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Social Victorians/1887 American Exhibition/Welcome Council

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Governors, Board Members, Administrators and the Welcome Council of the American Exhibition, 1887.

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Governors, Board Members and Administrators

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The Illustrated London News Reported on the Organization and Governance of the Exhibition

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"The American Exhibition" in the 16 April 1887 Illustrated London News says the following about the many people who worked on organizing and running the American Exhibition

<quote>The Executive Council of the Association, which manages the finances and controls the business of the Exhibition, consists of the following gentlemen: — Mr. John Robinson Whitley, London, Chairman; Lord Ronald Gower, London; Colonel Henry S. Russell, Boston; Mr. Burnet Landreth, Philadelphia; Mr. John Gilmer Speed, New York; Mr. E. A. Buck, New York; Colonel J. T. Griffin, London; Colonel F. C. Hughes-Hallett, M.P., London; Mr. W. Lee Thornton, of Chislehurst; Mr. V. A. Applin, London; Mr. W. D. Guthrie, New York; and Mr. John Priestman, London. The Advisory Council consists of the following gentlemen, all of the Vice-Presidents of the Exhibition: — Messrs. Norvin Green, New York; Albert Bierstadt, New York; Thomas Cochran, Philadelphia; John Lucas, Philadelphia; N. K. Fairbank, Chicago; W. T. Coleman, San Francisco; W. H. Thomson, St. Louis; W. Edwards, Cleveland; L. M. Dayton, Cincinatti; John E. Green, Louisville; and Robert W. Furnas, Nebraska.

The officers of the Exhibition are as follows: — Mr. John Robinson Whitley, London, Chairman of the Executive Council, and Director-General of the Exhibition; Colonel Henry S. Russell, of Boston, Chairman of the Board of Direction in the United States; Mr. Burnet Landreth, of Philadelphia, Director; Mr. John Gilmer Speed, of New York, Secretary of the Exhibition; Mr. Frederic C. Penfield, of Hartford, Chief of General Staff; Mr. Rufus M. Smith, of Philadelphia, Chief of Installation; Mr. John Sartain, of Philadelphia, Chief of Department of Fine Arts; Mr. Vincent A. Applin, of London, Secretary of the Association; Mr. John Gibson, of London, Architect; Mr. William Goldring, London, Chief of the Horticultural Department. The burden of the work of organisation and preparation has fallen upon Messrs. Whitley, Landreth, Speed, and Applin; but at this time, when they see their labours bearing such abundant fruit, they are content to have spent three years of their lives in so grand an undertaking.

This account, however, would not be complete without a list of the Commissioners appointed by the Governors of the various States and Territories to represent them at the Exhibition. The following is the list: — Messrs. A. Andrews, of San Francisco, California; Noel May, of Denver, Colorado; P. J. Kinney, of Boise City, Idaho; W. H. Chaplin, of Leavenworth, Kansas; Samuel P. Blanc, of New Orleans, Louisiana; James T. Griffin, of London, England, Louisiana; J. B. Ham, of Lewiston, Maine; J. Thomas Scharf, of Baltimore, Maryland; F. W. Noble, of Detroit, Michigan; John E. Kennedy, of Blatchford, Montana; P. M. Wilson, of Raleigh, North Carolina; J. G. Ditman, of Phladelphia, Pennsylvania; Mark H. Wood, of Barrington Cenre, Rhode Island; John B. Mead, of Randolph, Vermont; E. B. Moon, of Richmond, Virginia; A. P. Butler, of Columbia, South Carolina; Thomas P. Stovall, of Atlanta, Georgia; W. F. Cody, of North Platte, Nebraska; W. M. Havener, of Reno, Nevada; W. B. Sloan, of Santa Fé, New Mexico; L. B. M'Whirter, of Nashville, Tennessee; S. J. T. Johnson, of Corsicana, Texas; W. S. Taylor, of Burlington, New Jersey; W. D. Washburn, Minnesota; and E. W. Allen, of Portland, Oregon.

On our side, we are happy to state, the organisers of the American Exhibition have been met with friendly and hospitable co-operation by a large body of more than a thousand Englishmen, amongst whom are many noblemen and gentlemen of position and influence, who have formed a council to devise means of giving a signal welcome to our American visitors, and to promote the success of this grand undertaking. Its unique and novel character, with the extraordinary scale on which it is designed, and the energy and capacity of its managers, bid fair to make an almost revolutionary epoch in the history of Great Exhibitions which commenced in 1851; and we heartily desire its success in every way, hoping above all that it will have the good effect of increasing popular acquaintance with that vast country, and with that mighty nation of English race, in the United States of America, whose amazing growth and splended prosperity should be admired, not with envy, but with pride and gladness, by all classes of people in the British Isles.</quote> (“The American Exhibition.” Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, April 16, 1887; pg. 440; Issue 2504, Col. B)

