Wright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy1110/Study guide/Pdf

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S_G: Studyguide

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1) A car traveling at 34.5 miles/hour stops in 1.7 seconds. What is the average acceleration?

a) 9.07 x 10-1 m/s2
b) 1.61 x 100 m/s2
c) 2.87 x 100 m/s2
d) 5.1 x 100 m/s2
e) 9.07 x 100 m/s2

2) A car completes a complete circle of radius 1.2 miles at a speed of 42 miles per hour. How many minutes does it take?

a) 3.41 x 100 minutes
b) 4.54 x 100 minutes
c) 6.06 x 100 minutes
d) 8.08 x 100 minutes
e) 1.08 x 101 minutes

3) A car traveling at 30.4 mph increases its speed to 32.9 mph in 6.9 seconds. What is the average acceleration?

a) 5.12 x 10-2 m/s2
b) 9.11 x 10-2 m/s2
c) 1.62 x 10-1 m/s2
d) 2.88 x 10-1 m/s2
e) 5.12 x 10-1 m/s2

4) Mr. Smith is backing his car at a speed of 3.06 mph when he hits a cornfield (seed corn). In the course of 1.29 seconds he stops, puts his car in forward drive, and exits the field at a speed of 5.6 mph. What was the magnitude ( absolute value) of his acceleration?

a) 3.36 x 100 miles per hour per second
b) 4.24 x 100 miles per hour per second
c) 5.33 x 100 miles per hour per second
d) 6.71 x 100 miles per hour per second
e) 8.45 x 100 miles per hour per second

5) A car is accelerating uniformly at an acceleration of 3.95m/s/s. At x = 5.5m, the speed is 3.85m/s. How fast is it moving at x = 11.25 m?

a) 5.39 m/s.
b) 6.47 m/s.
c) 7.76 m/s.
d) 9.31 m/s.
e) 11.18 m/s.

6) What is the acceleration if a car travelling at 8.45 m/s makes a skid mark that is 8.5 m long before coming to rest? (Assume uniform acceleration.)

a) 2.43m/s2.
b) 2.92m/s2.
c) 3.5m/s2.
d) 4.2m/s2.
e) 5.04m/s2.

7) A train accelerates uniformly from 17.75 m/s to 31.625 m/s, while travelling a distance of 372 m. What is the 'average' acceleration?

a) 0.77m/s/s.
b) 0.92m/s/s.
c) 1.1m/s/s.
d) 1.33m/s/s.
e) 1.59m/s/s.

8) A particle accelerates uniformly at 16 m/s/s. How long does it take for the velocity to increase from 981 m/s to 1816 m/s?

a) 30.2 s
b) 36.24 s
c) 43.49 s
d) 52.19 s
e) 62.63 s

9) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 4 m/s in 3 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 4.0 meters
b) 5.0 meters
c) 7.0 meters
d) 3.0 meters
e) 6.0 meters

10) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 4 m/s in 5 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 7.0 meters
b) 8.0 meters
c) 10.0 meters
d) 9.0 meters
e) 11.0 meters

11) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 7 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 5 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 11.0 meters
b) 8.0 meters
c) 9.0 meters
d) 10.0 meters
e) 12.0 meters

12) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 2 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 1 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 2 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

a) 7.0 meters
b) 5.0 meters
c) 8.0 meters
d) 9.0 meters
e) 6.0 meters

13) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 4 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 1 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 4 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 9.0 meters
b) 10.0 meters
c) 11.0 meters
d) 8.0 meters
e) 7.0 meters

14) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 4 m/s, in 2 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 2 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

a) 23.0 meters
b) 20.0 meters
c) 19.0 meters
d) 21.0 meters
e) 22.0 meters

15) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 2 m/s in 3 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 7.0 meters
b) 3.0 meters
c) 6.0 meters
d) 4.0 meters
e) 5.0 meters

16) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 5 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 4 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 9.0 meters
b) 11.0 meters
c) 10.0 meters
d) 12.0 meters
e) 8.0 meters

17) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 6 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 4 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

a) 19.0 meters
b) 16.0 meters
c) 18.0 meters
d) 20.0 meters
e) 17.0 meters

18) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 3 m/s in 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 1.0 meters
b) 5.0 meters
c) 4.0 meters
d) 3.0 meters
e) 2.0 meters

19) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 7 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 5 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 4 seconds. How far did he travel?

a) 26.0 meters
b) 25.0 meters
c) 23.0 meters
d) 27.0 meters
e) 24.0 meters

20) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 6 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 4 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

a) 14.0 meters
b) 16.0 meters
c) 13.0 meters
d) 15.0 meters
e) 17.0 meters

21) A ball is kicked horizontally from a height of 3 m, at a speed of 7.6m/s. How far does it travel before landing?

a) 2.87 m.
b) 3.44 m.
c) 4.13 m.
d) 4.96 m.
e) 5.95 m.

22) A particle is initially at the origin and moving in the x direction at a speed of 4.1 m/s. It has an constant acceleration of 1.9 m/s2 in the y direction, as well as an acceleration of 0.9 in the x direction. What angle does the velocity make with the x axis at time t = 2.4 s?

a) 27.27 degrees.
b) 31.37 degrees.
c) 36.07 degrees.
d) 41.48 degrees.
e) 47.7 degrees.

23) At time, t=0, two particles are on the x axis. Particle A is (initially) at the origin and moves at a constant speed of 5.43 m/s at an angle of θ above the x-axis. Particle B is initially situated at x= 2.49 m, and moves at a constant speed of 2.75 m/s in the +y direction. At what time do they meet?

a) 0.26 s.
b) 0.31 s.
c) 0.37 s.
d) 0.44 s.
e) 0.53 s.

24) At time, t=0, two particles are on the x axis. Particle A is (initially) at the origin and moves at a constant speed of 5.42 m/s at an angle of θ above the x-axis. Particle B is initially situated at x= 2.27 m, and moves at a constant speed of 2.17 m/s in the +y direction. What is the value of θ (in radians)?

a) 0.27 radians.
b) 0.31 radians.
c) 0.36 radians.
d) 0.41 radians.
e) 0.47 radians.

25) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 47.6 m/s. Mr. Smith is at the back of the train and fires a pellet gun with a muzzle speed of 23.3 m/s at Mrs. Smith who is at the front of the train. What is the speed of the bullet with respect to Earth?

a) 70.9 m/s.
b) 106.4 m/s.
c) 159.5 m/s.
d) 239.3 m/s.
e) 358.9 m/s.

26) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 48.4 m/s. Mrs. Smith, who is at the front of the train, fires straight towards the back with a bullet that is going forward with respect to Earth at a speed of 29 m/s. What was the muzzle speed of her bullet?

a) 8.6 m/s.
b) 12.9 m/s.
c) 19.4 m/s.
d) 29.1 m/s.
e) 43.7 m/s.

27) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 47.6 m/s. The daugher fires at Mr. Smith with a pellet gun whose muzzle speed is 23.8 m/s. She was situated across the isle, perpendicular to the length of the train. What is the speed of her bullet with respect to Earth?

a) 10.5 m/s.
b) 15.8 m/s.
c) 23.7 m/s.
d) 35.5 m/s.
e) 53.2 m/s.

28) The Smith family got in trouble for having fun on a high speed train travelling at 47.6 m/s. Mr. Smith is charged with having fired a pellet gun at his daughter (directly across the isle) with a bullet that had a speed of 88.1 m/s with respect to Earth. How fast was the bullet going relative to the daughter (i.e. train)?

a) 35.8 m/s.
b) 42.9 m/s.
c) 51.5 m/s.
d) 61.8 m/s.
e) 74.1 m/s.

