How things work college course/Industrial Revolution quiz/Testbank/bank1

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Industrial_revolution bank1

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[edit | edit source]

1. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

___ a) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
___ b) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
___ c) Cottonopolis, textile factories
___ d) Coalopolis, coal mines

2. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

___ a) pick cotton
___ b) remove seeds
___ c) weave cotton
___ d) spin cotton
___ e) clean cotton

3. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

___ a) faster, hammering
___ b) cheaper, hammering
___ c) cheaper, puddling
___ d) faster, puddling

4. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

___ a) domestic cotton production
___ b) the woollen industry
___ c) small manufacturers
___ d) large manufacturers

5. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

___ a) weaving, spinning, more
___ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ c) spinning, weaving, more
___ d) spinning, weaving, fewer

6. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

___ a) two of these are true
___ b) was transported to Germany
___ c) was sabotaged by workers
___ d) is still in use today
___ e) burned down

7. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

___ a) assembly lines
___ b) textiles
___ c) iron making
___ d) steam power

8. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

___ a) the American revolution (1776)
___ b) World War I (1914)
___ c) the American civil war (1861)

9. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

___ a) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
___ b) the question is a subject of controversy
___ c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
___ d) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.

10. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

___ a) Sweden
___ b) Great Britain
___ c) United States
___ d) Germany
___ e) Italy

11. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

___ a) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
___ b) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).
___ c) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.

12. The Miner's Friend

___ a) pumped water
___ b) transported miners
___ c) was electrical lighting
___ d) provided ventilation

13. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

___ a) replacing iron containers with glass containers
___ b) replacing glass containers with iron containers
___ c) replacing lead containers with glass containers
___ d) replacing glass containers with lead containers

14. Puddling involved

___ a) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
___ b) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
___ c) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
___ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

15. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

___ a) railroads
___ b) farm equipment
___ c) ship building
___ d) military spending
___ e) textiles

16. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

___ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
___ b) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
___ c) producing dyes and making cement
___ d) making cement and bleaching cloth
___ e) removing rust and making cement

17. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

___ a) weaving, spinning, more
___ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ c) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ d) spinning, weaving, more

18. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

___ a) 400
___ b) 500
___ c) 300
___ d) 100
___ e) 200

19. The industrial revolution began in

___ a) Germany
___ b) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
___ c) United States
___ d) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
___ e) Great Britain

20. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

___ a) plane rails for railroads
___ b) drill coal mines
___ c) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
___ d) shape plates for ship hulls

21. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

___ a) water and wind.
___ b) steam and wind.
___ c) water and steam.

Key to Industrial_revolution-v1s1

[edit | edit source]

1. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

- a) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
- b) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
+ c) Cottonopolis, textile factories
- d) Coalopolis, coal mines

2. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

- a) pick cotton
+ b) remove seeds
- c) weave cotton
- d) spin cotton
- e) clean cotton

3. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

+ a) faster, hammering
- b) cheaper, hammering
- c) cheaper, puddling
- d) faster, puddling

4. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

- a) domestic cotton production
+ b) the woollen industry
- c) small manufacturers
- d) large manufacturers

5. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

- a) weaving, spinning, more
+ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
- c) spinning, weaving, more
- d) spinning, weaving, fewer

6. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

+ a) two of these are true
- b) was transported to Germany
- c) was sabotaged by workers
- d) is still in use today
- e) burned down

7. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

+ a) assembly lines
- b) textiles
- c) iron making
- d) steam power

8. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

+ a) the American revolution (1776)
- b) World War I (1914)
- c) the American civil war (1861)

9. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

- a) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
+ b) the question is a subject of controversy
- c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
- d) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.

10. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

- a) Sweden
- b) Great Britain
- c) United States
+ d) Germany
- e) Italy

11. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

- a) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
- b) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).
+ c) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.