Correction to the 16 April 1887 Article

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A brief mention in the ILN by way of correction to the 16 April 1887 article: <quote>In our description of the American Exhibition, published last week, it should have been stated that Mr. Henry Wynne, C.E., was sole engineer and architect of the main building, and of the Grand Stand in the grounds occupied by the "Wild West," preparing the designs and commencing their execution until last month, previously to the works being taken in charge by Mr. Florence O'Driscoll. The designs at first contemplated were prepared last year by Mr. Dorsey and Mr. John Gibson.</quote> (Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, April 23, 1887; pg. 464; Issue 2505, Col. B)

Illustrated London News reports again on the organizers

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In the 7 May 1887 issue, the Illustrated London News reports again on the organizers, especially John Robinson Whitley, William F. Cody and Burnet Landreth: <quote>The American Exhibition, between Earl's Court, West Kensington, and West Brompton, of which we have given some account, is an undertaking of as much novelty as of imposing magnitude. It is, as we remarked, the first exhibition devoted exclusively to the arts, inventions, manufactures, products, and resources of one nation held on the soil of another country. It covers a space of twenty-four acres, in the heart of residential London. The Exhibition may be divided into three great departments. There is, first, the main building, in itself a novelty in architecture, round which, together with the art-gallery adjoining, centres the serious interest of the Exhibition. Secondly, there are Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" grounds, which have an historical interest, as a pictorial representation of a phase of life now almost, if not quite, vanished, and as showing the methods by which the enterprising people of the United States have reclaimed to civilisation that vast space of the North American Continent, which, twenty or thirty years ago, was designated upon the maps as unexplored. Thirdly, there are the horticultural and pleasure gardens, nearly twelve acres in extent, showing the flora of North America as completely as climatic conditions will allow, and furnishing outdoor amusement for the vast numbers of people who are confined to London in the summer season, and must seek their recreation within the metropolitan boundaries.

It is always a matter of interest to know something of the appearance, history, and characteristics of the men who initiate and carry to completion gigantic enterprises. In this case, the first of these persons is Mr. John Robinson Whitley, of London, the Director-General. The idea of holding such an Exhibition in London impressed him, from the English standpoint, as a brilliant one; and he entered upon the colossal work, in face of what seemed almost insurmountable obstacles to carry it through to a successful completion, with all the energy, enthusiasm, and untiring industry which are characteristic of the man. He brought to the work a peculiar fitness, acquired by previous experience in the great International Exhibitions which had preceded this, and in which he had participated as an exhibitor; especially at Paris, in 1878, where he represented some fifty firms. This experience, together with his business as a merchant and manufacturer, and his wide knowledge acquired from travel all over the world, made him fully alive to the fact that in America there was enough, of which nothing was known to the European world, to make an interesting, popular, and valuable Exhibition. He has from the beginning taken entire charge of the work in England; and, in addition, has spent twelve months in visiting every part of the United Sates, in the interests of the great work he has undertaken, and which has now become, from what seemed almost a chimerical idea, a substantial reality.

Colonel W. F. Cody is known to the world as "Buffalo Bill," a title acquired by having shot 4280 buffaloes in one year. His life from boyhood has been spent on the Indian frontier; and he has passed through every phase of border life, always with credit to himself, as hunter, trapper, guide, and scout; he has endured dangers and difficulties the recitation of which would fill many volumes; and in every pursuit he has achieved the distinction of being the bravest, the most thorough, the most active, the most chivalrous and most daring man, whom that phase of American civilisation has ever produced. He has been Chief of Scouts of the United Sates Army, member of the Legislature for the State of Nebraska, and is now Colonel and Aide-de-Camp on the staff of the Governor of that State. Captain Burnet Landreth, of Philadelphia, is a member of the great seed firm of D. Landreth and Sons. He served with distinction during the war of the rebellion, and his experience as a soldier developed in him great abilities as an executive officer. He was Chief of the Bureau of Agriculture at the Centennial Exhibition on 1876, and gave to that department remarkable prominence and importance.</quote> ("The American Exhibition." Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, May 07, 1887; pg. 520; Issue 2507, Col. A)

The Welcome Council

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  • Some met the ship, The State of Nebraska, that carried the members of the cast and crew of Buffalo Bill's Wild West when it arrived at Gravesend.
  • Many seem to have been present at the opening of the exhibition.

Makeup of the Welcome Council

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The Welcome Council was Made Up of Several Councils

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  • Vice Presidents
  • Executive Committee, plus the Honourable Secretary
  • Council of Welcome
  • Continental Council
  • American General Council
  • Commissioners Appointed by Governors of the U.S.

Officers and Members of the Various Councils

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The "Supplement" of Charles Lowe's book Four National Exhibitions and Their Organiser lists the members of the Welcome Councils in the order of their precedence, a very interesting example of the use of this way of distinguishing rank. While some continental and American people are in the main list, most are in separate lists, out of the list organized by British precedence. His lists are just lists of name and titles, but they are numbered here to indicate the sheer number of people identified as part of this council with, presumably, some kinds of responsibilities, at least the use of their names, perhaps.