29) When a table cloth is quickly pulled out from under dishes, they hardly move. This is because

a) objects don't begin to accelerate until after the force has been applied
b) the cloth is more slippery when it is pulled quickly
c) the cloth is accelerating for such a brief time that there is little motion

30) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration while it as its highest point is

a) down
b) zero
c) up

31) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity on the way up is

a) zero
b) down
c) up

32) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity on the way down is

a) zero
b) up
c) down

33) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity while it as its highest point is

a) up
b) zero
c) down

34) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

a) north
b) northwest
c) northeast
d) southwest
e) south

35) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

a) north
b) southwest
c) northeast
d) south
e) northwest

36) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The velocity vector points

a) north
b) southeast
c) northeast
d) northwest
e) northeast

37) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The velocity vector points

a) southwest
b) north
c) northeast
d) northwest
e) south

38) A car is headed due north and decreasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

a) northwest
b) southeast
c) west
d) south
e) southwest

39) A car is headed due north and decreasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

a) northeast
b) north
c) northwest
d) south
e) southeast

40) A car is traveling west and slowing down. The acceleration is

a) zero
b) to the east
c) to the west

41) A car is traveling east and slowing down. The acceleration is

a) to the west
b) to the east
c) zero

42) A car is traveling east and speeding up. The acceleration is

a) to the east
b) to the west
c) zero

43) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration on the way up is

a) zero
b) up
c) down

44) A car is traveling in a perfect circle at constant speed. If the car is headed north while turning west, the acceleration is

a) south
b) north
c) east
d) zero
e) west

45) A car is traveling in a perfect circle at constant speed. If the car is headed north while turning east, the acceleration is

a) west
b) zero
c) south
d) north
e) east

46) As the Moon circles Earth, the acceleration of the Moon is

a) opposite the direction of the Moon's velocity
b) zero
c) towards Earth
d) away from Earth
e) in the same direction as the Moon's velocity

47) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration on the way down is

a) down
b) zero
c) up

48) A mass with weight (mg) of 42 newtons is suspended symmetrically from two strings. The angle between the two strings (i.e. where they are attached to the mass) is 46 degrees. What is the tension in the string?

a) 15 N.
b) 17.3 N.
c) 19.8 N.
d) 22.8 N.
e) 26.2 N.

49) A mass with weight (mg) equal to 42 newtons is suspended symmetrically from two strings. Each string makes the (same) angle of 26 degrees with respect to the horizontal. What is the tension in each string?

a) 27.4 N.
b) 31.5 N.
c) 36.2 N.
d) 41.7 N.
e) 47.9 N.

50) A 2.5 kg mass is sliding along a surface that has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.41 . In addition to the surface friction, there is also an air drag equal to 11 N. What is the magnitude (absolute value) of the acceleration?

a) 7.3 m/s2.
b) 8.4 m/s2.
c) 9.7 m/s2.
d) 11.1 m/s2.
e) 12.8 m/s2.

51) A mass with weight (mg) 8.7 newtons is on a horzontal surface. It is being pulled on by a string at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal, with a force equal to 4.08 newtons. If this is the maximum force before the block starts to move, what is the static coefficient of friction?

a) 0.44
b) 0.53
c) 0.64
d) 0.76
e) 0.92

52) A sled of mass 5.1 kg is at rest on a rough surface. A string pulls with a tension of 48N at an angle of 48 degress above the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the friction?

a) 24.29 N.
b) 27.93 N.
c) 32.12 N.
d) 36.94 N.
e) 42.48 N.

53) A sled of mass 5.8 kg is at rest on a rough surface. A string pulls with a tension of 42.5N at an angle of 51 degress above the horizontal. What is the normal force?

a) 13.61 N.
b) 15.66 N.
c) 18 N.
d) 20.71 N.
e) 23.81 N.

54) A sled of mass 5.4 kg is at rest on a perfectly smooth surface. A string pulls with a tension of 41.2N at an angle of 58 degress above the horizontal. How long will it take to reach a speed of 10.5 m/s?

a) 2.6 s
b) 2.99 s
c) 3.43 s
d) 3.95 s
e) 4.54 s

55) A sled of mass 2.6 kg is on perfectly smooth surface. A string pulls with a tension of 19.3N. At what angle above the horizontal must the string pull in order to achieve an accelerations of 2.5 m/s2?

a) 70.3 degrees
b) 80.9 degrees
c) 93 degrees
d) 106.9 degrees
e) 123 degrees
In the figure shown, θ1 is 19 degrees, and θ3 is 38 degrees. The tension T3 is 21 N. What is the tension, T1?
a) 10.01 N.
b) 11.51 N.
c) 13.23 N.
d) 15.22 N.
e) 17.5 N.

57) In the figure "3 tensions" shown above θ1 is 16 degrees, and θ3 is 30 degrees. The tension T3 is 45 N. What is the weight?

a) 25.5 N.
b) 29.3 N.
c) 33.7 N.
d) 38.7 N.
e) 44.5 N.
In the figure shown, θ is 32 degrees, and the mass is 2.8 kg. What is T2?
a) 45.03 N.
b) 51.78 N.
c) 59.55 N.
d) 68.48 N.
e) 78.75 N.
In the figure shown, θ is 33 degrees, and the mass is 2.7 kg. What is T1?
a) 40.7 N.
b) 48.9 N.
c) 58.7 N.
d) 70.4 N.
e) 84.5 N.
In the figure shown, θ1 is 17 degrees , and θ3 is 33 degrees . The mass has a 'weight' of 33 N. What is the tension, T1?
a) 27.32 N.
b) 31.42 N.
c) 36.13 N.
d) 41.55 N.
e) 47.78 N.
In the figure shown, the mass of m1 is 5.4 kg, and the mass of m2 is 2.3 kg. If the external force, Fext on m2 is 138 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
a) 84.2 N
b) 96.8 N
c) 111.3 N
d) 128 N
e) 147.2 N
In the figure shown (with m1 = 6.5 kg, m2 = 2.5 kg, and Fext = 141 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
a) 9 m/s2
b) 10.3 m/s2
c) 11.8 m/s2
d) 13.6 m/s2
e) 15.7 m/s2

63) Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 692 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.61 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 406 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?

a) 0.358
b) 0.394
c) 0.433
d) 0.476
e) 0.524

64) Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.23 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 675 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 394 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?

a) 0.394
b) 0.433
c) 0.477
d) 0.524
e) 0.577
In the figure shown, the mass of m1 is 6.5 kg, and the mass of m2 is 3 kg. If the external force, Fext on m2 is 175 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m1 has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.33, and that for m2 the coefficient is 0.48 .
a) 66.7 N
b) 76.7 N
c) 88.3 N
d) 101.5 N
e) 116.7 N

66) A merry-go-round has an angular frequency, , equal to 0.192 rad/sec. How many minutes does it take to complete 12.5 revolutions?

a) 5.93 minutes.
b) 6.82 minutes.
c) 7.84 minutes.
d) 9.02 minutes.
e) 10.37 minutes.

67) A merry-go round has a period of 0.32 minutes. What is the centripetal force on a 88.1 kg person who is standing 1.73 meters from the center?

a) 16.3 newtons.
b) 18.8 newtons.
c) 21.6 newtons.
d) 24.8 newtons.
e) 28.5 newtons.

