SCCAP/APA Convention/2018

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2018 APA Convention: San Francisco, CA


Welcome to SCCAP's landing page for the 2018 APA convention in San Francisco, CA! Here, you will find information on all SCCAP programming, and have access to slides, abstracts and notes.

Symposium programming

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SCCAP Symposium Programming
Day Time


Title of symposium

(Click title to see abstracts)

Topics/Presenters Media
Novel Approaches to Improving Evidenced-based Interventions for Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Youth

"Enhancing the Cultural Relevance of an Evidence-based Intervention for Asian Immigrant Parents"

Cindy Huang, Ph.D.

"Training Community-Health Workers to Increase Access to Evidence-Based Treatments"

Miya Barnett, Ph.D.

"Community Participatory Prevention for Latino/a Youth: Partnership, Design, and Delivery"

Maryam Kia-Keating, Ph.D.

"Personalizing a Behavioral Parent Training Program for Culturally Diverse Youth"

May Yeh, Ph.D.

Presentation slides:
  • Cindy Huang
  • Miya Barnett
  • Maryam Kia-Keating
  • May Yeh
The Use of Telehealth Technology to Improve Research in Neurodevelopmental & Neurogenetic Disorders "Telehealth Assessment of Autism Emergence in Infants with Neurogenetic Syndromes"

Bridgette Tonnsen, PhD

Using Telehealth to Deliver Parent-Implemented Language Interventions for Children with Fragile X

Lauren Bullard, MS

Using Telehealth Technology to Reach Toddlers at-Risk for ASD in Diverse, Low-Resource Settings

Meagan R Tabott, PhD

Presentation slides:

  • Bridgette Tonnsen
  • Lauren Bullard
  • Meagan Tabott
The Neuroscience of ADHD from Childhood to Early Adulthood: Insights from neuroimaging "Working Memory Deficits in Children with ADHD: Insights from Functional Neuroimaging Spectroscopy"

Mark Rapport, PhD

"Assessing the contributions of the striatum toward functioning in ADHD using multimodal imaging"

Julie B Schweitzer, PhD

"Adult remission in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Insights from multimodal imaging"

Philip Shaw, MD, PhD

Discussant: Steven P. Hinshaw, PhD

Presentation slides:
  • Mark Rapport
  • Julie B Schweitzer
  • Philip Shaw
Innovations to extend best practice interventions for children with disruptive behavior disorders "Smartphone-delivered Parent Management Training for children with ADHD"

Sara R. Elkins, PhD

"Medication management of pediatric disruptive behaviors within an integrated primary care setting"

Stephanie Chapman, PhD

"ACT-enhanced parent management training for children with ADHD"

Monica Martinez, MA

"Structured Dyadic Behavior Therapy: a child skills training intervention for


David F. Curtis, PhD

Discussant: Paula J. Fite, Ph.D.

Presentation slides:
  • Sara R. Elkins, PhD
  • Stephanie Chapman, PhD
  • Monica Martinez, MA
  • David F. Curtis, PhD
Secrets of YouTube Psychologist: Giving Away Psychology in the Digital Age Ali Mattu, PhD
August 10th 8:00 am-9:50am Opening Up Psychology to Give It Away--- Open Platforms to bring Psychology to All People "Pedagogical Benefits and Challenges of Assigning Psychology Students to Write Wikipedia"

Frank Schulenburg, MA

"Using Wikipedia and Wikiversity to Advance Evidence-Based Assessment in Psychology"

Mian-Li Ong, MA

"Dissemination of Psychological Science: An International Collaborative Tele-Education Project"

Yen-Ling Chen, BS

"From Floppies and Photocopies to the Web and the Cloud: Giving Away Psychology Using Wiki"

Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD

Presentation slides:
  • Frank Schulenburg, MA
  • Mian-Li Ong, MA
  • Yen-Ling Chen, BS
  • Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD

Poster session programming

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SCCAP Poster Programming
Day Time


Title of Poster

(Click to see abstracts)

Topics/Presenters Media

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