Lowe says that the Council of Welcome consisted of "about a thousand gentlemen distinguished in art, literature, science, manufactures, and commerce" (35–36).

Vice Presidents

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  1. His Eminence Henry Edward, Cardinal Manning.
  2. His Grace The Duke of Roxburghe.
  3. His Grace The Duke of Manchester, K.P.
  4. His Grace The Duke of Northumberland.
  5. His Grace The Duke of Wellington.
  6. His Grace The Duke of Sutherland, K.G.

(Lowe 402)

Executive Committee

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  1. Lord Ronald Gower, Stafford House, St. James's,
  2. Sir John R. Heron-Maxwell, Bart., Carlton Club,
  3. Sir John R. Millais, Bart., 2, Palace Gate, Kensington.
  4. Sir Sydney Waterlow, Bart., 26, Great Winchester Street, E.C.
  5. Sir David Salomons, Bart., 41, Lowndes Square, S.W.
  6. Sir H. P. de Bathe, Bart., Hollandsfield, Chichester.
  7. J. H. Puleston, Esq., M.P., 2, Bank Buildings, Princes Street, E.C.
  8. Sir J. J. Coghill, Bart., 8, Penyweru Road, South Kensington.
  9. Sir Charles Clifford, Bart., Hattherton Hall, Cannock, Staff.
  10. E. North Buxton, Esq., Knighton, Buckhurst Hill.
  11. Henry Irving, Esq., Lyceum Theatre.
  12. Col. Paget Mosley, Carlton Club.
  13. Dr. Morell Mackenzie, 19, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, W.
  14. Gilead Smith, Esq., St. George's Club, Hanover Square.
  15. Major S. Flood Page, Albert Mansions, Victoria Street.
  16. Sir Joseph Fayrer, 53, Wimpole Street, W.
  17. Wilkie Collins, Esq., 90, Gloucester Place, Portman Square.
  18. Charles Wyndham, Esq., Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.
  19. Henry Seton-Karr, Esq., M.P., Queen's Gate.

(Lowe 402)

Honourable Secretary

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  • J. Stephen Jeans, Esq., 2, Victoria Mansions, Westminster. (Lowe 402)