68) A merry-go round has a period of 0.36 minutes. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction that would allow a 67.1 kg person to stand1.19 meters from the center, without grabbing something?

a) 0.006
b) 0.007
c) 0.008
d) 0.009
e) 0.01

69) What is the gravitational acceleration on a plant that is 2.33 times more massive than Earth, and a radius that is 1.49 times greater than Earths?

a) 10.3 m/s2
b) 11.8 m/s2
c) 13.6 m/s2
d) 15.6 m/s2
e) 18 m/s2

70) What is the gravitational acceleration on a plant that is 1.73 times more dense than Earth, and a radius that is 2.44 times greater than Earth's?

a) 41.4 m/s2
b) 47.6 m/s2
c) 54.7 m/s2
d) 62.9 m/s2
e) 72.4 m/s2
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) Yes
b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

a) No
b) Yes
85) If the initial velocity after leaving the spring is 9.80 m/s, how high does it reach before coming to rest?
a) 4.44 m
b) 4.67 m
c) 4.90 m
d) 5.15 m
e) 5.40 m
86) The mass of the cart is 3.0kg, and the spring constant is 6073N/m. If the initial compression of the spring is 4.00m, how high does it reach before coming to rest?
a) 1.57E+03 m
b) 1.65E+03 m
c) 1.74E+03 m
d) 1.82E+03 m
e) 1.91E+03 m
87) What is the highest point the cart reaches if the speed was 1.4m/s, when the cart was situated at a height of 2.7m?,
a) 2.70 m
b) 2.84 m
c) 2.98 m
d) 3.13 m
e) 3.28 m
88) The spring constant is 615N/m, and the initial compression is 0.12m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.74m, before coming to rest?
a) 0.157 kg
b) 0.165 kg
c) 0.173 kg
d) 0.182 kg
e) 0.191 kg
89) The cart has a mass of 42.30kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.10m/s, when it is at a height of 2.52m. If the spring constant was 499N/m, what was the initial compression?
a) 2.09 m
b) 2.24 m
c) 2.39 m
d) 2.56 m
e) 2.74 m

90) You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?

a) 1.149 m/s
b) 1.218 m/s
c) 1.291 m/s
d) 1.368 m/s
e) 1.450 m/s

91) On object of mass 2.3 kg that is moving at a velocity of 24m/s collides with a stationary object of mass 17.52 kg. What is the final velocity if they stick? (Assume no external friction.)

a) 1.93m/s.
b) 2.32m/s.
c) 2.79m/s.
d) 3.34m/s.
e) 4.01m/s.

92) A car of mass 884 kg is driving on an icy road at a speed of 20 m/s, when it collides with a stationary truck. After the collision they stick and move at a speed of 4.2 m/s. What was the mass of the truck?

a) 3326 kg
b) 3991 kg
c) 4789 kg
d) 5747 kg
e) 6896 kg
A 159 gm bullet strikes a ballistic pendulum of mass 2.27 kg (before the bullet struck). After impact, the pendulum rises by 65 cm. What was the speed of the bullet?
a) 55 m/s.
b) 58 m/s.
c) 62 m/s.
d) 67 m/s.
e) 71 m/s.
A massless bar of length, S = 9.1m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 26.7 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 6.2kg is suspended at a length, L = 5.6m from the wall. What is the tension, T, in the string?
a) 3.31E+01 N
b) 4.17E+01 N
c) 5.25E+01 N
d) 6.61E+01 N
e) 8.32E+01 N
In the figure shown, L1 = 6.5m, L2 = 3.2m and L3 = 8.8m. What is F1 if F2 =9.3N and F3 =5.9N?
a) 8.56E+00 N
b) 1.04E+01 N
c) 1.26E+01 N
d) 1.52E+01 N
e) 1.84E+01 N
A massless bar of length, S = 9.1m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 24.6 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 3.5kg is suspended at a length, L = 5.4m from the wall. What is the x (horizontal) component of the force exerted by the wall on the horizontal bar?
a) 3.03E+01 N
b) 3.67E+01 N
c) 4.45E+01 N
d) 5.39E+01 N
e) 6.53E+01 N
In the figure shown, L1 = 5.9m, L2 = 3.7m and L3 = 8.5m. What is F2 if F1 =0.81N and F3 =0.1N?
a) 7.23E-01 N
b) 8.76E-01 N
c) 1.06E+00 N
d) 1.29E+00 N
e) 1.56E+00 N
A massless bar of length, S = 7.7m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 28.6 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 6.2kg is suspended at a length, L =4.2m from the wall. What is the y (vertical) component of the force exerted by the wall on the horizontal bar?
a) 2.28E+01 N
b) 2.76E+01 N
c) 3.35E+01 N
d) 4.05E+01 N
e) 4.91E+01 N

99) A car with a tire radius of 0.37 m accelerates from 0 to 28 m/s in 11.9 seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel?

a) 6.36 x 100 m
b) 7.7 x 100 m
c) 9.33 x 100 m
d) 1.13 x 101 m
e) 1.37 x 101 m

100) A lead filled bicycle wheel of radius 0.41 m and mass 2.9 kg is rotating at a frequency of 1.7 revolutions per second. What is the moment of inertia?

a) 4.02 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
b) 4.87 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
c) 5.91 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
d) 7.16 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
e) 8.67 x 10-1 kg m2/s2

101) A lead filled bicycle wheel of radius 0.33 m and mass 2.2 kg is rotating at a frequency of 1.3 revolutions per second. What is the total kinetic if the wheel is rotating about a stationary axis?

a) 6.6 x 100 J
b) 7.99 x 100 J
c) 9.68 x 100 J
d) 1.17 x 101 J
e) 1.42 x 101 J
The moment of inertia of a solid disk of mass, M, and radius, R, is ½ MR2. Two identical disks, each with mass 3.9 kg are attached. The larger disk has a diameter of 0.9 m, and the smaller disk has a diameter of 0.46 m. If a force of 44 N is applied at the rim of the smaller disk, what is the angular acceleration?
a) 9.43 x 100 s-2
b) 1.14 x 101 s-2
c) 1.38 x 101 s-2
d) 1.68 x 101 s-2
e) 2.03 x 101 s-2

103) A cylinder with a radius of 0.28 m and a length of 2.9 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.6 m below the water. The mass of the block is 880.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the pressure at the top face of the cylinder?

2.54E4 Pa
3.07E4 Pa
3.72E4 Pa
4.51E4 Pa
5.46E4 Pa

104) A cylinder with a radius of 0.25 m and a length of 3.5 m is held so that the top circular face is 3.3 m below the water. The mass of the block is 922.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the buoyant force?

5.56E3 N
6.73E3 N
8.16E3 N
9.89E3 N
1.20E4 N

105) A cylinder with a radius of 0.33 m and a length of 2.9 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.1 m below the water. The mass of the block is 912.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the force exerted by the water at the top surface?

6.89E3 N
8.67E3 N
1.09E4 N
1.37E4 N
1.73E4 N

106) A cylinder with a radius of 0.24 m and a length of 3.8 m is held so that the top circular face is 3.5 m below the water. The mass of the block is 853.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the force exerted by the fluid on the bottom of the cylinder?

8.17E3 Pa
1.03E4 Pa
1.29E4 Pa
1.63E4 Pa
2.05E4 Pa

107) A 6.3 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.4 m^3 volume in 8.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 4.8 cm (with no loss of flow rate). What is the speed in the first (wider) pipe?

a) 7.72E-1 m/s
b) 9.36E-1 m/s
c) 1.13E0 m/s
d) 1.37E0 m/s
e) 1.66E0 m/s

108) A 9.2 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.6 m^3 volume in 8.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 4.0 cm (with no loss of flow rate). What is the pressure difference (in Pascals) between the two regions of the pipe?

a) 1.91E3
b) 2.31E3
c) 2.80E3
d) 3.39E3
e) 4.11E3

109) A 7.0 cm diameter pipe can fill a 2.1 m^3 volume in 8.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 1.7 cm (with no loss of flow rate). If two fluid elements at the center of the pipe are separated by 29.0 mm when they are both in the wide pipe, and we neglect turbulence, what is the separation when both are in the narrow pipe?

a) 4.06E2 mm
b) 4.92E2 mm
c) 5.96E2 mm
d) 7.22E2 mm
e) 8.74E2 mm

110) A large cylinder is filled with water so that the bottom is 8.0 m below the waterline. At the bottom is a small hole with a diameter of 9.1E-4 m. How fast is the water flowing at the hole? (Neglect viscous effects, turbulence, and also assume that the hole is so small that no significant motion occurs at the top of the cylinder.)

a) 7.04E0 m/s
b) 8.53E0 m/s
c) 1.03E1 m/s
d) 1.25E1 m/s
e) 1.52E1 m/s

111) What is the root-mean-square of 44, 4, and 36?

a) 2.614 x 101
b) 2.933 x 101
c) 3.29 x 101
d) 3.692 x 101
e) 4.142 x 101

112) What is the rms speed of a molecule with an atomic mass of 18 if the temperature is 12 degrees Fahrenheit?

