Social Victorians/Timeline/1860s

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1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s-30s


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14 January 1860, Saturday, <quote>The Gale in London. — The fearful hurricane on Saturday morning did much damage in London, especially on the river. Many of the streets in Lambeth, Vauxhall, and Battersea, were flooded all day. There were several boat collisions, and persons drowned.</quote> ("The Gale in London." Herts Guardian, Agricultural Journal, and General Advertiser 21 January 1865, Saturday: 5 [of 8], Col. 3C. British Newspaper Archive

February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March


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5 April 1863: Easter. Arthur Collins seems to have left Marlborough College at the beginning of Midsummer term 1863, which might be a week to 11 days after Easter. (Easter date: (“Entrances in April, 1859.” Marlborough College Register from 1843 to 1904 Inclusive: With Alphabetical Index. 5th Edition. H. Hart, 1905. Page 126.)

May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October


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November 1864: Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Alexandra, Princess of Wales host a dinner at Marlborough House for General Tom Thumb, who was being promoted by P T. Barnum (Weintraub, Stanley. The Importance of Being Edward: King in Waiting 1841–1901. London: Johm Murray, 2000: 138.)


Early 1865

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Alexandra, Princess of Wales "asked Lady Ely to invite three of Baron de Rothschild's children, Natty (Nathaniel), Alfred and Evelina, and Evelina's husband Ferdinand, to a ball at Marlborough House" (Weintraub, Stanley. The Importance of Being Edward: King in Waiting 1841–1901. London: Johm Murray, 2000: 138.)

January February


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March 1865: Albert Edward, Prince of Wales invited Natty (Nathaniel) and Alfred de Rothschild to a royal levée, where Lord Sydney mispronounced Rothschild, as if they were foreign; Bertie corrected his pronunciation in front of the Rothschilds, as if to reprimand Lord Sydney for his bad manners (Weintraub 2000 138).

April May

2 June 1865: "At the height of the social season, on 2 June 1865, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Alexandra, Princess of Wales went to a concert by Sir Charles Hallé's orchestra, after which Alix returned too fatigued to be hostess at a late supper party. She retired, and soon after midnight she gave birth to her second son, precipitating new conflicts with the Queen" (Weintraub 200 139).

July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March


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30 April 1867, Tuesday, meeting of the Society of Antiquaries of London "at their apartments in Somerset-house" ("The Society of Antiquaries of London." The London Times, Thursday, 2 May 1867: page 10, Col. A. Issue 25800). <quote>The anniversary of the Society of Antiquaries of London, St. George's Day, having fallen this year in Easter week, the Society met yesterday (Tuesday, 30th April), at their apartments in Somerset-house, in pursuance of their Statutes and Charter of Incorporation, to ELECT a PRESIDENT, Council, and Officers of the Society for the year ensuing, whereupon the Right Hon. Earl Stanhope, President; William Tite, Esq., M.P., Vice-President; Charles Wykeham Martin, Esq., M.P., Vice-President; Octavius Morgan, Esq., M.P., Vice-President and Auditor; Frederic Ouvry, Esq., Treasurer; Joseph Walter King Eyton, Esq., Augustus Wollaston Franks, Esq., Rev. Charles Old Goodford, D.D., Provost of Eton; Philip Charles Hardwick, Esq., Sir John Lubbock, Bart., Auditor; and William John Thoms, Esq., 11 members from the old Council, were chosen of the new Council; and Charles Spoencer Preceval, Esq., LL.D., Director and Auditor; John Winter Jones, Esq., Auditor; William Henry Black, Esq., the Earl of Dunraven, John Evans, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Augustus Henry Lane Fox, Thomas Lewin, Esq., Richard Henry Major, Esq., the Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D., Dean of Westminster, and Captain Arthur ChilverTupper, ten of the other Fellows of the Society, were chosen of the new Council; and C. Knight Watson, Esq., was re-elected Secretary. [new paragraph, align right] C. KNIGHT WATSON, Secretary. [new paragraph, align left] May 1, 1867.</quote>

May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December