Members of the Council of Welcome

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  1. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Tweeddale.
  2. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Lothian, K.T.
  3. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Waterford, K.P,
  4. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Drogheda, K.P.
  5. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Exeter.
  6. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Ormonde.
  7. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Stafford, M.P.
  8. The Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire.
  9. The Right Hon. the Earl of Sandwich.
  10. The Right Hon the Earl of Albemarle.
  11. The Right Hon. the Earl of Seafield.
  12. The Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow. [402/403]
  13. The Right Hon. the Earl De La Warr and Buckhurst.
  14. The Right Hon. the Earl of Clarendon.
  15. The Right Hon. the Earl of Malmesbury, G.C.B.
  16. The Right Hon. the Earl of Egmont.
  17. The Right Hon. the Earl of Clanwilliam, K.C.M.G., C.B.
  18. The Right Hon. the Earl of Longford, G.C.B.
  19. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dysart.
  20. The Right Hon. the Earl of Onslow.
  21. The Right Hon. the Earl of Romney.
  22. The Right Hon. the Earl of Rosse, D.C.L., F.R.S.
  23. The Right Hon. the Earl of Lichfield.
  24. The Right Hon. the Earl Russell.
  25. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dufferin, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.
  26. The Right Hon. the Earl of Ravensworth.
  27. The Right Hon. the Earl of Wharncliffe.
  28. The Right Hon. the Earl of Lathom.
  29. The Right Hon. the Earl of Iddesleigh, P.C., G.C.B.
  30. The Right Hon. the Earl of Bective, M.P.
  31. The Right Hon. the Lord Colin Campbell.
  32. The Right Hon. the Lord Randolph S. Churchill, M.P.
  33. The Right Hon. the Lord Ronald Gower, F.S.A.
  34. The Right Hon. the Lord Henry G. Lennox.
  35. The Right Hon. the Lord John Manners, P.C., G.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., M.P.
  36. The Right Hon. the Lord Robert Montagu.
  37. The Right Hon. the Viscount Valentia.
  38. The Right Hon. the Rev. Viscount Molesworth.
  39. The Right Hon. the Viscount Powerscourt, K.P.
  40. The Right Hon. the Viscount Monck, G.C.M.G.
  41. Gen. the Right Hon. the Viscount Templetown, K.C.B.
  42. The Right Hon. the Viscount Combermere.
  43. The Right Hon. the Viscount Ebrington, M.P.
  44. The Right Hon, the Lord Elcho.
  45. The Right Hon. the Viscount St. Cyres, C.B., M.P.
  46. Capt. the Right Hon. the Lord Charles Beresford, R.N., C.B., M.P.
  47. The Right Hon. the Lord Marcus Beresford.
  48. The Right Hon. the Lord Sackville A. Cecil.
  49. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ripon, D.D.
  50. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Worcester, D.D.
  51. The Right Hon. the Lord Windsor.
  52. The Right Hon. the Lord Herries.
  53. The Right Hon. the Lord Elphinstone.
  54. The Right Hon. the Lord Elibank.
  55. The Right Hon. the Lord Middleton.
  56. The Right Hon. the Lord Walsingham.
  57. The Right Hon. the Lord Dorchester.
  58. The Right Hon. the Lord Lyttleton.
  59. The Right Hon. the Lord Rossmore. [403/404]
  60. The Right Hon. the Lord Headley.
  61. The Right Hon. the Lord Rendlesham.
  62. The Right Hon. the Lord Churchill.
  63. The Right Hon. the Lord Garvagh.
  64. The Right Hon. the Lord Oranmore.
  65. Lieut.-Gen. the Eight Hon. Lord Chelmsford, G.C.B.
  66. The Right Hon. the Lord Lawrence.
  67. The Right Hon. the Lord Aberdare, G.C.B.
  68. The Right Hon. the Lord Coleridge.
  69. The Right Hon. the Lord Wimborne.
  70. The Right Hon. the Lord Mount-Temple.
  71. The Right Hon. the Lord Brabourne.
  72. The Right Hon. the Lord Bramwell.
  73. The Right Hon. the Lord Tennyson, D.C.L., F.R.S.
  74. The Right Hon. the Lord Esher.
  75. The Right Hon. the Lord Wantage, V.C, K.C.B.
  76. His Highness the Maharajah Duleep Singh, G.C.S.I.
  77. His Highness Rajah Sourindro Mohun Tagore, C.I.E., F.R.S.L., M.R.A.S.
  78. The Right Hon. Sir Massey Lopes, Bart., P.C., F.S.S., M.A., D.L., J.P.
  79. The Right Hon. Sir Arthur John Otway, Bart., P.C.
  80. The Right Hon. John Bright, P.C., M.P.
  81. The Right Hon. Sir Richard Assheton Cross, P.C., G.C.B., M.P.
  82. The Right Hon. Spencer H. Walpole, P.C., Q.C.
  83. The Right Hon. Sir Charles S. C. Bowen, P.C.
  84. The Right Hon. Sir Henry S. Keating, P.C.
  85. Adm. the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, G.C.B.