a) 2.8 x 102 m/s
b) 3.39 x 102 m/s
c) 4.11 x 102 m/s
d) 4.97 x 102 m/s
e) 6.03 x 102 m/s

113) If a molecule with atomic mass equal to 2 amu has a speed of 245 m/s, what is the speed at an atom in the same atmosphere of a molecule with an atomic mass of 31 ?

a) 4.24 x 101 m/s
b) 5.14 x 101 m/s
c) 6.22 x 101 m/s
d) 7.54 x 101 m/s
e) 9.13 x 101 m/s

114) The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.66 kg is filled with 0.11 kg of water. How much heat does it take to raise both from 57.1 C to 78 C?

a) 1.59 x 104 J
b) 1.87 x 104 J
c) 2.2 x 104 J
d) 2.6 x 104 J
e) 3.06 x 104 J

115) {The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.68 kg is filled with 0.17 kg of water. What fraction of the heat went into the aluminum?

a) 2.8 x 10-1
b) 3.3 x 10-1
c) 3.9 x 10-1
d) 4.6 x 10-1
e) 5.5 x 10-1

116) The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.82 kg is filled with 0.11 kg of water. You are consulting for the flat earth society, a group of people who believe that the acceleration of gravity equals 9.8 m/s/s at all altitudes. Based on this assumption, from what height must the water and container be dropped to achieve the same change in temperature? (For comparison, Earth's radius is 6,371 kilometers)

a) 4.68 x 100 km
b) 5.67 x 100 km
c) 6.87 x 100 km
d) 8.32 x 100 km
e) 1.01 x 101 km

117) A window is square, with a length of each side equal to 0.81 meters. The glass has a thickness of 13 mm. To decrease the heat loss, you reduce the size of the window by decreasing the length of each side by a factor of 1.24. You also increase the thickness of the glass by a factor of 2.15. If the inside and outside temperatures are unchanged, by what factor have you decreased the heat flow?. By what factor have you decreased the heat flow (assuming the same inside and outside temperatures).

a) 1.53 x 100 unit
b) 1.86 x 100 unit
c) 2.25 x 100 unit
d) 2.73 x 100 unit
e) 3.31 x 100 unit
A 1241 heat cycle uses 2.9 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 2.3 kPa, P2= 4.8 kPa. The volumes are V1= 2.1m3 and V4= 3.5m3. How much work is done in in one cycle?
a) 1.75 x 101 J
b) 5.53 x 101 J
c) 1.75 x 102 J
d) 5.53 x 102 J
e) 1.75 x 103 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 2 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.5 kPa, P2= 2.7 kPa. The volumes are V1= 1.9m3 and V4= 3.3m3. How much work is involved between 1 and 4?
a) 6.64 x 102 J
b) 2.1 x 103 J
c) 6.64 x 103 J
d) 2.1 x 104 J
e) 6.64 x 104 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 2.5 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 2 kPa, P2= 3.2 kPa. The volumes are V1= 1.1m3 and V4= 3.1m3. How much work is involved between 2 and 4?
a) 1.64 x 103 J
b) 5.2 x 103 J
c) 1.64 x 104 J
d) 5.2 x 104 J
e) 1.64 x 105 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 1.3 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.6 kPa, P2= 4.3 kPa. The volumes are V1= 2.9m3 and V4= 5.8m3. What is the temperature at step 4?
a) 8.59 x 100 K
b) 2.71 x 101 K
c) 8.59 x 101 K
d) 2.71 x 102 K
e) 8.59 x 102 K

S_G (key)

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1) A car traveling at 42.8 miles/hour stops in 7.5 seconds. What is the average acceleration?

-a) 8.07 x 10-1 m/s2
-b) 1.43 x 100 m/s2
+c) 2.55 x 100 m/s2
-d) 4.54 x 100 m/s2
-e) 8.07 x 100 m/s2

2) A car completes a complete circle of radius 2.2 miles at a speed of 63.6 miles per hour. How many minutes does it take?

-a) 9.78 x 100 minutes
+b) 1.3 x 101 minutes
-c) 1.74 x 101 minutes
-d) 2.32 x 101 minutes
-e) 3.09 x 101 minutes

3) A car traveling at 29.4 mph increases its speed to 32.7 mph in 5.3 seconds. What is the average acceleration?

-a) 8.8 x 10-2 m/s2
-b) 1.57 x 10-1 m/s2
+c) 2.78 x 10-1 m/s2
-d) 4.95 x 10-1 m/s2
-e) 8.8 x 10-1 m/s2

4) Mr. Smith is backing his car at a speed of 3.12 mph when he hits a cornfield (seed corn). In the course of 2.39 seconds he stops, puts his car in forward drive, and exits the field at a speed of 6.32 mph. What was the magnitude ( absolute value) of his acceleration?

+a) 3.95 x 100 miles per hour per second
-b) 4.97 x 100 miles per hour per second
-c) 6.26 x 100 miles per hour per second
-d) 7.88 x 100 miles per hour per second
-e) 9.92 x 100 miles per hour per second

5) A car is accelerating uniformly at an acceleration of 3.8m/s/s. At x = 4.5m, the speed is 3.6m/s. How fast is it moving at x = 11.5 m?

+a) 8.13 m/s.
-b) 9.76 m/s.
-c) 11.71 m/s.
-d) 14.06 m/s.
-e) 16.87 m/s.

6) What is the acceleration if a car travelling at 8.35 m/s makes a skid mark that is 8.5 m long before coming to rest? (Assume uniform acceleration.)

-a) 2.37m/s/2.
-b) 2.85m/s/2.
-c) 3.42m/s/2.
+d) 4.1m/s/2.
-e) 4.92m/s/2.

7) A train accelerates uniformly from 9.75 m/s to 26.875 m/s, while travelling a distance of 371 m. What is the 'average' acceleration?

+a) 0.85m/s/s.
-b) 1.01m/s/s.
-c) 1.22m/s/s.
-d) 1.46m/s/s.
-e) 1.75m/s/s.

8) A particle accelerates uniformly at 16 m/s/s. How long does it take for the velocity to increase from 981 m/s to 1816 m/s?

-a) 30.2 s
-b) 36.24 s
-c) 43.49 s
+d) 52.19 s
-e) 62.63 s

9) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 4 m/s in 3 seconds. How far did he travel?

+a) 6.0 meters
-b) 7.0 meters
-c) 5.0 meters
-d) 4.0 meters
-e) 3.0 meters

10) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 4 m/s in 5 seconds. How far did he travel?

-a) 7.0 meters
+b) 10.0 meters
-c) 8.0 meters
-d) 9.0 meters
-e) 11.0 meters

11) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 7 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 5 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

-a) 8.0 meters
-b) 10.0 meters
-c) 9.0 meters
+d) 12.0 meters
-e) 11.0 meters

12) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 2 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 1 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 2 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

-a) 7.0 meters
-b) 5.0 meters
+c) 6.0 meters
-d) 9.0 meters
-e) 8.0 meters

13) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 4 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 1 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 4 seconds. How far did he travel?

-a) 7.0 meters
-b) 9.0 meters
-c) 11.0 meters
+d) 10.0 meters
-e) 8.0 meters

14) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 4 m/s, in 2 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 2 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

-a) 23.0 meters
+b) 20.0 meters
-c) 22.0 meters
-d) 21.0 meters
-e) 19.0 meters

15) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 2 m/s in 3 seconds. How far did he travel?

-a) 5.0 meters
-b) 6.0 meters
-c) 7.0 meters
+d) 3.0 meters
-e) 4.0 meters

16) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 5 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 4 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

+a) 9.0 meters
-b) 8.0 meters
-c) 11.0 meters
-d) 10.0 meters
-e) 12.0 meters

17) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 6 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 4 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

-a) 19.0 meters
-b) 20.0 meters
-c) 17.0 meters
+d) 16.0 meters
-e) 18.0 meters

18) Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 3 m/s in 2 seconds. How far did he travel?

