Social Victorians/People/Berridge

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Also Known As

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  • Family name: Berridge
  • Dr. Edward Berridge
  • Dr. Berridge
  • Golden Dawn motto: Resurgam — I will rise again
  • Golden Dawn magical name: Respiro
  • C. M. Berridge (Alastor lists C. M. Berridge as different from Edward Berridge and with the motto Respiro)


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  • Nationality:


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  • 48 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, London W. is his address in the Golden Dawn roll book (Gilbert 86 141).


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  • Edward William Berridge (1843 – )

Acquaintances, Friends and Enemies

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  • MacGregor Mathers, to whom Berridge remained loyal in the 1900 rebellion (King, Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn, 12)
  • A. E. Waite, whom Berridge introduced to the Golden Dawn (King, Modern Ritual Magic, 52).
  • W. T. Horton wanted to see him 10 August 1896 (Harper 80 16)


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  • Annie Horniman, wrote a bit of doggerel about her (Howe 173–74)
  • Aleister Crowley, who represented Berridge as Dr. Balloch, an abortionist, in his rather scurrilous novel Moonchild (King, Modern Ritual Magic, 48)


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1888 April, Berridge's Pledge Form was declined, preventing his being initiated into the Golden Dawn (Küntz 180).

1889 May 10, Berridge's Pledge Form was signed, enabling him to join the Golden Dawn.

1890 December, meeting of the Order in which Mathers was installed as Imperator and Berridge "appointed to the vacated office" of Praemonstrator at Mark Masons' Lodge (Gilbert 86 12).

1891 February 20, Berridge's Portal Date into the Inner Order of the Golden Dawn (Küntz 180).

1892 to 1896, Berridge was Sub-Imperator of the Isis-Urania Temple (Gilbert 86 32).

1896 April, Berridge was Sub-Imperator of Isis-Urania but acting as Imperator for Mathers (Harper 80 7).

1896 August 10, about, Berridge had been out of town and was expected back. W. T. Horton wanted to see him (Harper 80 16).

1896 October 29, Mathers demands written submission from the members of the Second Order.

1897 May 6, H. C. Morris got Berridge's "pamphlet" with the footnote about Annie Horniman and the handwritten "doggerrel" (Howe 173-74).

1903, Berridge's Temple, obedient to Mathers, was in operation (King 89 110).

1913, circa, "the notebooks and letters of an Adeptus Minor, dated circa 1913 ... that there were twenty-three members of a flourishing Second Order under the Berridge-Mathers obedience at that date" (King 89 110).

Questions and Notes

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  1. Where was Berridge on 30 August 1901, when the Horoses were thrown out of 99 Gower Street? (King 89 91).
  2. Mathers and Berridge "appeared for the defence [at Crowley's trial,] and their references to a 'Rosicrucian Order' were mentioned in newspaper accounts of the case" (Gilbert 86 187-88).
  3. Check King, Alchemy, for long Berridge quote.


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  • Alastor
  • Gilbert 1986
  • Harper 1980
  • Howe
  • King, Modern Ritual Magic
  • King, Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn
  • Küntz