  86. His Excellency the Hon. Adams George Archibald, P.C., C.M.G., Q.C.
  87. The Hon. Evelyn Ashley.
  88. The Hon. John C. Dundas.
  89. The Hon. and Right Rev. A. G. Douglas.
  90. The Hon. John W. Fitzwilliam, M.P.
  91. The Hon. Charles A. Gore.
  92. The Hon. F. Leveson-Gower, M.B.
  93. The Hon. George Charles Brodrick, M.A.
  94. Col. the Hon. W. H. P. Carington.
  95. The Hon. W. F. B. Massey Mainwaring.
  96. The Hon. H. C. Maxwell-Stuart.
  97. The Hon. Ashley G. I. Ponsonby.
  98. The Right Hon. William M'Onie.
  99. The Right Hon. W. T. Marriott, P.C., Q.C, M.B.
  100. The Right Hon. John Staples, F.S.A., Lord Mayor of London, 1885-6.
  101. The Right Hon. Andrew Martin.
  102. The Hon. Mr. Justice Wills.
  103. The Hon. Lewis S. Wingfield.
  104. Sir H. B. Bacon, Bart.
  105. Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Bart.
  106. Lieut.-Col. Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., J.P. [404/405]
  107. Sir William Vincent, Bart.
  108. Sir Peyton E. Skipwith, Bart.
  109. Sir Nathaniel A. Staples, Bart.
  110. Sir Henry Bourchier T. Wrey, Bart.
  111. Capt. Sir William Wiseman, Bart., R.N., J.P.
  112. Sir Charles M. Wolseley, Bart.
  113. Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart.
  114. Sir James T. Stewart-Richardson, Bart.
  115. Lieut.-Col. Sir Fitzroy D. Maclean of Morvaren, Bart.
  116. Sir Lionel M. Swinnerton Pilkington, Bart.
  117. Sir Arthur Chichester, Bart.
  118. Sir Gerald D. Fitz-Garald, Bart., J.P.
  119. Rev. Sir Vyell D. Vyvyan, Bart.
  120. Sir Henry H. Edwardes, Bart.
  121. Sir Spencer M. Maryon Wilson, Bart.
  122. Sir Alfred W. Trevelyan, Bart.
  123. Capt. Sir Henry A. Clavering, Bart., R.N.
  124. Sir John Stanley Errington, Bart.
  125. Sir Thomas J. Dancer, Bart.
  126. Sir Arthur Graham Hay, Bart.
  127. Capt. Sir Lambton Loraine, Bart, R.N.
  128. Sir Hugh Hume Campbell of Marchmont, Bart.
  129. Sir Robert Menzies, Bart., J.P., D.L.
  130. Sir Charles E. F. Stirling of Glorat, Bart., D.L., J.P.
  131. Sir William F. A. Eliott, Bart.
  132. Sir James Campbell, Bart.
  133. Lieut.-Col. Sir Norman W. D. Pringle, Bart., J.P., F.R.G.S.
  134. Sir James L. Seton, Bart.
  135. Sir Robert Drummond Moncrieffe, Bart.
  136. Sir John E. Blois, Bart.
  137. Sir Thomas A. Colt, Bart., M.D.
  138. Sir Robert Anstruther, Bart.
  139. Sir Drummond M. Dunbar, Bart.
  140. Sir James D. Mackenzie of Scatwell, Bart.
  141. Sir Augustus F. G. D. Webster, Bart.
  142. Sir James Naesmyth of Posso, Bart.
  143. Sir Atwell King-Lake, Bart.
  144. Sir George Warrender, Bart., J.P., D.L.
  145. Sir Edward Perrott, Bart.
  146. Sir Frederick G. Milner, Bart.
  147. Sir Clement Wolseley, Bart.
  148. Sir Reginald W. Proctor-Beauchamp, Bart.
  149. Sir Alfred Sherlock Gouch, Bart.
  150. Sir Francis C. Knowles, Bart., M.A., F.R.S.
  151. Sir Harry Paul Burrard, Bart.
  152. Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay, Bart.
  153. Sir John Jocelyn Coghill, Bart. [405/406]
  154. Sir Robert Brisco, Bart.
  155. Lieut.-Col. Sir William V. Guise, Bart.
  156. Sir Edward Hunter Blair, Bart.
  157. Sir Alexander Maley, Bart., K.C.B.
  158. Sir George F. Duckett, Bart.
  159. Sir Archdale R. Palmer, Bart.
  160. Sir John C. Willoughby, Bart.
  161. Sir John W. C. Hartopp, Bart.
  162. Sir G. E. Sherston Baker, Bart.
  163. Sir William W. E. Onslow, Bart.
  164. Sir Richard G. Glyn, Bart.
  165. Gen. Sir Henry Percival De Bathe, Bart., J.P., D.L.
  166. Sir John Marcus Stewart of Athenry, Bart.
  167. Sir Wroth A. Lethbridge, Bart.
  168. Sir H. Hervey Bruce, Bart.
  169. Sir William O'Malley, Bart.
  170. Sir James Sibbald D. Scott, Bart.
  171. Sir Harford J. Jones-Brydges, Bart., M.A.
  172. Sir Vincent Corbet, Bart.
  173. Sir Lumley Graham, Bart.
  174. Sir Frederick A. Gore Ouseley, Bart., M.A., Mus. Doc.
  175. Sir Hy. St. John Halford, Bart.
  176. Sir Lovelace T. Stamer, Bart.
  177. Sir C. S. Paul Hunter, Bart., M.A., J.P.
  178. Admiral Sir G. N. Broke-Middleton, Bart., C.B.
  179. Sir Brydges P. Henniker, Bart.
  180. Sir Edward Grey, Bart.
  181. Sir Howard Elphinstone, Bart., F.G.S.
  182. Major Sir Rose L. Price of Trengwainton, Bart.
  183. Sir John E. Eardley-Wilmot, Bart.
  184. Sir Francis G. A. Drake, Bart.
  185. Sir Thomas Erskine, Bart.
  186. Sir Ashley P. Cooper, Bart.
  187. Sir James H. W. Drummond, Bart., J.P., D.L.
  188. Sir William E. Anson, Bart.
  189. Sir Charles E. M'Grigor, Bart.
  190. Sir William Chaytor, Bart.
  191. Sir Lydston Newman, Bart.
  192. Sir John F. Clark, Bart.