-a) 2.0 meters
-b) 1.0 meters
+c) 3.0 meters
-d) 5.0 meters
-e) 4.0 meters

19) Mr. Smith is driving at a speed of 7 m/s, when he slows down to a speed of 5 m/s, when he hits a wall at this speed, after travelling for 4 seconds. How far did he travel?

+a) 24.0 meters
-b) 26.0 meters
-c) 23.0 meters
-d) 27.0 meters
-e) 25.0 meters

20) Mr. Smith starts at rest and accelerates to a speed of 2 m/s, in 6 seconds. He then travels at this speed for an additional 3 seconds. Then he decelerates uniformly, taking 4 seconds to come to rest. How far did he travel?

-a) 13.0 meters
+b) 16.0 meters
-c) 14.0 meters
-d) 17.0 meters
-e) 15.0 meters

21) A ball is kicked horizontally from a height of 3 m, at a speed of 10m/s. How far does it travel before landing?

-a) 6.52 m.
+b) 7.82 m.
-c) 9.39 m.
-d) 11.27 m.
-e) 13.52 m.

22) A particle is initially at the origin and moving in the x direction at a speed of 4.1 m/s. It has an constant acceleration of 2.3 m/s2 in the y direction, as well as an acceleration of 0.5 in the x direction. What angle does the velocity make with the x axis at time t = 2.7 s?

-a) 32.04 degrees.
-b) 36.85 degrees.
-c) 42.37 degrees.
+d) 48.73 degrees.
-e) 56.04 degrees.

23) At time, t=0, two particles are on the x axis. Particle A is (initially) at the origin and moves at a constant speed of 5.94 m/s at an angle of θ above the x-axis. Particle B is initially situated at x= 2.92 m, and moves at a constant speed of 2.89 m/s in the +y direction. At what time do they meet?

-a) 0.33 s.
-b) 0.39 s.
-c) 0.47 s.
+d) 0.56 s.
-e) 0.68 s.

24) At time, t=0, two particles are on the x axis. Particle A is (initially) at the origin and moves at a constant speed of 7.18 m/s at an angle of θ above the x-axis. Particle B is initially situated at x= 2.15 m, and moves at a constant speed of 2.88 m/s in the +y direction. What is the value of θ (in radians)?

-a) 0.24 radians.
-b) 0.27 radians.
-c) 0.31 radians.
-d) 0.36 radians.
+e) 0.41 radians.

25) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 42.3 m/s. Mr. Smith is at the back of the train and fires a pellet gun with a muzzle speed of 25.2 m/s at Mrs. Smith who is at the front of the train. What is the speed of the bullet with respect to Earth?

-a) 30 m/s.
-b) 45 m/s.
+c) 67.5 m/s.
-d) 101.3 m/s.
-e) 151.9 m/s.

26) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 47.5 m/s. Mrs. Smith, who is at the front of the train, fires straight towards the back with a bullet that is going forward with respect to Earth at a speed of 25.5 m/s. What was the muzzle speed of her bullet?

-a) 9.8 m/s.
-b) 14.7 m/s.
+c) 22 m/s.
-d) 33 m/s.
-e) 49.5 m/s.

27) The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 47.6 m/s. The daugher fires at Mr. Smith with a pellet gun whose muzzle speed is 25.5 m/s. She was situated across the isle, perpendicular to the length of the train. What is the speed of her bullet with respect to Earth?

-a) 10.7 m/s.
-b) 16 m/s.
-c) 24 m/s.
-d) 36 m/s.
+e) 54 m/s.

28) The Smith family got in trouble for having fun on a high speed train travelling at 42.3 m/s. Mr. Smith is charged with having fired a pellet gun at his daughter (directly across the isle) with a bullet that had a speed of 84.5 m/s with respect to Earth. How fast was the bullet going relative to the daughter (i.e. train)?

+a) 73.2 m/s.
-b) 87.8 m/s.
-c) 105.3 m/s.
-d) 126.4 m/s.
-e) 151.7 m/s.

29) When a table cloth is quickly pulled out from under dishes, they hardly move. This is because

-a) objects don't begin to accelerate until after the force has been applied
-b) the cloth is more slippery when it is pulled quickly
+c) the cloth is accelerating for such a brief time that there is little motion

30) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration while it as its highest point is

-a) zero
-b) up
+c) down

31) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity on the way up is

-a) zero
+b) up
-c) down

32) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity on the way down is

-a) zero
+b) down
-c) up

33) If you toss a coin into the air, the velocity while it as its highest point is

-a) up
-b) down
+c) zero

34) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

-a) south
-b) north
+c) northwest
-d) northeast
-e) southwest

35) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

-a) south
-b) southwest
-c) northwest
-d) north
+e) northeast

36) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The velocity vector points

+a) north
-b) northeast
-c) northwest
-d) southeast
-e) northeast

37) A car is headed due north and increasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The velocity vector points

-a) south
-b) southwest
-c) northeast
+d) north
-e) northwest

38) A car is headed due north and decreasing its speed. It is also turning left because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

-a) southeast
-b) south
+c) southwest
-d) northwest
-e) west

39) A car is headed due north and decreasing its speed. It is also turning right because it is also traveling in a perfect circle. The acceleration vector points

-a) northeast
+b) southeast
-c) northwest
-d) south
-e) north

40) A car is traveling west and slowing down. The acceleration is

-a) zero
-b) to the west
+c) to the east

41) A car is traveling east and slowing down. The acceleration is

-a) to the east
+b) to the west
-c) zero

42) A car is traveling east and speeding up. The acceleration is

+a) to the east
-b) zero
-c) to the west

43) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration on the way up is

-a) zero
-b) up
+c) down

44) A car is traveling in a perfect circle at constant speed. If the car is headed north while turning west, the acceleration is

+a) west
-b) zero
-c) south
-d) east
-e) north

45) A car is traveling in a perfect circle at constant speed. If the car is headed north while turning east, the acceleration is

+a) east
-b) zero
-c) south
-d) north
-e) west

46) As the Moon circles Earth, the acceleration of the Moon is

-a) away from Earth
+b) towards Earth
-c) opposite the direction of the Moon's velocity
-d) zero
-e) in the same direction as the Moon's velocity

47) If you toss a coin into the air, the acceleration on the way down is

+a) down
-b) up
-c) zero

48) A mass with weight (mg) of 49 newtons is suspended symmetrically from two strings. The angle between the two strings (i.e. where they are attached to the mass) is 54 degrees. What is the tension in the string?

+a) 27.5 N.
-b) 31.6 N.
-c) 36.4 N.
-d) 41.8 N.
-e) 48.1 N.

49) A mass with weight (mg) equal to 33 newtons is suspended symmetrically from two strings. Each string makes the (same) angle of 72 degrees with respect to the horizontal. What is the tension in each string?

-a) 9.9 N.
-b) 11.4 N.
-c) 13.1 N.
-d) 15.1 N.
+e) 17.3 N.

50) A 3 kg mass is sliding along a surface that has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.27 . In addition to the surface friction, there is also an air drag equal to 7 N. What is the magnitude (absolute value) of the acceleration?

-a) 3.8 m/s2.
-b) 4.3 m/s2.
+c) 5 m/s2.
-d) 5.7 m/s2.
-e) 6.6 m/s2.

51) A mass with weight (mg) 8.9 newtons is on a horzontal surface. It is being pulled on by a string at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal, with a force equal to 5.12 newtons. If this is the maximum force before the block starts to move, what is the static coefficient of friction?

+a) 0.7
-b) 0.84
-c) 1.01
-d) 1.21
-e) 1.45

52) A sled of mass 5.4 kg is at rest on a rough surface. A string pulls with a tension of 46.6N at an angle of 38 degress above the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the friction?

+a) 36.72 N.
-b) 42.23 N.
-c) 48.56 N.
-d) 55.85 N.
-e) 64.23 N.

53) A sled of mass 5.8 kg is at rest on a rough surface. A string pulls with a tension of 42.5N at an angle of 51 degress above the horizontal. What is the normal force?

