Social Victorians/People/Hunter

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Also Known As

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  • Family name: Hunter

Dorothea Hunter

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  • Harrietta Dorothea Hunter
  • H. Dorothea Hunter
  • Mrs. Dorothea Hunter
  • Née Harrietta [sic] Dorothea Butler (Howe 251, and Gilbert 86)
  • Golden Dawn motto: Deo Date — "Give to God" (Küntz 181)
  • Golden Dawn motto: A Posse ad Esse

E. A. Hunter

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  • Edmund Arthur Hunter
  • Edward A. Hunter (Alastor, with the right GD motto), but Edward is probably a typo for Edmund
  • Golden Dawn motto: Hora et Semper — "At this hour and forever" (Küntz 194)


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  • Nationality:


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  • Bedford Park (c. 1888)
  • 30 Flanders Road, Bedford Park (from at least March 1893)


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  • Dorothea Hunter (mid-March 1868 – 1958)
  • Edmund A. Hunter ()
  1. some children
  2. Fanny Beatrice Hunter was one of them?


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  • She claimed that she was related to William Butler Yeats through her Butler grandmother (Gould 74, 77).

Acquaintances, Friends and Enemies

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1893 March, Dorothea Hunter (Dorothea Butler at this time?) was initiated into the Golden Dawn (Gilbert 86 151).

1894 June 15, Dorothea Hunter was initated into the Inner Order (Gilbert 86 55).

1895 August 23, Edmund Hunter joined the Golden Dawn (Küntz 194).

1896 December 31, Edmund Hunter was initiated into the Inner Order of the Golden Dawn (Küntz 194).

1897, both Dorothea and E. A. Hunter took part in Yeats's Celtic Explorations (Harper 74 164, n. 19).

1897 December 21 or 22, circa, Dorothea Hunter signed Frederick Gardner's petition in support of Annie Horniman (Howe 143).

1898 December 13 through 1899 February 8, Yeats et al. were in Sligo for the Celtic Explorations (Harper 74).

1900 April, Dorothea Hunter was Instructor in Clairvoyance and Edmund Hunter was Warden in the April 1900 Executive (Gilbert 86 78).

1901, both Dorothea and E. A. Hunter left the Golden Dawn after the Horos trial (Howe 240).

Questions and Notes

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  1. Was she the Mrs. Hunter that Robert Felkin lists as being in the "original Sphere Group"? (Howe 251). Fanny Beatrice Hunter could have been Zelator January 1899 (Gilbert 86 50), but Annie Horniman was out of the Order, so there would have been no error in showing the diagram to her? Not really a Theoricus.
  2. E. A. Hunter got the telegram that Crowley had "captured" the Golden Dawn headquarters; he went to the headquarters, found Crowley and Simpson in possession (Harper 74 23). Also Hunter and Yeats worked with the landlord and confronted Crowley in his Highland outfit. The account of the confrontation is Hunter's (Harper 74 212). Why Hunter?


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Dorothea Hunter's Works

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  • One of the Clairvoyant Visions of the History of the Original Documents and of their use through the Middle Ages (Gilbert 86 79).
  • Transcribed Z1 in 1895 (Gilbert 86 79).
  • Wrote a Sword Vision (Gilbert 86 179).