  193. Sir Henry P. Seale, Bart., J.P., D.L.
  194. Col. R. C. Spencer Clifford, Bart.
  195. Sir Arthur T. F. Clay, Bart.
  196. Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart., M.A., M.P.
  197. Sir Thomas Gladstone, Bart.
  198. Sir James M. McGarel-Hogg, Bart., K.C.B., M.P.
  199. Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart., J.P., M.P.
  200. Sir Arthur D. Hayter, Bart., M.A., J.P. [406/407]
  201. Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D.
  202. Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart., K.C.M.G.
  203. Sir Thomas C. Western, Bart.
  204. Sir James E. Fergusson, Bart.
  205. Sir Charles Henry Tempest, Bart.
  206. Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart., M.P.
  207. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., M.A,
  208. Sir Daniel Gooch, Bart.
  209. Sir J. J. Trevor Lawrence, Bart., M.P.
  210. Sir Charles H. Mills, Bart.
  211. Sir Francis W. Brady, Bart., Q.C.
  212. Gen. Sir Francis Seymour, Bart., K.C.B.
  213. Sir Thomas Graham Briggs, Bart.
  214. Sir Sydney H. Waterlow, Bart.
  215. Sir William Miller, Bart.
  216. Sir John Walrond Walrond, Bart.
  217. Sir Gerald W. H. Codrington, Bart.
  218. Sir Charles L. Cust, Bart.
  219. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L.
  220. Sir James Falshaw, Bart., C.E., J.P.
  221. Sir Frederick A. Milbank, Bart., M.P.
  222. Alderman Sir John Whittaker Ellis, Bart., M.P.
  223. Sir Andrew Clark, Bart., M.D., LL.D.
  224. Sir J. Lowthian Bell, Bart., F.R.S.
  225. Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., R.A,
  226. Alderman Sir R. N. Fowler, Bart., M.P.
  227. Baron Henry de Worms, M.P.
  228. Baron Von Bissing.
  229. Sir James J. Allport, J.P.
  230. Sir James Anderson.
  231. Sir William P. Andrew, C.I.E.
  232. Sir W. G. Armstrong, C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
  233. Major Sir Evelyn Baring, K.C.S.I., C.I.E.
  234. Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., G.C.M.G.
  235. Sir J. W. Bazalgette, C.B.
  236. Sir George Birdwood, M.D., C.S.I.
  237. Col. Sir Francis Bolton, C.E.
  238. Sir Algernon Borthwick.
  239. His Honour Sir Johannes Brand, G.C.M.G.
  240. Sir Thomas Brassey, J.P., K.C.B., M.P.
  241. Sir Charles Tilston Bright, C.E., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S.
  242. Col. Sir Owen Tudor Burne, K.C.S.I., C.I.E.
  243. Alderman Sir Robert W. Carden.
  244. Sir George H. Chambers.
  245. Sir Charles Clifford. Cannock.
  246. Sir William Collins. Glasgow.
  247. Sir John Coode. [407/408]
  248. Alderman Sir Thomas Dakin.
  249. Sir Joseph Devereux.
  250. Sir Richard Dickeson.
  251. Col. Sir Edmund F. Du Cane, K.C.B.
  252. Sir Andrew Fairbairn, M.P.
  253. Surg.-Gen. Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
  254. Sir Samuel Ferguson, Q.C., LL.D. Dublin.
  255. Col. Sir Charles Henry Firth, J.P., D.L. Heckmondwike.
  256. Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, C.B., K.C.S.I.
  257. Sir Thomas G. Frost, J.P. Chester.
  258. Sir James Gell. Castleton.
  259. Sir John Hawkshaw, C.E., F.R.S.
  260. Sir Joseph Heron. Manchester.
  261. Sir Edward Hertslet, C.B., F.R.G.S.
  262. Sir Stuart Saunders Hogg.
  263. Sir Joseph D. Hooker, K.C.S.I., C.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D.
  264. Sir Edmund Hornby.
  265. Adm. Sir Edward A. Inglefield, C.B., F.E.S.
  266. Surg.-Gen. Sir Robert W. Jackson, C.B. Dublin.
  267. Sir John J. Jenkins, M.P.
  268. Sir William Johnston. Edinburgh.
  269. Sir Thomas A. Jones. Dublin.
  270. Alderman Sir Henry E. Knight.
  271. Sir Edward Lee, F.S.A.
  272. Sir Frederic Leighton, LL.D., D.C.L.
  273. Sir John Lentaigne, C.B. Dublin.
  274. Sir Charles Lilley. Brisbane.
  275. Sir James D. Linton.
  276. Alderman Sir Wm. McArthur, K.C.M.G.
  277. Adm. Sir F. Leopold M'Clintock.
  278. Sir William Mac Cormac, F.R.C.S.
  279. Sir John-Iles Mantell, J.P., F.R.G.S. Manchester.
  280. Sir James Marshall.
  281. Sir Walter H. Medhurst.
  282. Sir Oliver Nugent. Antigua.
  283. Sir Herbert Stanley Oakeley, LL.D., Mus. Doc.
  284. Sir George Maurice O'Rorke. Wellington.
  285. Sir Frederick Perkins.
  286. Sir John B. Phear. Exmouth.
  287. Sir George Phillips, F.R.G.S.
  288. Sir James Allanson Picton, F.S.A., F.R.H.S. Liverpool
  289. Maj.-Gen. Sir F. Richard Pollock, K.C.S.I.
  290. Sir John Preston, J.P. Belfast.
  291. Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry C. Rawlinson, K.C.B., F.R.S.
  292. Sir Robert Rawlinson, C.E., C.B.
  293. Sir Edward J. Reed, K.C.B., F.R.S., M.P.
