Assistant teacher course/Dialectic

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Socratic debate
Activity: lecture, group work
Group size: unlimited
Preparation: ?
Instructors: 1
Duration: ?

Socratic debate

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The teacher cross-examines a pupil and aims to expose contradictions or inconsistencies in the pupil's propositions. The teacher formulates questions the pupil can easily admit or deny or which require the pupil to admit a contradiction or inconsistency in his propositions. It is the goal of the teacher to make it easy for the pupil to carry forward the dialog with simple answers. Teacher and pupil should agree on the dialog style beforehand and the pupil should readily follow the direction of the teacher.


ToDo: The "Example propositions" should be simple, considering the age of the participants. The goal is to teach a dialog style, not to present complex problems.

The handout "Example propositions" contains examples that can be used to test out the socratic method in work groups.

Example propositions
Example dialogs

What did you observe while using the socratic method?

  • Did you notice, as a teacher, that you had to think more consistently about your own part of the dialog?
  • Was the dialog more effective than usual? What are the advantages?
  • Did you notice disadvantages of the socratic method?
  • Did you notice limitations of the socratic method?
  • What effect could the socratic method have on your understanding for a topic? (As a teacher or as a pupil)

Is the socratic method useful during a lesson?

  • Do the assistant teachers have the time for well-considered questioning?
  • Do the assistant teachers have the necessary knowledge and understanding in every topic?
  • Are there variants of the socratic method that may work better during a lesson?

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