12. The Miner's Friend

+ a) pumped water
- b) transported miners
- c) was electrical lighting
- d) provided ventilation

13. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

- a) replacing iron containers with glass containers
- b) replacing glass containers with iron containers
- c) replacing lead containers with glass containers
+ d) replacing glass containers with lead containers

14. Puddling involved

- a) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
- b) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
- c) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
+ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

15. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

- a) railroads
- b) farm equipment
- c) ship building
- d) military spending
+ e) textiles

16. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

+ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
- b) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
- c) producing dyes and making cement
- d) making cement and bleaching cloth
- e) removing rust and making cement

17. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

- a) weaving, spinning, more
- b) weaving, spinning, fewer
- c) spinning, weaving, fewer
+ d) spinning, weaving, more

18. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

- a) 400
- b) 500
- c) 300
+ d) 100
- e) 200

19. The industrial revolution began in

- a) Germany
- b) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
- c) United States
- d) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
+ e) Great Britain

20. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

- a) plane rails for railroads
- b) drill coal mines
+ c) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
- d) shape plates for ship hulls

21. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

+ a) water and wind.
- b) steam and wind.
- c) water and steam.


[edit | edit source]

1. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

___ a) Coalopolis, coal mines
___ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
___ c) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
___ d) Cokopolis, coke processing plants

2. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

___ a) the American civil war (1861)
___ b) the American revolution (1776)
___ c) World War I (1914)

3. Puddling involved

___ a) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
___ b) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
___ c) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
___ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

4. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

___ a) remove seeds
___ b) pick cotton
___ c) spin cotton
___ d) weave cotton
___ e) clean cotton

5. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

___ a) 500
___ b) 400
___ c) 200
___ d) 100
___ e) 300

6. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

___ a) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
___ b) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
___ c) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).

7. The Miner's Friend

___ a) pumped water
___ b) was electrical lighting
___ c) transported miners
___ d) provided ventilation

8. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

___ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
___ b) shape plates for ship hulls
___ c) drill coal mines
___ d) plane rails for railroads

9. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

___ a) Sweden
___ b) Great Britain
___ c) United States
___ d) Germany
___ e) Italy

10. The industrial revolution began in

___ a) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
___ b) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
___ c) Great Britain
___ d) United States
___ e) Germany

11. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

___ a) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.
___ b) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
___ c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
___ d) the question is a subject of controversy

12. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

___ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
___ b) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
___ c) producing dyes and making cement
___ d) removing rust and making cement
___ e) making cement and bleaching cloth

13. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

___ a) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ c) spinning, weaving, more
___ d) weaving, spinning, more

14. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

___ a) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ b) spinning, weaving, more
___ c) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ d) weaving, spinning, more

15. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

___ a) replacing lead containers with glass containers
___ b) replacing iron containers with glass containers
___ c) replacing glass containers with iron containers
___ d) replacing glass containers with lead containers

16. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

___ a) small manufacturers
___ b) domestic cotton production
___ c) large manufacturers
___ d) the woollen industry

17. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

___ a) textiles
___ b) iron making
___ c) steam power
___ d) assembly lines

18. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

___ a) is still in use today
___ b) was sabotaged by workers
___ c) two of these are true
___ d) burned down
___ e) was transported to Germany

19. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

___ a) faster, hammering
___ b) cheaper, puddling
___ c) faster, puddling
___ d) cheaper, hammering

20. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

___ a) farm equipment
___ b) military spending
___ c) textiles
___ d) railroads
___ e) ship building

21. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

___ a) steam and wind.
___ b) water and steam.
___ c) water and wind.

Key to Industrial_revolution-v2s1

[edit | edit source]

1. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

- a) Coalopolis, coal mines
+ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
- c) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
- d) Cokopolis, coke processing plants

2. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

- a) the American civil war (1861)
+ b) the American revolution (1776)
- c) World War I (1914)

3. Puddling involved

- a) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
- b) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
- c) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
+ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

4. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

+ a) remove seeds
- b) pick cotton
- c) spin cotton
- d) weave cotton
- e) clean cotton

5. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

- a) 500
- b) 400
- c) 200
+ d) 100
- e) 300

6. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

+ a) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
- b) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
- c) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).

