OpenStax University Physics/E&M/Alternating-Current Circuits

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(Vol. 2):    5:Electric Charges and Fields    6:Gauss's Law    7:Electric Potential    8:Capacitance    9:Current and Resistance    10:Direct-Current Circuits    11:Magnetic Forces and Fields    12:Sources of Magnetic Fields    13:Electromagnetic Induction    14:Inductance    15:Alternating-Current Circuits    16:Electromagnetic Waves


Chapter 15

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Alternating-Current Circuits

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RLC circiut

AC voltage and current if
▭ RMS values and ▭ Impedance

▭ Resistor where
▭ Capacitor where ▭ Inductor where
▭ RLC series circuit where and
▭ Resonant angular frequency ▭ Quality factor
▭ Average power , where for a resistor.
▭ Transformer voltages and currents

AC voltage and current if
RMS values and
Resistor where
Capacitor where
Inductor where
RLC series circuit where and
Resonant angular frequency
Quality factor
Average power
Transformer voltages and currents