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Student Safety on the Internet

From Wikiversity
Type classification: this is a lesson resource.
Educational level: this is a secondary education resource.
Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.
Completion status: this resource has reached a high level of completion.


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This Wiki learning module is a lesson that provides an overview about Internet safety. This lesson is important because it explains what teachers can do to help children protect themselves when using the Internet. This lesson is important because it demonstrates how to use the Internet safely in the classroom. This lesson will help to prepare you, the teacher to write an Internet safety lesson plan. It is important to stress to your students that using the Internet is a privilege, not a right.

It is the goal of this lesson to teach teachers how to teach children to be smart when surfing the Web. This lesson is similar to other Internet safety foundations, such as i-SAFE and Net Smartz. All of these student safety education programs are leaders in Internet safety education. Note: Links to these Web sites are provided below.


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There are so many online dangers for children. With all of the latest Internet innovations, such as the i-pod and the i-phone, children are increasingly becoming comfortable using and surfing the Web. They can now surf the Web at home or from anywhere they go with their cell phone and/or iPod. They are developing a false sense of security. This lesson is important because it teaches you how to help children to keep their guard up, even at home.


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Upon completion of this lesson:

  • Teachers will be able to identify Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
  • Teachers will be able to identify Internet Safety programs on the Web
  • Teachers will be able to write an Internet Safety Lesson Plan

Lesson content

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Action: As you read these procedures, it is up to you to use the Internet to find the information required below:

  • Find examples and non-examples of child safe Web sites
  • Find, read, and understand the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
  • Find Internet safety programs on the Web
  • Find Web site blocking, filtering, and monitoring programs
  • Write an Internet lesson plan:

Designing your own Internet Safety lesson plan is an important part of your job! It is your responsibility to ensure your students are prepared to go online. As you prepare this lesson plan, consider the following:

  • Set Internet ground rules for your students
  • Advice children to never share their password with anyone, even a friend
  • List dangers children might encounter online
  • List of safe web resources and reporting sites (like CyberTip.ca and KidsHelpPhone.ca)
  • List consequences for disobeying Internet Ground Rules

Note: When writing your lesson plan, make sure it includes:

  • Goal
  • Rational
  • Objectives
  • Case Studies
  • Procedures
  • Evaluation


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When developing your lesson plan you need to consider your media options. This section will provide you with some Web sites to help you be informed.

Website Examples Website Examples
i-SAFE ]] Net Smartz ]]
Website Examples Website Examples
Wire Kids ]]


Safe Kids ]]
Website Examples Website Examples
Kiwi Seminars ]] Kiwi Commons ]]


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When evaluating your Internet Safety lesson plan, consider the following:

  • Class Participation
  • Completion of Activities
  • Teacher Observation

Learning Activity

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Let's see if you were paying attention... Try the following questions. Click Submit after you answer the questions. Your score will be noted below the Submit button.


1 When writing your lesson plan, you must include.... Click on the correct response.

Key Terms

2 It is OK to share your password with your best friend? Select True or False.


3 Using the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Select True or False.


How did you do? If you feel good about your knowledge of Student Safety on the Internet, write your lesson plan and share it with your class. If not, conduct more research on the subject.


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The Internet can be fun and safe if used correctly. Educate and prepare yourself, so you can help your students educate and protect themselves. To go to another lesson, click The Online Classroom link below.

The Online Classroom


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Cotton, Giuffré, Eileen, 2000, Chapter 5, Using the Internet for Teaching – Rules of the Road of The Online Classroom, Teaching with the Internet, Forth Edition, ERIC ED INFO Press.

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  • Kiwi Commons Internet Safety Lesson Outline
  • [1] Internet Security Internet Safety Compliance for Education
  • [2] Web Security Secure Web Gateway for CIPA

See also

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