Assistant teacher course/Citizenship education

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Citizenship education

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Citizenship education
Activity: lecture, group work
Group size: unlimited
Preparation: none
Instructors: 1
Duration: ?

Inventing citizenship education

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The participants should be given an opportunity to devise their own view of citizenship education


Citizenship education refers to education that is seen as essential for responsible citizens.
What can you imagine as goals or criteria of citizenship education?

  • What skills and dispositions are important
    • in debate?
    • in politics?
    • in science?
    • in a community?
  • What other skills and dispositions may be desirable?

What relations do exist between citizenship education and your assistant teacher effort?

  • Which skills and dispositions
    • are required for governance?
    • are required for teaching?
    • can be trained in advance?
    • can the pupils learn?

Class council

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Class council
Activity: lecture, group work
Group size: unlimited
Preparation: none
Instructors: 1
Duration: ?

Classes that don't have their own class council should be advised that they may need a class council. Usually a class council is established by the class teacher but has its own set of officers or offices, which are speaker, secretary, rule monitor and time monitor. The offices are usually assigned for a single meeting of the class council or several but few meetings of the class council. Participation in a class council can be voluntary. If a class doesn't have a class council but a class representative the assistant teachers can ask the class representative to recommend or to establish a class council. All classes that receive assistant teachers should have a class council or a class representative in order to be able to make formal requests to representatives of the different assistant teacher groups. All classes that have assistant teachers as pupils should have a class council in order to be able to make formal requests to their own group or groups of assistant teachers, usually concerning qualification, disqualification and monitoring, and to be able to ratify the charter for a grade council.

Class council

See also

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