Survey research and design in psychology/Assessment/Quizzes

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  1. Topics: There are 9 online quizzes, each worth 5% (total 45%), with the following topics:
    1. Survey research
    2. Survey design
    3. Descriptives and graphing
    4. Correlation
    5. Exploratory factor analysis
    6. Psychometrics
    7. MLR 1
    8. MLR 2
    9. Power and effect size
  2. Availability:
    1. Quizzes will be available until Mon 09:00 Week 14.
    2. UCLearn quizzes are only available to enrolled University of Canberra students.
  3. Late submissions: Not accepted
  4. Assessed knowledge: Quizzes assess knowledge of concepts covered in lectures, tutorials, and readings.
  5. Quiz content:
    1. Each quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions drawn randomly from a larger test bank.
    2. The questions from each quiz correspond directly to a single lecture and its related readings.
    3. Some quizzes are harder than others (e.g., the lowest mean is typically for Quiz 05: Exploratory factor analysis).
  6. Question style: Some questions have more than one correct answer.
    1. In order to get full marks, all correct the answers must be selected and no incorrect answers must be selected. For example, if a question has 5 answer choices, 2 of which are correct (each correct answer would be worth 50%, adding to +100%) and 3 of which are incorrect (each incorrect answer would be worth -33% each, adding to -100%). The mark awarded is the total of the marks for each of the answer options selected. However, no negative total marks will be awarded for a question, so the lowest mark that can be awarded for a question is 0.
    2. The reason for including negative marks for incorrect answers for multiple response question types is that, otherwise, all answer options could be selected to achieve a full mark, even though some incorrect answers were selected. So, there needs to be some penalty for selecting incorrect options.
  7. Time limits: Quiz time limits vary between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the questions.
  8. Academic integrity: Quizzes are to be completed independently (i.e., without assistance of others), in your own time.
  9. Open book: Quizzes are open book - recommended resource materials include lecture, tutorial, and reading notes.
  10. Number of attempts: Each quiz can only be attempted once.
  11. Feedback: Answers to the quiz questions are shown immediately after quiz submission, but are no longer accessible once the feedback window is closed. Take any notes for study purposes prior to closing the feedback screen.
  12. Bonus marks: A bonus quiz mark is awarded for identifying an error or significant improvement to a quiz question - email details to the unit convener. For example, a student who got 7/10 on Quiz 1, emailed the unit convener to correctly point out a spelling error in that quiz, resulting in a bonus mark being added and the student's new Quiz 1 mark becoming 8/10.
  13. Practice quizzes: Some practice quizzes are available:
    1. Quiz 0 (a practice quiz) can be attempted as many times as you like. Use this quiz to test and make sure that you are familiar with how the quiz system works on the computer you are using.
    2. Several practice quizzes are available on Wikiversity, including:
      1. Research types
      2. Research purposes
      3. Correlation
      4. Exploratory factor analysis
      5. Psychometric instrument development
      6. Multiple linear regression
    3. Pearson - see External link sections on the lecture pages

Why did I get 0 for a question, even though I got some answers right?

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For some quiz questions, there is more than correct answer. These questions usually have text such as "(may be more than one answer - tick all that apply)" in the question. The response boxes are squares rather than circles.

For these multiple response questions, all correct answers and no incorrect answers must be selected to get full marks.

What is the difficulty level of the quizzes?

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To help give some idea of the overall quiz difficulty and variation in difficulty between quizzes, the table below shows the average marks per quiz in 2017 (N = 105).

Quiz Average
1 - Survey research 8.0
2 - Survey design 7.7
3 - Descriptives and graphing 7.3
4 - Correlation 7.6
5 - Exploratory factor analysis 6.7
6 - Psychometrics 7.5
7 - Multiple linear regression I 6.8
8 - Multiple linear regression I 5.5
9 - Power and effect sizes 6.0
Overall 7.0

The overall Quiz 1 to 9 average of 70% indicates that quiz difficulty for this unit is "about right", with the highest individual overall quiz score in 2017 being 95% demonstrating that a high overall mark is achievable.