  294. Sir Edward Reid. Londonderry. [408/409]
  295. Sir John Watt Reid, K.C.B.
  296. Adm. Sir George H. Richards, C.B., F.R.S.
  297. Sir Francis E. Sandford, K.C.B.
  298. Col. Sir Herbert Bruce Sandford, R.A.
  299. Sir Wm. Chas. Sargeaunt, K.C.M.G.
  300. Sir Albert A. D. Sassoon, C.S.I.
  301. Sir Edwin Saunders, F.R.C.S., F.G.S.
  302. Sir C. F. Shand, LL.D.
  303. Sir Charles W. Sikes. Huddersfield.
  304. Sir Peter Spokes.
  305. Sir Edward William Stafford, K.C.M.G.
  306. Sir William Stawell.
  307. Sir John Steell. Edinburgh.
  308. Sir Robert P. Stewart, Mus. Doc.
  309. Sir Arthur Sullivan, Mus. Doc.
  310. Sir David Tennant.
  311. Sir Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S., M.B., F.R.S.
  312. Sir William Thomson, F.R.S., LL.D., D.C.L. Glasgow.
  313. Gen. Sir Henry E. L. Thuillier, C.S.I., R.A.
  314. Sir Samuel Wilson, K.C.M.G.
  315. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, K.C.M.G., C.B.
  316. Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, K.C.B., G.C.M.G.
  317. Sir William Wright. Sigglesthorne, Hull.
  318. Sir William Hy. Wyatt, D.L., J.P.
  319. Sir Allen W. Young, C.B.
  320. Maj.-Gen. John R. Anderson, E.A., C.B. Edinburgh.
  321. Lieut.-Gen. F. W. Traill Burroughs, C.B. Rousay.
  322. W. B. Carpenter, Esq., C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.L.S.
  323. Capt. Douglas Galton, R.E., C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., M.Inst.M.E.
  324. Surg.-Gen. Charles A. Gordon, M.D., C.B.
  325. Algernon B. Mitford, Esq., C.B.
  326. George D. Ramsay, Esq., C.B.
  327. Lieut.-Gen. J. Clark Rattray of Craighall, C.B.
  328. Alexander Redgrave, Esq., C.B.
  329. Capt. Eyre Massey Shaw, C.B.
  330. Edwin Arnold, Esq., M.A., C.S.I., F.R.G.S.
  331. Maj.-Gen. F. C. Cotton, R.E.., C.S.I.
  332. Robert Anstruther Dalyell, Esq., C.S.L, F.S.S.
  333. George Baden Powell, Esq., C.M.G., M.A., F.R.A.S., F.S.S. , M.P.
  334. Dep.-Surgeon-General Norman Chevers, M.D., C.I.E.
  335. Maj.-Gen. Frederick Alexander.
  336. Maj.-Gen. Alastair M'Ian Macdonald. Dalhousie.
  337. Col. G. Arbuthnot, R.A., J.P.
  338. Col. Fred. Beaumont, E.E.
  339. Col. C. B. Brackenbury, R.A. Waltham Abbey.
  340. Col. Hughes-Hallett, R.A., M.P.
  341. Col. W. W. Knollys, F.R.G.S. [409/410]
  342. Col. Henry Mapleson.
  343. Col. H. Van Straubenzee.
  344. Lieut.-Col. Heneage Charles Bagot-Chester.
  345. Lieut.-Col. James Hare. Winchburgh.
  346. Lieut.-Col. William Haywood, M. Inst.C.E.
  347. Lieut.-Col. Charles Bingham Paris. Liverpool.
  348. Lieut.-Col. F. A. V. Thurburn.
  349. Maj. E. W. Adderley.
  350. Maj. B. T. G. Anderson, J.P,
  351. Maj. A. G. Dickson, M.P.
  352. Maj. Alex. H. Ross, M.P.
  353. Capt. William de W. Abney, R.E., F.R.S.
  354. Capt. Granville Alexander, D.L., J.P.
  355. Capt. G. C. Armstrong.
  356. Capt. Geo. E. Price, R.N., M.P.
  357. Capt, Thomas Tully.
  358. The President of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain.
  359. The Chief Ranger of the Ancient Order of Foresters.
  360. The President of the Anglo-Jewish Association.
  361. The President of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland.
  362. The President of the Architectural Association.
  363. The President of the Chemical Society.
  364. The President of the Clinical Society of London.
  365. The President of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club.
  366. The President of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion.
  367. The President of the Incorporated Society of British Artists.
  368. The President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
  369. The Deputy Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Freemasons of England, Wales, and British Colonies.
  370. The President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
  371. The President of the London Institute.
  372. The President of the Microscopical Society of London.
  373. The President of the National Health Society.
  374. The President of the Newspaper Press Fund.
  375. The President of the Odontological Society.
  376. The President of the Philological Society.
  377. The President of the Quekett Microscopical Society.
  378. The President of the Royal Academy.
  379. The President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
  380. The President of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (Toronto).
  381. The President of the Royal College of Surgeons.
  382. The President of the Royal Geographical Society.
  383. The President of the Royal Hibernian Academy.