7. The Miner's Friend

+ a) pumped water
- b) was electrical lighting
- c) transported miners
- d) provided ventilation

8. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

+ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
- b) shape plates for ship hulls
- c) drill coal mines
- d) plane rails for railroads

9. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

- a) Sweden
- b) Great Britain
- c) United States
+ d) Germany
- e) Italy

10. The industrial revolution began in

- a) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
- b) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
+ c) Great Britain
- d) United States
- e) Germany

11. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

- a) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.
- b) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
- c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
+ d) the question is a subject of controversy

12. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

+ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
- b) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
- c) producing dyes and making cement
- d) removing rust and making cement
- e) making cement and bleaching cloth

13. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

- a) spinning, weaving, fewer
+ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
- c) spinning, weaving, more
- d) weaving, spinning, more

14. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

- a) weaving, spinning, fewer
+ b) spinning, weaving, more
- c) spinning, weaving, fewer
- d) weaving, spinning, more

15. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

- a) replacing lead containers with glass containers
- b) replacing iron containers with glass containers
- c) replacing glass containers with iron containers
+ d) replacing glass containers with lead containers

16. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

- a) small manufacturers
- b) domestic cotton production
- c) large manufacturers
+ d) the woollen industry

17. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

- a) textiles
- b) iron making
- c) steam power
+ d) assembly lines

18. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

- a) is still in use today
- b) was sabotaged by workers
+ c) two of these are true
- d) burned down
- e) was transported to Germany

19. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

+ a) faster, hammering
- b) cheaper, puddling
- c) faster, puddling
- d) cheaper, hammering

20. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

- a) farm equipment
- b) military spending
+ c) textiles
- d) railroads
- e) ship building

21. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

- a) steam and wind.
- b) water and steam.
+ c) water and wind.


[edit | edit source]

1. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

___ a) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ b) spinning, weaving, more
___ c) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ d) weaving, spinning, more

2. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

___ a) small manufacturers
___ b) large manufacturers
___ c) the woollen industry
___ d) domestic cotton production

3. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

___ a) producing dyes and making cement
___ b) removing rust and bleaching cloth
___ c) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
___ d) making cement and bleaching cloth
___ e) removing rust and making cement

4. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

___ a) water and steam.
___ b) steam and wind.
___ c) water and wind.

5. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

___ a) replacing glass containers with lead containers
___ b) replacing iron containers with glass containers
___ c) replacing glass containers with iron containers
___ d) replacing lead containers with glass containers

6. The Miner's Friend

___ a) provided ventilation
___ b) was electrical lighting
___ c) transported miners
___ d) pumped water

7. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

___ a) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
___ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
___ c) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
___ d) Coalopolis, coal mines

8. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

___ a) steam power
___ b) textiles
___ c) iron making
___ d) assembly lines

9. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

___ a) Sweden
___ b) Germany
___ c) Great Britain
___ d) United States
___ e) Italy

10. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

___ a) railroads
___ b) ship building
___ c) farm equipment
___ d) textiles
___ e) military spending

11. The industrial revolution began in

___ a) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
___ b) Germany
___ c) Great Britain
___ d) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
___ e) United States

12. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

___ a) cheaper, hammering
___ b) faster, hammering
___ c) faster, puddling
___ d) cheaper, puddling

13. Puddling involved

___ a) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
___ b) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
___ c) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
___ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

14. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

___ a) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
___ b) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).
___ c) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.

15. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

___ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
___ b) drill coal mines
___ c) shape plates for ship hulls
___ d) plane rails for railroads

16. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

___ a) two of these are true
___ b) was sabotaged by workers
___ c) burned down
___ d) was transported to Germany
___ e) is still in use today

17. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

___ a) remove seeds
___ b) spin cotton
___ c) pick cotton
___ d) clean cotton
___ e) weave cotton

18. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

___ a) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ b) weaving, spinning, more
___ c) spinning, weaving, more
___ d) weaving, spinning, fewer

19. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

___ a) the American civil war (1861)
___ b) the American revolution (1776)
___ c) World War I (1914)

20. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

___ a) 500
___ b) 200
___ c) 100
___ d) 400
___ e) 300

21. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

___ a) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.
___ b) the question is a subject of controversy
___ c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
___ d) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)

Key to Industrial_revolution-v1s2

[edit | edit source]

1. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

- a) spinning, weaving, fewer
- b) spinning, weaving, more
+ c) weaving, spinning, fewer
- d) weaving, spinning, more

2. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

- a) small manufacturers
- b) large manufacturers
+ c) the woollen industry
- d) domestic cotton production

3. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

- a) producing dyes and making cement
+ b) removing rust and bleaching cloth
- c) producing dyes and bleaching cloth
- d) making cement and bleaching cloth
- e) removing rust and making cement

4. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

- a) water and steam.
- b) steam and wind.
+ c) water and wind.

5. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

+ a) replacing glass containers with lead containers
- b) replacing iron containers with glass containers
- c) replacing glass containers with iron containers
- d) replacing lead containers with glass containers

6. The Miner's Friend

- a) provided ventilation
- b) was electrical lighting
- c) transported miners
+ d) pumped water

7. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

- a) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
+ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
- c) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
- d) Coalopolis, coal mines

8. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

- a) steam power
- b) textiles
- c) iron making
+ d) assembly lines

9. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

- a) Sweden
+ b) Germany
- c) Great Britain
- d) United States
- e) Italy

10. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

- a) railroads
- b) ship building
- c) farm equipment
+ d) textiles
- e) military spending

11. The industrial revolution began in

- a) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
- b) Germany
+ c) Great Britain
- d) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
- e) United States

12. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

- a) cheaper, hammering
+ b) faster, hammering
- c) faster, puddling
- d) cheaper, puddling

13. Puddling involved

- a) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
- b) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron
- c) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
+ d) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.

14. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

+ a) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
- b) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).
- c) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.

15. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

+ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
- b) drill coal mines
- c) shape plates for ship hulls
- d) plane rails for railroads

16. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

+ a) two of these are true
- b) was sabotaged by workers
- c) burned down
- d) was transported to Germany
- e) is still in use today

17. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

+ a) remove seeds
- b) spin cotton
- c) pick cotton
- d) clean cotton
- e) weave cotton

18. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

- a) spinning, weaving, fewer
- b) weaving, spinning, more
+ c) spinning, weaving, more
- d) weaving, spinning, fewer

19. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

- a) the American civil war (1861)
+ b) the American revolution (1776)
- c) World War I (1914)

20. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

- a) 500
- b) 200
+ c) 100
- d) 400
- e) 300

21. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

- a) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.
+ b) the question is a subject of controversy
- c) sustained growth, for the first time in history
- d) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)


[edit | edit source]

1. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

___ a) weave cotton
___ b) clean cotton
___ c) spin cotton
___ d) remove seeds
___ e) pick cotton

2. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

___ a) domestic cotton production
___ b) the woollen industry
___ c) large manufacturers
___ d) small manufacturers

3. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

___ a) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
___ b) sustained growth, for the first time in history
___ c) the question is a subject of controversy
___ d) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.

4. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

___ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
___ b) plane rails for railroads
___ c) shape plates for ship hulls
___ d) drill coal mines

5. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

___ a) 200
___ b) 300
___ c) 500
___ d) 400
___ e) 100

6. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

___ a) textiles
___ b) steam power
___ c) assembly lines
___ d) iron making

7. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

___ a) Sweden
___ b) Great Britain
___ c) Germany
___ d) United States
___ e) Italy

8. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

___ a) the American civil war (1861)
___ b) the American revolution (1776)
___ c) World War I (1914)

9. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

___ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
___ b) making cement and bleaching cloth
___ c) removing rust and making cement
___ d) producing dyes and making cement
___ e) producing dyes and bleaching cloth

10. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

___ a) water and steam.
___ b) steam and wind.
___ c) water and wind.

11. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

___ a) farm equipment
___ b) military spending
___ c) textiles
___ d) railroads
___ e) ship building

12. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

___ a) spinning, weaving, more
___ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ c) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ d) weaving, spinning, more

13. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

___ a) burned down
___ b) was transported to Germany
___ c) was sabotaged by workers
___ d) two of these are true
___ e) is still in use today

14. The Miner's Friend

___ a) was electrical lighting
___ b) provided ventilation
___ c) transported miners
___ d) pumped water

15. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

___ a) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
___ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
___ c) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
___ d) Coalopolis, coal mines

16. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

___ a) faster, puddling
___ b) cheaper, hammering
___ c) cheaper, puddling
___ d) faster, hammering

17. Puddling involved

___ a) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.
___ b) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
___ c) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
___ d) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron

18. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

___ a) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
___ b) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
___ c) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).

19. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

___ a) replacing glass containers with iron containers
___ b) replacing glass containers with lead containers
___ c) replacing lead containers with glass containers
___ d) replacing iron containers with glass containers

20. The industrial revolution began in

___ a) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
___ b) Germany
___ c) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
___ d) Great Britain
___ e) United States

21. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

___ a) spinning, weaving, fewer
___ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
___ c) spinning, weaving, more
___ d) weaving, spinning, more

Key to Industrial_revolution-v2s2

[edit | edit source]

1. The purpose of Eli Whitney's cotton gin was to

- a) weave cotton
- b) clean cotton
- c) spin cotton
+ d) remove seeds
- e) pick cotton

2. The Calico Acts were initially designed to protect

- a) domestic cotton production
+ b) the woollen industry
- c) large manufacturers
- d) small manufacturers

3. What impact did the industrial revolution have on living standards of ordinary people, according to Wikipedia?

- a) little or no growth until much later (19th and 20th centuries)
- b) sustained growth, for the first time in history
+ c) the question is a subject of controversy
- d) little or no growth in the first half, but enormous growth in the second half of the industrial revolution.

4. According to Wikipedia, the first large machine tool was used to

+ a) bore cylinders for steam engines steam engines.
- b) plane rails for railroads
- c) shape plates for ship hulls
- d) drill coal mines

5. The Industrial Revolution lasted just under _____ years

- a) 200
- b) 300
- c) 500
- d) 400
+ e) 100

6. Which is NOT one of the three areas of development that helped initiate the industrial revolution?

- a) textiles
- b) steam power
+ c) assembly lines
- d) iron making

7. During the Industrial Revolution, the best Chemists were trained in

- a) Sweden
- b) Great Britain
+ c) Germany
- d) United States
- e) Italy

8. The Industrial Revolution began shortly before

- a) the American civil war (1861)
+ b) the American revolution (1776)
- c) World War I (1914)

9. Early uses for sulphuric acid included

+ a) removing rust and bleaching cloth
- b) making cement and bleaching cloth
- c) removing rust and making cement
- d) producing dyes and making cement
- e) producing dyes and bleaching cloth

10. For most of the period of the Industrial Revolution, the majority of industrial power was supplied by

- a) water and steam.
- b) steam and wind.
+ c) water and wind.

11. The dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, output and invested capital was

- a) farm equipment
- b) military spending
+ c) textiles
- d) railroads
- e) ship building

12. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, women did the ______ and men did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the women required ______ person hours.

+ a) spinning, weaving, more
- b) weaving, spinning, fewer
- c) spinning, weaving, fewer
- d) weaving, spinning, more

13. Cartwright built two textile factories. One of them

- a) burned down
- b) was transported to Germany
- c) was sabotaged by workers
+ d) two of these are true
- e) is still in use today

14. The Miner's Friend

- a) was electrical lighting
- b) provided ventilation
- c) transported miners
+ d) pumped water

15. Manchester acquired the nickname __________ during the early 19th century owing to its sprawl of ______

- a) Cokopolis, coke processing plants
+ b) Cottonopolis, textile factories
- c) Weavopolis, Weaving factories
- d) Coalopolis, coal mines

16. Henry Cort developed rolling, which is 15 times _____ than ______

- a) faster, puddling
- b) cheaper, hammering
- c) cheaper, puddling
+ d) faster, hammering

17. Puddling involved

+ a) stirring with a long rod and was never successfully mechanised.
- b) the use of coke instead of coal and led to much strong iron
- c) stirring with a long rod and became much cheaper when steam engines replaced manual stirring
- d) the use of coke instead of coal greatly reduced the cost of producing pig iron

18. A major change in the metal industries during the era of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of wood and other bio-fuels with coal. Compared to wood, coal required

- a) about the same labour to mine, but was more abundant than wood.
+ b) less labour to mine and was also more abundant.
- c) less labour to mine, but was less abundant (until the Rineland coal fields were discovered).

19. During the Industrial Revolution, the cost of producing sulfuric acid greatly improved by

- a) replacing glass containers with iron containers
+ b) replacing glass containers with lead containers
- c) replacing lead containers with glass containers
- d) replacing iron containers with glass containers

20. The industrial revolution began in

- a) simultaneously in a variety of European nations
- b) Germany
- c) simultaneously in Europe and the United States
+ d) Great Britain
- e) United States

21. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, when the textile industry was largely a cottage industry, men did the ______ and women did the _______. If a loom was used, the work done by the men required ______ person hours.

- a) spinning, weaving, fewer
+ b) weaving, spinning, fewer
- c) spinning, weaving, more
- d) weaving, spinning, more

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