-a) 13.61 N.
-b) 15.66 N.
-c) 18 N.
-d) 20.71 N.
+e) 23.81 N.

54) A sled of mass 5.5 kg is at rest on a perfectly smooth surface. A string pulls with a tension of 42.8N at an angle of 36 degress above the horizontal. How long will it take to reach a speed of 10.4 m/s?

-a) 1.25 s
-b) 1.44 s
+c) 1.65 s
-d) 1.9 s
-e) 2.18 s

55) A sled of mass 2.2 kg is on perfectly smooth surface. A string pulls with a tension of 17.2N. At what angle above the horizontal must the string pull in order to achieve an accelerations of 3.5 m/s2?

-a) 36.3 degrees
-b) 41.7 degrees
-c) 47.9 degrees
-d) 55.1 degrees
+e) 63.4 degrees
In the figure shown, θ1 is 15 degrees, and θ3 is 37 degrees. The tension T3 is 22 N. What is the tension, T1?
-a) 11.96 N.
-b) 13.75 N.
-c) 15.82 N.
+d) 18.19 N.
-e) 20.92 N.

57) In the figure "3 tensions" shown above θ1 is 16 degrees, and θ3 is 30 degrees. The tension T3 is 45 N. What is the weight?

-a) 25.5 N.
-b) 29.3 N.
+c) 33.7 N.
-d) 38.7 N.
-e) 44.5 N.
In the figure shown, θ is 28 degrees, and the mass is 2.9 kg. What is T2?
+a) 60.54 N.
-b) 69.62 N.
-c) 80.06 N.
-d) 92.07 N.
-e) 105.88 N.
In the figure shown, θ is 37 degrees, and the mass is 2.5 kg. What is T1?
+a) 32.5 N.
-b) 39 N.
-c) 46.8 N.
-d) 56.2 N.
-e) 67.4 N.
In the figure shown, θ1 is 20 degrees , and θ3 is 31 degrees . The mass has a weight of 36 N. What is the tension, T1?
-a) 22.7 N.
-b) 26.11 N.
-c) 30.02 N.
-d) 34.53 N.
+e) 39.71 N.
In the figure shown, the mass of m1 is 5.1 kg, and the mass of m2 is 2.8 kg. If the external force, Fext on m2 is 148 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.
+a) 95.5 N
-b) 109.9 N
-c) 126.4 N
-d) 145.3 N
-e) 167.1 N
In the figure shown (with m1 = 5.1 kg, m2 = 2.8 kg, and Fext = 148 N), what is the acceleration? Assume no friction is present.
-a) 14.2 m/s2
-b) 16.3 m/s2
+c) 18.7 m/s2
-d) 21.5 m/s2
-e) 24.8 m/s2

63) Nine barefoot baseball players, with a total mass of 692 kg plays tug of war against five basketball players wearing shoes that provide a static coefficient of friction of 0.61 . The net mass of the (shoed) basketball team is 406 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of the barefoot boys if they lose?

+a) 0.358
-b) 0.394
-c) 0.433
-d) 0.476
-e) 0.524

64) Without their shoes, members of a 9 person baseball team have a coefficient of static friction of only 0.23 . But the team wins a game of tug of war due to their superior mass of 607 kg. They are playing against a 5 person basketball team with a net mass of 429 kg. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction of the basketball team?

-a) 0.269
-b) 0.296
+c) 0.325
-d) 0.358
-e) 0.394
In the figure shown, the mass of m1 is 6.5 kg, and the mass of m2 is 3 kg. If the external force, Fext on m2 is 175 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume that m1 has a kinetic coefficient of friction equal to 0.33, and that for m2 the coefficient is 0.48 .
-a) 66.7 N
-b) 76.7 N
-c) 88.3 N
-d) 101.5 N
+e) 116.7 N

66) A merry-go-round has an angular frequency, , equal to 0.182 rad/sec. How many minutes does it take to complete 12.5 revolutions?

-a) 5.44 minutes.
-b) 6.25 minutes.
+c) 7.19 minutes.
-d) 8.27 minutes.
-e) 9.51 minutes.

67) A merry-go round has a period of 0.26 minutes. What is the centripetal force on a 51.9 kg person who is standing 1.26 meters from the center?

-a) 6.1 newtons.
-b) 7 newtons.
-c) 8 newtons.
-d) 9.2 newtons.
+e) 10.6 newtons.

68) A merry-go round has a period of 0.38 minutes. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction that would allow a 77.6 kg person to stand1.59 meters from the center, without grabbing something?

-a) 0.008
-b) 0.009
-c) 0.011
+d) 0.012
-e) 0.014

69) What is the gravitational acceleration on a plant that is 2.59 times more massive than Earth, and a radius that is 1.75 times greater than Earths?

+a) 8.3 m/s2
-b) 9.5 m/s2
-c) 11 m/s2
-d) 12.6 m/s2
-e) 14.5 m/s2

70) What is the gravitational acceleration on a plant that is 1.23 times more dense than Earth, and a radius that is 2.98 times greater than Earth's?

+a) 35.9 m/s2
-b) 41.3 m/s2
-c) 47.5 m/s2
-d) 54.6 m/s2
-e) 62.8 m/s2
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) Yes
-b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) No
-b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) Yes
+b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) No
-b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) Yes
+b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) No
-b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) Yes
-b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) No
+b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) No
+b) Yes
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) Yes
-b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) Yes
-b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

+a) Yes
-b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) Yes
+b) No
Is valid for uniform circular motion?

-a) Yes
+b) No
85) If the initial velocity after leaving the spring is 7.30 m/s, how high does it reach before coming to rest?
- a) 2.35 m
- b) 2.47 m
- c) 2.59 m
+ d) 2.72 m
- e) 2.85 m
86) The mass of the cart is 3.0kg, and the spring constant is 6073N/m. If the initial compression of the spring is 4.00m, how high does it reach before coming to rest?
- a) 1.57E+03 m
+ b) 1.65E+03 m
- c) 1.74E+03 m
- d) 1.82E+03 m
- e) 1.91E+03 m
87) What is the highest point the cart reaches if the speed was 2.9m/s, when the cart was situated at a height of 3.5m?,
- a) 2.88 m
- b) 3.02 m
- c) 3.17 m
- d) 3.33 m
+ e) 3.50 m
88) The spring constant is 539N/m, and the initial compression is 0.27m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.20m, before coming to rest?
- a) 1.443 kg
- b) 1.515 kg
- c) 1.591 kg
+ d) 1.671 kg
- e) 1.754 kg
89) The cart has a mass of 31.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.50m/s, when it is at a height of 2.10m. If the spring constant was 649N/m, what was the initial compression?
- a) 1.23 m
- b) 1.32 m
- c) 1.41 m
+ d) 1.51 m
- e) 1.62 m

90) You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?

- a) 1.149 m/s
- b) 1.218 m/s
+ c) 1.291 m/s
- d) 1.368 m/s
- e) 1.450 m/s

91) On object of mass 2.3 kg that is moving at a velocity of 22m/s collides with a stationary object of mass 19.8 kg. What is the final velocity if they stick? (Assume no external friction.)

-a) 1.32m/s.
-b) 1.59m/s.
-c) 1.91m/s.
+d) 2.29m/s.
-e) 2.75m/s.

92) A car of mass 856 kg is driving on an icy road at a speed of 19 m/s, when it collides with a stationary truck. After the collision they stick and move at a speed of 4.7 m/s. What was the mass of the truck?

