Facilitating Online/Orientation
HOME | Meetings | Participants | Course Mini Conference

- A week spent orientating yourself into the course, the commitment required, the assignments and what else is involved. For those new to this way of learning online, this week will seem daunting. Get through it and the rest of the course will flow for you nicely.
To do
- Please try to complete the following tasks before the first course meeting on 31 July
- Set up a blog for your weekly work in this course. If you already have a blog, you are welcome to use that so long as you can clearly indicate what posts are for this course. If you are new to blogging, refer to Blogger help resources.
- Post to your blog a little bit about you and why you are joining in with the course.
- Introduce yourself to the course by adding your blog's web address to Participants page.
- Prepare your computer and attend the first of our regular Meetings|meetings]] on the 31st of July.
Extra resources