Social entrepreneurship/Discuss SSE Navigation Template

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Please comment on the navigation template.

It is based on one of the WikiEducator templates and is inspired by Leigh Blackall's proposed structure for wiki learning resources:

The idea is for each learning resource to have the following sections:

  • Introduction (and intended learning outcomes)
  • Activities
  • Resources (for use during the activities)
  • Community - an area for participants to link to their discussions, blogs, wiki pages, etc.
  • Links - to courses using the module/unit, user pages of key contributors, learner outputs, etc.


Welcome to Social Entrepreneurship!

Explore the concept and learn how to become a Social Entrepreneur.

Pages which use the template include the following from the "Curriculum" page under "General":



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Are the sections listed above sufficient? Are there any other sections that could be added?

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Are any sections not needed?

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Other Comments

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