-a) 1507 kg
-b) 1809 kg
-c) 2170 kg
+d) 2604 kg
-e) 3125 kg
A 195 gm bullet strikes a ballistic pendulum of mass 2.13 kg (before the bullet struck). After impact, the pendulum rises by 65 cm. What was the speed of the bullet?
-a) 32 m/s.
-b) 35 m/s.
-c) 37 m/s.
-d) 40 m/s.
+e) 43 m/s.
A massless bar of length, S = 8.4m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 25.4 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 7.6kg is suspended at a length, L = 5.2m from the wall. What is the tension, T, in the string?
+a) 1.07E+02 N
-b) 1.35E+02 N
-c) 1.70E+02 N
-d) 2.14E+02 N
-e) 2.70E+02 N
In the figure shown, L1 = 5.5m, L2 = 3.7m and L3 = 8.2m. What is F1 if F2 =7.8N and F3 =5.6N?
-a) 9.26E+00 N
-b) 1.12E+01 N
+c) 1.36E+01 N
-d) 1.65E+01 N
-e) 2.00E+01 N
A massless bar of length, S = 9m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 28.9 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 9.2kg is suspended at a length, L = 4.3m from the wall. What is the x (horizontal) component of the force exerted by the wall on the horizontal bar?
-a) 6.44E+01 N
+b) 7.80E+01 N
-c) 9.45E+01 N
-d) 1.15E+02 N
-e) 1.39E+02 N
In the figure shown, L1 = 6.1m, L2 = 4.8m and L3 = 7.2m. What is F2 if F1 =0.72N and F3 =0.1N?
-a) 6.31E-01 N
+b) 7.65E-01 N
-c) 9.27E-01 N
-d) 1.12E+00 N
-e) 1.36E+00 N
A massless bar of length, S = 7.7m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar his held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 33.2 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 8.2kg is suspended at a length, L =5.7m from the wall. What is the y (vertical) component of the force exerted by the wall on the horizontal bar?
+a) 2.09E+01 N
-b) 2.53E+01 N
-c) 3.06E+01 N
-d) 3.71E+01 N
-e) 4.50E+01 N

99) A car with a tire radius of 0.37 m accelerates from 0 to 28 m/s in 11.9 seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel?

+a) 6.36 x 100 m
-b) 7.7 x 100 m
-c) 9.33 x 100 m
-d) 1.13 x 101 m
-e) 1.37 x 101 m

100) A lead filled bicycle wheel of radius 0.33 m and mass 2.2 kg is rotating at a frequency of 1.3 revolutions per second. What is the moment of inertia?

+a) 2.4 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
-b) 2.9 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
-c) 3.52 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
-d) 4.26 x 10-1 kg m2/s2
-e) 5.16 x 10-1 kg m2/s2

101) A lead filled bicycle wheel of radius 0.41 m and mass 2.9 kg is rotating at a frequency of 1.7 revolutions per second. What is the total kinetic energy if the wheel is rolling about a stationary axis?

+a) 2.78 x 101 J
-b) 3.37 x 101 J
-c) 4.08 x 101 J
-d) 4.95 x 101 J
-e) 5.99 x 101 J
The moment of inertia of a solid disk of mass, M, and radius, R, is ½ MR2. Two identical disks, each with mass 1.8 kg are attached. The larger disk has a diameter of 0.86 m, and the smaller disk has a diameter of 0.38 m. If a force of 31 N is applied at the rim of the smaller disk, what is the angular acceleration?
-a) 1.37 x 101 s-2
-b) 1.67 x 101 s-2
-c) 2.02 x 101 s-2
-d) 2.44 x 101 s-2
+e) 2.96 x 101 s-2

103) A cylinder with a radius of 0.33 m and a length of 2.9 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.1 m below the water. The mass of the block is 912.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the pressure at the top face of the cylinder?

- 2.26E4 Pa
- 2.74E4 Pa
- 3.32E4 Pa
+ 4.02E4 Pa
- 4.87E4 Pa

104) A cylinder with a radius of 0.29 m and a length of 2.3 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.7 m below the water. The mass of the block is 968.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the buoyant force?

+ 5.96E3 N
- 7.21E3 N
- 8.74E3 N
- 1.06E4 N
- 1.28E4 N

105) A cylinder with a radius of 0.31 m and a length of 3.5 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.8 m below the water. The mass of the block is 933.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the force exerted by the water at the top surface?

- 7.12E3 N
- 8.96E3 N
- 1.13E4 N
+ 1.42E4 N
- 1.79E4 N

106) A cylinder with a radius of 0.38 m and a length of 3.6 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.2 m below the water. The mass of the block is 829.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the force exerted by the fluid on the bottom of the cylinder?

- 1.74E4 Pa
- 2.19E4 Pa
- 2.75E4 Pa
+ 3.47E4 Pa
- 4.37E4 Pa

107) A 9.4 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.5 m^3 volume in 7.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 1.7 cm (with no loss of flow rate). What is the speed in the first (wider) pipe?

-a) 2.89E-1 m/s
-b) 3.51E-1 m/s
-c) 4.25E-1 m/s
+d) 5.15E-1 m/s
-e) 6.23E-1 m/s

108) A 6.3 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.4 m^3 volume in 8.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 4.8 cm (with no loss of flow rate). What is the pressure difference (in Pascals) between the two regions of the pipe?

-a) 4.84E2
-b) 5.87E2
-c) 7.11E2
+d) 8.61E2
-e) 1.04E3

109) A 6.4 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.8 m^3 volume in 8.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 3.7 cm (with no loss of flow rate). If two fluid elements at the center of the pipe are separated by 18.0 mm when they are both in the wide pipe, and we neglect turbulence, what is the separation when both are in the narrow pipe?

-a) 4.45E1 mm
+b) 5.39E1 mm
-c) 6.52E1 mm
-d) 7.90E1 mm
-e) 9.58E1 mm

110) A large cylinder is filled with water so that the bottom is 7.0 m below the waterline. At the bottom is a small hole with a diameter of 8.2E-4 m. How fast is the water flowing at the hole? (Neglect viscous effects, turbulence, and also assume that the hole is so small that no significant motion occurs at the top of the cylinder.)

-a) 7.98E0 m/s
-b) 9.67E0 m/s
+c) 1.17E1 m/s
-d) 1.42E1 m/s
-e) 1.72E1 m/s

111) What is the root-mean-square of 44, 4, and 36?

-a) 2.614 x 101
-b) 2.933 x 101
+c) 3.29 x 101
-d) 3.692 x 101
-e) 4.142 x 101

112) What is the rms speed of a molecule with an atomic mass of 21 if the temperature is 58 degrees Fahrenheit?

-a) 4.82 x 102 m/s
+b) 5.84 x 102 m/s
-c) 7.08 x 102 m/s
-d) 8.58 x 102 m/s
-e) 1.04 x 103 m/s

113) If a molecule with atomic mass equal to 5 amu has a speed of 263 m/s, what is the speed at an atom in the same atmosphere of a molecule with an atomic mass of 21 ?

-a) 7.22 x 101 m/s
-b) 8.74 x 101 m/s
-c) 1.06 x 102 m/s
+d) 1.28 x 102 m/s
-e) 1.55 x 102 m/s

114) The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.61 kg is filled with 0.21 kg of water. How much heat does it take to raise both from 21.9 C to 98.6 C?

-a) 7.88 x 104 J
-b) 9.29 x 104 J
+c) 1.1 x 105 J
-d) 1.29 x 105 J
-e) 1.52 x 105 J

115) The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.66 kg is filled with 0.11 kg of water. What fraction of the heat went into the aluminum?

-a) 3.4 x 10-1
-b) 4.1 x 10-1
-c) 4.8 x 10-1
+d) 5.6 x 10-1
-e) 6.6 x 10-1

116) The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.66 kg is filled with 0.11 kg of water. You are consulting for the flat earth society, a group of people who believe that the acceleration of gravity equals 9.8 m/s/s at all altitudes. Based on this assumption, from what height must the water and container be dropped to achieve the same change in temperature? (For comparison, Earth's radius is 6,371 kilometers)

-a) 1.64 x 100 km
-b) 1.99 x 100 km
-c) 2.41 x 100 km
+d) 2.92 x 100 km
-e) 3.54 x 100 km

117) A window is square, with a length of each side equal to 0.79 meters. The glass has a thickness of 15 mm. To decrease the heat loss, you reduce the size of the window by decreasing the length of each side by a factor of 1.33. You also increase the thickness of the glass by a factor of 2.17. If the inside and outside temperatures are unchanged, by what factor have you decreased the heat flow?. By what factor have you decreased the heat flow (assuming the same inside and outside temperatures).

