Category:Controversies in Science
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- Big bang (22 pgs)
- Free Energy Criteria (empty)
- Nuclear power greener (24 pgs)
- Panspermia (17 pgs)
Pages in category "Controversies in Science"
The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total.
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique Of
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of 50 REASONS TO OPPOSE FLUORIDATION
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique of A complete Neanderthal Mitochondrial genome sequence determined by high-throughput sequencing: A Review
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of A CRITIQUE OF A METHOD TO DETERMINE LONG-TERM DECLINE OF CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of A mathematical analysis of the divergence problem in dendroclimatology
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of A review of Extinction and radiation: how the fall of dinosaurs led to the rise of mammals
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Absence of Regional Affinities of Neandertal DNA With Living Humans Does Not Reject Multiregional Evolution
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feed backs in a coupled climate model
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Adding fluoride to water supplies
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Arsenic and Fluoride Exposure in Drinking Water: Children's IQ and Growth in Shanyin County, Shanxi Province, China
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Biological consequences of global warming: is the signal already apparent
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Community Effectiveness of Public Water Fluoridation in Reducing Children's Dental Disease
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Community water fluoridation and caries prevention a critical review
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Contributions of past and present human generations to committed warming caused by carbon dioxide
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Corrections to the Mann et. al.(1998) proxy data base and northern hemispheric average temperature series
- Controversies in Science/RNA world vs metabolism first/A critique of Darwin’s warm little pond revisited: from molecules to the origin of life.
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Fluoride in Drinking
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of Effectiveness of water fluoridation
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of Environmental versus genetic sex determination: a possible factor in dinosaur extinction?
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique Of Eruptions, Climate Change and Mass Extinction
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Evidence for mitochondrial DNA recombination in a human population of island Melanesia
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/a critique of Evidence for the impact of global warming on the long-term population dynamics of common birds
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Fluoride in drinking water and its removal
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Review on the Status and Stress Effects
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of From The Cover: Chicxulub impact predates the K-T boundary mass extinction
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Genomics refute an exclusively African origin of humans.
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Genomics refutes an exclusively African origin of humans
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Global warming and long term climatic changes: a progress report.
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/a critique of Global warming and the export of dissolved organic carbon from boreal peatlands
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of Hip Fracture Incidence before and after the Fluoridation of the Public Water Supply, Rochester, Minnesota
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of How Did Humans Fist Alter Global Climate?
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/a critique of Human demographic history: refining the recent African origin model
- Controversies in Science/RNA world vs metabolism first/A Critique of Hydrothermal vents and the origin of life
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of Informed consent in human experimentation before the Nuremberg code
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Is Global Warming Mainly Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of Mass extinction of birds at the cretaceous-palogene (k-pg) boundary
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique of Molecular clocks: when timesare a-changin'
- Controversies in Science/RNA world vs metabolism first/A Critique of Origin of Self-Replicating Biopolymers: Autocatalytic Feedback Can Jump-Start the RNA World
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Origins of modern multi regional or out of Africa?
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Physiology and toxicity of fluoride
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of Position of the American Dietetic Association: The Impact of Fluoride on Health.
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Possible Impacts of Climatic Warming on Polar Bears
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Recent African origin of modern humans revealed by complete sequences of hominoid mitochondrial DNAs.
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Recent trends in dental caries in U.S. children and the effect of water fluoridation
- Controversies in Science/RNA world vs metabolism first/A Critique of Ribozyme catalysis of metabolism in the RNA world
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique of Sample Title
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique of Simulating the mitochondrial dna inheritance
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of Social deprivation and tooth decay in Scottish schoolchildren
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Space observations of cold-cloud phase change
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of The "Eve" Hypotheses: A Genetic Critique and Reanalysis
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of The Association Between Community Water Fluoridation and Adult Tooth Loss
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of The Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction is due to the post-impact ozone conditions from the asteroid collision in the Yucatan Peninsula in northestern Mexico (The Chicxulub crater)
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of The effect of water fluoridation and social inequalities on dental caries in 5-year-old children
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critique of The Eve Hypotheses: A Genetic Critique and Reanalysis
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of The Extinction of the Dinosaurs in North America
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A critique of The Fluoridation Controversy: An Alternative Explanation
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of The Myth of Eve
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of The Origins of Modern Humans: Multiregional or Out of Africa?
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of Volcanoes and extinctions: Round Two
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Water Fluoridation
- Controversies in Science/Water fluoridation/A Critique of Water fluoridation in the Blue Mountains reduces risk of tooth decay
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A critique of Whole-mtDNA Genome Sequence Analysis of Ancient African Lineages
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique ofGlobal tracking from SO2 clouds from the June 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruptions.
- Controversies in Science/Was there a mitochondrial Eve?/A Critque of The Evolution of the mitochondrial D-loop and the origin of Modern Man
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critque ofNeeds, resources and climate change: Clean and efficient conversion technologies
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of More evidence that the Chicxulub impact predates the K/T mass extinction. Meteoritics & Planetary Science
- Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A Critique of Global warming and human activity: A model for studying the potential instability of the carbon dioxide/temperature feedback mechanism,Ecological Modeling.
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of Extinction, survivorship and evolution of planktic foraminifera across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at El Kef, Tunisia
- Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A critique of Extended period of extinctions across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in planktonic foraminifera of continental-shelf sections: Implications for impact and volcanism theories