Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Quizzes

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Quiz - Guidelines
Quizzes about each of the 6 modules


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  • Weight: 25%
  • Due: Fortnightly - see schedule
  • Tasks
    • 6 equally-weighted, 10-question, 10-minute, multiple-choice, online quizzes.
    • One quiz per module.
    • Based on theories and research as described by the Reeve (2018) textbook and discussed in lectures and tutorials.
  • Follow the instructions

Marking and feedback

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  • Marks will be available immediately after each quiz is submitted
  • Automated feedback will be provided to indicate correct answers
  • Once the feedback screen has been closed, this information will no longer be available
  • Follow up if you don't understand the feedback

Extensions and late submissions

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  • Extension requests require an Assignment Extension Form (available on UCLearn) and appropriate documentary evidence
  • No late submissions are accepted for this exercise

Learning outcomes

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How the learning outcomes are addressed by this assessment exercise:

Learning outcome Assessment task
Identify the major principles of motivation and emotion The quizzes test understanding of key theories and research in the field of motivation and emotion as emphasised in the textbook, lectures, and tutorials.

Graduate attributes

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How this assessment exercise addresses the graduate attributes:

Graduate attribute Assessment task
Be professional - up-to-date knowledge and skills Develop a broad understanding of current psychological theory and research about motivation and emotion.


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  • Attempts:
    • Quizzes can be attempted at any time before the due date from any internet-connected computer. Google Chrome is the recommended browser
    • Each quiz can be attempted once
    • Missed quizzes receive 0
  • Content: Quizzes consist of 10 randomly selected multiple-choice questions from a test bank designed to assess knowledge of content covered in the corresponding textbook chapters, lectures, and tutorials
  • Time limit: 10 minutes
  • Academic integrity: Quizzes should be completed independently, with no assistance from other people or generative AI. Study materials including the Reeve (2018) textbook, lecture/study notes, and internet resources are permitted
  • Bug bounty (bonus marks): Email the unit convener if you identify a quiz error or possible improvement. Accepted revisions will earn a bonus quiz mark.


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The recommended schedule for regular completion of the quizzes is:

Module Week Quiz Chapter Due Mon 9am
00 0: Practice
1 01-02 1: Introduction 01 - 02 Week 04
2 03-04 2: Needs 03 - 06 Week 06
3 05-06 3: Goals and self 07 - 11 Week 08
4 07-09 4: Emotion 12 - 13 Week 11
5 10-11 5: Individual emotions 14, 16 Week 13
6 12-13 6: Growth and interventions 15, 17 Week 15

Due dates

1 - Week 04 Mon 9am 19 Aug 2024

2 - Week 06 Mon 9am 02 Sep 2024

3 - Week 08 Mon 9am 16 Sep 2024

4 - Week 11 Mon 9am 07 Oct 2024

5 - Week 13 Mon 9am 21 Oct 2024

6 - Week 15 Mon 9am 04 Nov 2024

See also

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