-a) 2.16 x 100 unit
-b) 2.62 x 100 unit
-c) 3.17 x 100 unit
+d) 3.84 x 100 unit
-e) 4.65 x 100 unit
A 1241 heat cycle uses 1.6 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.9 kPa, P2= 3.6 kPa. The volumes are V1= 1.6m3 and V4= 3.3m3. How much work is done in in one cycle?
-a) 4.57 x 101 J
-b) 1.45 x 102 J
-c) 4.57 x 102 J
+d) 1.45 x 103 J
-e) 4.57 x 103 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 2.8 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.5 kPa, P2= 2.7 kPa. The volumes are V1= 1.9m3 and V4= 4.4m3. How much work is involved between 1 and 4?
-a) 3.75 x 102 J
-b) 1.19 x 103 J
+c) 3.75 x 103 J
-d) 1.19 x 104 J
-e) 3.75 x 104 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 2.9 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.3 kPa, P2= 3.4 kPa. The volumes are V1= 2.5m3 and V4= 4.3m3. How much work is involved between 2 and 4?
-a) 1.34 x 102 J
-b) 4.23 x 102 J
-c) 1.34 x 103 J
+d) 4.23 x 103 J
-e) 1.34 x 104 J
A 1241 heat cycle uses 1.6 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.5 kPa, P2= 3 kPa. The volumes are V1= 2.4m3 and V4= 4.5m3. What is the temperature at step 4?
-a) 1.6 x 101 K
-b) 5.07 x 101 K
-c) 1.6 x 102 K
+d) 5.07 x 102 K
-e) 1.6 x 103 K

List of questions for each test

[edit | edit source]
questions max T1 T2 T3 T4 FE oldid q_ 1st
1−4 4 2 0 0 0 0 1417603 [1] [2]
5−8 4 3 0 0 0 1 1410638 [3] [4]
9−20 12 5 0 0 0 1 1395847 [5] [6]
21−24 4 3 0 0 0 1 1411599 [7] [8]
25−28 4 2 0 0 0 0 1411598 [9] [10]
29−47 19 0 7 0 0 1 137851 [11] [12]
48−51 4 0 1 0 0 1 1411601 [13] [14]
52−55 4 0 2 0 0 1 1411605 [15] [16]
56−60 5 0 2 0 0 1 1411613 [17] [18]
61−65 5 0 1 0 0 0 1417994 [19] [20]
66−70 5 0 2 0 0 0 1418007 [21] [22]
71−84 14 0 0 2 0 0 1411691 [23] [24]
85−87 3 0 0 1 0 0 1380215 [25] [26]
88−90 3 0 0 2 0 1 1380821 [27] [28]
91−93 3 0 0 2 0 1 1418173 [29] [30]
94−98 5 0 0 3 0 1 1418177 [31] [32]
99−102 4 0 0 0 2 1 1412312 [33] [34]
103−106 4 0 0 0 2 1 1412355 [35] [36]
107−110 4 0 0 0 1 1 1412378 [37] [38]
111−113 3 0 0 0 1 1 1412379 [39] [40]
114−117 4 0 0 0 2 1 1412391 [41] [42]
118−121 4 0 0 0 2 1 1412397 [43] [44]

First question in quiz

[edit | edit source]
  1. a02_1Dkinem_definitions
  2. _{A car traveling at 35.3 miles/hour stops in 4.3 seconds. What is the average acceleration?}
  3. a02_1Dkinem_equations
  4. _{A car is accelerating uniformly at an acceleration of 4.25m/s/s. At x = 7.25m, the speed is 3.7m/s. How fast is it moving at x = 12.25 m?}
  5. b_motionSimpleArithmetic
  6. _{Mr. Smith starts from rest and accelerates to 4 m/s in 3 seconds. How far did he travel?}
  7. a03_2Dkinem_2dmotion
  8. _{A ball is kicked horizontally from a height of 2.3 m, at a speed of 7.8m/s. How far does it travel before landing?}
  9. a03_2Dkinem_smithtrain
  10. _{The Smith family is having fun on a high speed train travelling at 49.8 m/s. Mr. Smith is at the back of the train and fires a pellet gun with a muzzle speed of 22.4 m/s at Mrs. Smith who is at the front of the train. What is the speed of the bullet with respect to Earth?}
  11. b_velocityAcceleration
  12. _{When a table cloth is quickly pulled out from under dishes, they hardly move. This is because}
  13. a04DynForce Newton_forces
  14. _{A mass with weight (mg) of 44 newtons is suspended symmetrically from two strings. The angle between the two strings (i.e. where they are attached to the mass) is 60 degrees. What is the tension in the string?}
  15. a04DynForce Newton_sled
  16. _{A sled of mass 5.4 kg is at rest on a rough surface. A string pulls with a tension of 43.4N at an angle of 31 degrees above the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the friction?}
  17. a04DynForce Newton_tensions
  18. _{
    In the figure shown, θ1 is 18 degrees, and θ3 is 34 degrees. The tension T3 is 24 N. What is the tension, T1?
  19. a05frictDragElast_3rdLaw
  20. _{
    In the figure shown, the mass of m1 is 5.4 kg, and the mass of m2 is 3.2 kg. If the external force, Fext on m2 is 104 N, what is the tension in the connecting string? Assume no friction is present.}
  21. a06uniformCircMotGravitation_friction
  22. _{A merry-go-round has an angular frequency, , equal to 0.15 rad/sec. How many minutes does it take to complete 8.5 revolutions? }
  23. a06uniformCircMotGravitation_proof
  24. _{
    Is valid for uniform circular motion?

  25. a07energy_cart1
  26. _{If the initial velocity after leaving the spring is 5.00 m/s, how high does it reach before coming to rest?
  27. a07energy_cart2
  28. _{The spring constant is 561N/m, and the initial compression is 0.12m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.38m, before coming to rest?
  29. a08linearMomentumCollisions
  30. _{On object of mass 2.8 kg that is moving at a velocity of 23m/s collides with a stationary object of mass 20.47 kg. What is the final velocity if they stick? (Assume no external friction.)}
  31. a09staticsTorques_torque
  32. _{
    A massless bar of length, S = 7.6m is attached to a wall by a frictionless hinge (shown as a circle). The bar is held horizontal by a string that makes and angle θ = 37.4 degrees above the horizontal. An object of mass, M = 6kg is suspended at a length, L = 5.4m from the wall. What is the tension, T, in the string?}
  33. a10rotationalMotionAngMom_dynamics
  34. _{A car with a tire radius of 0.26 m accelerates from 0 to 36 m/s in 6.8 seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel?}
  35. a11fluidStatics_buoyantForce
  36. _{A cylinder with a radius of 0.22 m and a length of 2.2 m is held so that the top circular face is 4.8 m below the water. The mass of the block is 826.0 kg. The mass density of water is 1000kg/m^3. What is the pressure at the top face of the cylinder?}
  37. a12fluidDynamics_pipeDiameter
  38. _{A 8.3 cm diameter pipe can fill a 1.7 m^3 volume in 6.0 minutes. Before exiting the pipe, the diameter is reduced to 3.0 cm (with no loss of flow rate). What is the speed in the first (wider) pipe?}
  39. a13TemperatureKineticTheoGasLaw_rmsTransfer
  40. _{What is the root-mean-square of 27, 4, and -39?}
  41. a14HeatTransfer_specifHeatConduct
  42. _{The specific heat of water and aluminum are 4186 and 900, respectively, where the units are J/kg/Celsius. An aluminum container of mass 0.98 kg is filled with 0.23 kg of water. How much heat does it take to raise both from 39.7 C to 88 C? }
  43. a15Thermodynamics_heatEngine
  44. _{
    A 1241 heat cycle uses 2.8 moles of an ideal gas. The pressures and volumes are: P1= 1.4 kPa, P2= 2.8 kPa. The volumes are V1= 2.8m3 and V4= 5.1m3. How much work is done in in one cycle?}