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Universal Bibliography/Architecture

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This part of the Universal Bibliography is a bibliography of architecture.

See s:Portal:Architecture, w:Category:Works about architecture and w:Bibliography of encyclopedias: architecture and architects


  • Kamen, Ruth H. British and Irish Architectural History: A Bibliography and Guide to Sources of Information. Architectural Press. 1981. [1]
  • Houses from Books
  • Catalogue of the Books Relating to Architecture, Construction and Decoration. Boston Public Library. 1894.
  • The Burnham Index to Architectural Literature. Garland Publishing. 1989.
  • Wayne, Kathryn M. Architecture Sourcebook: A Guide to Resources on the Practice of Architecture. Omnigraphics. 1997. [2] [3]
  • Shillaber, Caroline. "Architectural Literature". Kent and Lancour (eds). Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Marcel Dekker. 1968. Volume 1. Page 470 to 491.
  • Books on Architecture: A Selected Bibliography. Vance Bibliographies. [4]
  • Bizios. Architecture Reading Lists and Course Outlines. [5]

See also the catalogues of Weinreb Architectural Books [6]

  • Ehresmann, Donald L. Architecture: A Bibliographic Guide to Basic Reference Works, Histories, and Handbooks. Libraries Unlimited. 1984. [7]
  • Placzek (ed). Avery's Choice: Five Centuries of Great Architectural Books : One Hundred Years of an Architectural Library, 1890-1990. G K Hall. 1997. [8]
  • The Sources of Classicism: Five Centuries of Architectural Books from the Collections of the Humanities Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin. 1978. [9]
  • Catalog of the Avery Memorial Architectural Library of Columbia University [10]
  • A Checklist of Architectural Books in the Special Collections of the Library of Virginia [11]
  • British Architectural Library. Royal Institute of British Architects. Early Printed Books, 1478-1840. K G Saur. [12]
  • Hart and Thwaite. Paper Palaces: Architectural Works from the Collections of Cambridge University Library. Cambridge University Press. 1997. [13]
  • The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers: Papers. [14]
  • Harris and Savage. British Architectural Books and Writers: 1556-1785. Cambridge University Press. 1990. [15] Review: [16] Commentary: [17] [18] [19] [20]
  • Colin Amery, "British Architectural Books of the Last Five Years", British Book News, September 1973, pp 569 to 572 [21]
  • Hitchcock, Henry Russell. American Architectural Books: A List of Books, Portfolios, and Pamphlets on Architecture and Related Subjects Published in America Before 1895. 1946. 1962. 1976. [22] Review: [23] Commentary: [24]
  • Hafertepe and O'Gorman. American Architects and Their Books to 1848. University of Massachusetts Press. 2001. [25]
  • Schimmelman, Janice Gayle. Architectural Treatises and Building Handbooks: Available in American Libraries and Bookstores Through 1800. American Antiquarian Society. 1986. [26]
  • Roos, John Frank. Bibliography of Early American Architecture: Writings on Architecture Constructed Before 1860 in Eastern and Central United States. University of Illinois Press. 1968. [27]
  • Marshall. American Folk Architecture: A Selected Bibliography. American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. 1981. [28]
  • French Architecture: A Selection of Books from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Including Some Reprints and Reference Works Relating to Earlier Periods. Weinreb Architectural Books. 1988. [29]

Series of bibliographies:

  • Architecture Series. Vance Bibliographies. Reviews: (1987) 12 Art Libraries Journal [30] [31] Commentary: [32]


See Periodicals, Architecture for bibliographies

  • Architect and Building Gazette (1849-1850) (formerly Architect and Building Operative)
  • Technology Architectural Review (1887-1890)
  • Architectural Review (1890-1921) Boston. Commentary: [33]
  • Architectural Record (1891-1938)
  • Academy Architecture and Architectural Review (1889-1931) (formerly Academy Architecture and Annual Architectural Review)
  • Architects' Journal (1895 onwards)
  • Architectural Review (1896 onwards) London
  • Architecture (1896-1898)


