Talk:Activities, assignments and assessment/AAAOpenConf2013

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  1. Leigh Blackall
  2. Nick Stone
  3. Karen Adams
  4. Kathryn Hill
  5. Donna Bisset
  6. Mungo Jones
  7. Kerry Fitzmaurice
  8. Cathy Gunn
  9. Lester Jones
  10. Dianne Williamson
  11. Maureen Long
  12. Dennis Wollersheim
  13. Joyce Seitzinger
  14. Peter Wilson
  15. Sherrie Wentworth
  16. Jo Rayner
  17. Dee Horvath
  18. RaeLynn Wicklein
  19. Lael Ridgway
  20. Bruce Rumbold
  21. Amy Larsen
  22. John Hannon
  23. Ruth Jelley
  24. Terry Young
  25. Ruth Ford
  26. Sylvia McCormack
  27. Louise Ward
  28. Jodi Oakman
  29. Edgar Burns
  30. Sandra Lucas
  31. George Liu
  32. Colleen Thomas
  33. Yossi Rathner
  34. Di Hughes
  35. Shannon Munteanu
  36. Rachel Daniel
  37. Tracy Fortune
  38. Rachel Pitt
  39. Regina Fitzpatrick
  40. Shane Erickson
  41. Denise Egan
  42. Ruth Delagas
  43. Meg Rosse
  44. Monica Peddle
  45. Georgia Dacakis
  46. Celia Hammond
  47. Reem Al-Mahmood
  48. Pam Delly
  49. Tania Romano
  50. Susan Burge
  51. Amr El Refaie
  52. Julien Leyre


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  1. James Neill - Online
  2. Royce Sadler
  3. Peter Rawsthorne - working in peer to peer assessment and open badges.
  4. Russell Butson - University of Otago
  5. Willie Campbell - Otago Polytechnic
  6. Alexander Hayes - Streamfolio Pty Ltd - student centred rich media assessment.
  7. Meg Rosse - La Trobe University

Meeting 29 July 2013

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Ruth, Donna, Mungo, Leigh, Lynn and Natalie

  1. Leigh to generate a new session page in the 4-5 pm time slot for developing a feedback form. The group to help develop that online before mid week. Suggested inclusions: Evaluate the day. What they learned, what they want to explore more. Feedback to presenters, on format of sessions.
  2. Lynne and Natalie to take names at the door for sending the feedback forms to.
  3. Leigh to generate a How-to page, that includes information on how to set up a conference like this, and how to engage online. Instructions include how to engage with Meeting Words, Google Plus, Wikiversity, etc. Also include release advice.
  4. Ruth to approach Jane Long via PA Katherine Locke, to open the day. UPDATE: Not available.
  5. Mungo will keep time on the day.
  6. Leigh to confirm Frank and Cameron's assistance with recording and broadcasting. If they are assisting, we're ok to break the hour blocks into 20 minutes presentations, 10 minute QA, 20 presentations, 10 QA. If no help possible, then stay with 40 minute presentations, 20 minute QA
  7. Leigh to consider dispersing pre-recorded sessions throughout the day...

Actions 22 July 2013

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Leigh and Ruth discussed getting FBEL involved in the conference.

  • Ruth requested funding towards catering - to come from Cockatoo Club budget.
  • Ruth drafted some promotional copy, posted on Meeting Words Others are welcome to edit text before distribution on 24 July.
  • Ruth to investigate promoting to FBEL teaching staff through faculty email newsletter.

Meetings 9 July 2013

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Health Science

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Lynne, Natalie and Leigh met to coordinate efforts.

Leigh explained the format of the Open Conference on Open Education, showing the book as one of the produced outcomes. Leigh also outlined the online presentations that have been tentatively confirmed:

  1. Royce Saddler. Griffith University: Feedback and assessment workload
  2. Willie Campbell. Otago Polytechnic: Assessment of Prior Learning
  3. James Neill. University of Canberra: Psychology student-generated-content
  4. Russell Butson. University of Otago: Dentistry student-generated-content
  5. David Blackall. University of Wollongong: Journalism student-generated-content

Lynne has booked a room in teh LIMS building, Natalie is booking the Health Science Meeting room for backup. We wondered if the Faculty meeting room might be the best venue. Venue TBA by the end of the week.

Work now focuses on confirming speakers and preparing a mail-out and promotional flier.


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Donna, Mungo and Leigh met to coordinate efforts

Leigh gave a brief update on the status, and we decided to drop the 3 areas and go with "efficient and effective assessment" for simplicity sake.

We discussed a range of ideas and issues, and agreed that a presentation and discussion point was needed around the storage of assessment data, in the wake of issues of cross boarder and unwarranted state surveillance.

Donna and Mungo are seeking out 10 minute speakers from Humanities, and confirmation that their faculty will contribute to catering.

Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 23:58, 9 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Meeting 1 July 2013

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Kathryn and Leigh met to coordinate their efforts.

Kathryn is working on a university wide audit of assessment policy, procedures and practices. She has researched classroom-based assessment extensively.

Leigh explained the format of the open conference, how it is openly organised on the wiki, and how we actively seek external critical participation as a way to prevent groupthink.

Kathryn and Leigh are focusing their efforts on finding people prepared to give a 10 minute presentation, or who might participate generally in the day. Leigh is to send Kathryn the wiki link and a blurb for sending around.

Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 23:58, 2 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

AAA Open Conference 2013

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An organising group out of the Open Conference on Open Education has formed around this topic of assessment.

In the absence of other suggestions:

  1. Assessment methods that reduce workloads
  2. Assignments that ask people to teach others
  3. Activities and assignments that benefit public information
  • 5-10 minute presentations for an hour, then 30 minutes discussion.
  • An idea, proposal, experience, method, critique, question or problem

Use the wiki to document the planning and organisation and record what is generated through the day. I've taken this pre-existing page and tweaked it to fit this event.

When the organising group meet, we'll put the notes from our meetings here - on the discussion page. If we have time, we'll create a nice front facing website for the event - if our wiki-based organisation goes well.

The tiny url is and that makes the hashtag "aaaopenconf". A QR code for mobile phone scanning is on the front page of the wiki, pending a poster design.

  1. Website of ideas
  2. Video recorded presentations
  3. Printed book from records
  4. La Trobe University discussion paper
  5. Paper for peer review