceptable, less risky alternatives that these people could substitute to achieve a similar level of arousal. However, given your comments on the SS scale in the tutorial, I can understand if you are aversive to including this content! Also, I appreciate that you have already mentioned and worked these concepts throughout the chapter - you have clearly included quite a breadth of applicable research!

I enjoyed your learning quiz at the end of the chapter, although when I first glanced at it I wasn't sure if it was a quiz for determining risk-taking predisposition or assessing learning. Perhaps include a descriptive title: Quiz - Assess your learning, understanding, Learning Quiz, or something similar.

Please take or leave any of my comments as you see fit. You have developed a unique chapter and it is clear you have effortfully engaged with the topic. Congratulations on progressing to this stage so early and good luck with the final touches! I look forward to seeing you again and hearing your ideas at the last topic on growth psychology. Cheers, Rfoster 09:35, 2 November 2011 (UTC)Reply


[edit source]

This blog post "Talking about gambling" from a UC academic may be of interest - Sincerely, James -- Jtneill - Talk - c 22:03, 2 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

Great chapter with fantastic links - really well researched - well done - Magnolia

The following is the essence of an email I sent to James:

An article by Daniel Finkelstein, titled 'MPs, not children, need gambling lessons.' appeared in The Times on 7/12/11. The article can only be accessed, now, by those subscribing to the Times on line; I tried accessing the article through Google but the Times has access to archives well and truly sown up. So I guess we can't use it in the current exercise.

The article was of interest because there was a suggestion that young children should be taught about gambling (including how to read the odds!) at school. This was seen as important for 'social' development, i.e. let's teach them about the real world sort of stuff. It was interesting rather than informative, but I think it adds to the argument that there is a greater societal problem out there than most politicians will acknowledge.

James suggested that I note the article on this page should someone care to pursue this line on gambling in the future. Alex.

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


[edit source]
  1. Overall comments
    1. Great job distinguishing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and uniquely applying it to the problem of gambling behaviour.
  1. Theory comments
    1. Expertly interweaves theories of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, self-determination theory, and how these relate to the key concepts of recreational versus pathological gambling.
    2. More discussion of personality traits that predispose individuals to gambling behaviour, such as sensation seeking, might have strengthened this chapter, although it was clear a focus on intrinsic/extrinsic motivations was chosen for in-depth discussion, precluding too much breadth in this instance.
  1. Research comments
    1. The inclusion of prevalence rates helps contextualise the problem as Australian prevalence appears to greatly exceed global prevalence rates.
    2. Notes the limitations of research and future directions.
    3. Good to see actual study statistics being reported and comparative analysis between studies.
    4. Extends research from other areas (game addiction) to gambling application.
    5. Nice touch including diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling to assist with self-assessment.
    6. Brief mention of self-help avenues could be expanded and assigned greater prominence. The addition of the external links to dedicated organisations and self-help advice is particularly helpful.
  1. Written expression comments
    1. Chapter is enriched by multiple images, links to multimedia and learning features, such as a quiz and diagnostic box.
    2. Some words could be hyphenated (e.g., day-to-day, 20-item, self-administered).
    3. In the main text, "for example" and "that is" should be expressed in words; (only acronym in parentheses).
    4. Authors should be cited again in new paragraphs; sometimes only a page number is given for a direct quote (e.g., para beginning “improved access to gambling…).
    5. Try to avoid one sentence paragraphs.
    6. Some further proofreading could assist in detecting minor errors (e.g., “pitfalls pitfalls”)
    7. Inclusion of the quiz is a good learning feature.
    8. The risk section seems out of place between treatment and summary. However, I see you have subsequently picked up on this and altered the order.

Rfoster 04:30, 28 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via login to the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a solid, simple, effective presentation. Audio-quality could be improved.
  1. Introductory part took 2 out of 5 minutes (too much).
  2. Content effectively presented the key message.
  3. Perhaps there was too much reference back to the chapter, as opposed to presenting the key, take-home messages.
  4. The Melbourne Cup gave one useful example - perhaps there could be other examples.
  1. Overall, the communication of the content was reasonably effective (via slides and narrated audio).
  1. Production quality was basic, but sufficient.
  2. Simple black and white slides - some text sizes could be larger
  3. Audio quality had some white noise - better quality probably from an external microphone?
  4. Image sources were not acknowledged.
  5. Thanks for using a Creative Commons license for the presentation.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 02:35, 9 December 2011 (UTC)Reply