  • Ballantyne, Andrew. Architecture: A Very Short Introduction. OUP. 2002. [34]
  • Ching and Eckler. Introduction to Architecture. John Wiley & Sons. 2015. [35]
  • Snyder, Catanese and McGinty (eds). Introduction to Architecture. McGraw-Hill. 1979. [36]
  • Gardiner, Stephen. Introduction to Architecture. Equinox. 1983. Leisure Books. 1983. Chancellor Press. 1993. Review: 178 Architects Journal 88
  • Vaidya. Introduction to Architecture. Technical & Commercial Book Company. 1961. [37]
  • Conway and Roenisch. Understanding Architecture: An Introduction to Architecture and Architectural History. Routledge. 1994. 2015. [38]
  • Farrelly, Lorraine.The Fundamentals of Architecture. 2007. 2nd Ed: 2012. [39]
  • Makstutis, Geoffrey. Architecture. (Portfolio). Laurence King Publishing. 2010. [40]
  • McCarter and Pallasma. Understanding Architecture. Phaidon Press. 2012. [41]
  • Gardiner, Stephen. Inside Architecture. Prentice Hall. 1983. [42]
  • Whitley. An Introduction to Architecture: Teaching Architecture to Upper Elementary Students. University of Georgia. 1998. [43]


  • Hopkins, Owen. Architectural Styles: A Visual Guide. Laurence King Publishing. 2014. [44]
  • Pothorn, Herbert. A Guide to Architectural Styles. Phaidon. 1983 [45]. Architectural Styles: An Historical Guide to World Design. Facts on File. 1982. [46]
  • Pothorn, Herbert. Architectural Styles. Viking Press. 1970. [47]
  • Rosengarten. A Handbook of Architectural Styles. Translated by Collett-Sandars. [48]
  • Melvin. Isms: Understanding Architectural Styles. Universe. 2006. [49]
  • Perrot. The Groundwork of Architecture: Or, The Study of how Architectural Styles are Affected by Structural Engineering. 1921. [50]
  • Yorke, Trevor. British Architectural Styles: An Easy Reference Guide. Countryside Books. 2008. [51]
  • Durant. The Handbook of British Architectural Styles [52]
  • Ricketts, Maitland and Hucker. A Guide to Canadian Architectural Styles. Broadview Press. 1992. 2nd Ed: 2004. [53]


  • Gänshirt. Tools for Ideas: Introduction to Architectural Design. Birkhäuser. 2007. [54]
  • Fletcher, Donald Atkinson. Introduction to Architectural Design. 1947. [55]
  • Anderson, Jane. Architectural Design. (Basics Architecture 03). AVA Publishing. 2010. [56]
  • Jefferis and Madsen. Architectural Drafting & Design. 1986. 2nd Ed: 1991. 3rd Ed: 1996. 4th Ed: 2001. 5th Ed: 2005. [57]
  • Burden, Ernest. Elements of Architectural Design: A Photographic Sourcebook. John Wiley & Sons. 2nd Ed: 2000. [58]
  • Plowright, Philip D. Revealing Architectural Design: Methods, Frameworks and Tools. Routledge. 2014. [59]
  • Thompson, Arthur. Architectural Design Procedures. Arnold. Architectural Press. 2nd Ed: 1999. [60]

Materials for design, design in particular materials

  • Bell and Rand. Materials for Architectural Design. Laurence King Publishing. [61]
  • Lawson and Trebilcock. Architectural Design in Steel. Spon Press. 2004. [62]
  • Boake, Terri Meyer. Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual. Birkhäuser. Basel. 2012. [63]
  • Bennett, Thomas Penberthy. Architectural Design in Concrete. Oxford University Press, American Branch. 1927. [64]
  • Architectural Design of Concrete Bridges: Concrete for Permanence. Portland Cement Association.1937. [65]


  • Blanc, McEnvoy, and Plank (eds). Architecture and Construction in Steel. E & F N Spon. 1993. [66]


  • Bennett, David. Architectural Insitu Concrete. RIBA Publishing. 2007. [67]
  • West, Mark. The Fabric Formwork Book: Methods for Building New Architectural and Structural Forms in Concrete. Routledge. 2016. [68]
  • Phillips and Yamashita. Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture. Laurence King Publishing. 2012. [69]