  384. The President of the Royal Horticultural Society.
  385. The President of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
  386. The President of the Royal Institution.
  387. The President of the Royal Irish Academy. [410/411]
  388. The President of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
  389. The President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours.
  390. The President of the Society of Engineers.
  391. The President of the Society of Painters in Oil Colours.
  392. The President of the Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians.
  393. The Editor of "All the Year Round" (London).
  394. The Editor of "The Antiquary" (London).
  395. The Editor of "The Architect" (London).
  396. The Editor of "The Army and Navy Gazette" (London).
  397. The Editor of "Berrow's Worcester Journal" (Worcester).
  398. The Editor of "The Bolton Evening Guardian" (Bolton).
  399. The Editor of "The Bolton Weekly Guardian" (Bolton).
  400. The Editor of "The Bradford Observer" (Bradford).
  401. The Editor of "The British Architect" (London).
  402. The Editor of "The British Quarterly Review" (London).
  403. The Editor of "The Builder" (London).
  404. The Editor of "The Bullionist" (London).
  405. The Editor of "The Cabinet Maker and Art Furnisher" (London).
  406. The Editor of "The Canterbury Press and County News" (Canterbury).
  407. The Editor of "The Cardiff Times" (Cardiff).
  408. The Editor of "The Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald" (Carnarvon).
  409. The Editor of "Chambers' Journal" (Edinburgh).
  410. The Editor of "The Chemical News" (London).
  411. The Editor of "The Colonial Trade Journal" (London).
  412. The Editor of "The Daily Telegraph" (London).
  413. The Editor of "The Daily Chronicle" (London).
  414. The Editor of "The Daily Review" (Edinburgh).
  415. The Editor of "The Darlington and Stockton Times" (Darlington).
  416. The Editor of "The Durham Chronicle" (Durham).
  417. The Editor of "The Elgin Courant and Courier" (Elgin),
  418. The Editor of "The Engineer and Iron Trades' Advertiser" (Glasgow).
  419. The Editor of "The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette" (Exeter).
  420. The Editor of "The Exeter Daily Telegram" (Exeter).
  421. The Editor of "The Farm and Home" (London).
  422. The Editor of "The Financial News" (London).
  423. The Editor of "The Folk Lore Journal" (London).
  424. The Editor of "The Freemason" (London).
  425. The Editor of "The Friendly Societies' Journal" (Sheffield).
  426. The Editor of "The Furniture Gazette" (London) .
  427. The Editor of "The Garden" (London).
  428. The Editor of "The Globe" (London).
  429. The Editor of "The Graphic" (London).
  430. The Editor of "The Halifax Guardian" (Halifax).
  431. The Editor of "The Herald Cymraeg (Welsh Herald)" (Carnarvon).
  432. The Editor of "Herapath's Financial Journal" (London).
  433. The Editor of "The Holyhead Mail and Anglesey Herald" (Carnarvon).
  434. The Editor of "Household Words" (London). [411/412]
  435. The Editor of "The Huddersfield Daily Chronicle" (Huddersfield).
  436. The Editor of "The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News" (London).
  437. The Editor of "L'Ingénieur Universel" (London).
  438. The Editor of "Invention" (London).
  439. The Editor of "Iron" (London).
  440. The Editor of "The Ironmonger" (London).
  441. The Editor of "The Jewish Chronicle" (London).
  442. The Editor of "The Kidderminster Sun" (Kidderminster).
  443. The Editor of "The Labour News" (London).
  444. The Editor of "The Lancet" (London).
  445. The Editor of "The Leeds Mercury" (Leeds).
  446. The Editor of "The Leeds Times" (Leeds),
  447. The Editor of "Life" (London).
  448. The Editor of "The Live Stock Journal" (London).
  449. The Editor of "The Llandudno Register and Herald" (Llandudno).
  450. The Editor of "The London Figaro" (London).
  451. The Editor of "The London Medical Record" (London).
  452. The Editor of "The Londonderry Standard" (Londonderry).
  453. The Editor of "Longman's Magazine" (London).
  454. The Editor of "The Manchester Guardian" (Manchester).
  455. The Editor of "The Manchester Courier" (Manchester).
  456. The Editor of "The Manchester Evening Mail" (Manchester)
  457. The Editor of "The Manufacturer" (London).
  458. The Editor of "The Mark Lane Express" (London).
  459. The Editor of "The Merionethshire Herald" (Carnarvon).
  460. The Editor of "The Miller" (London).
  461. The Editor of "The Mining Journal" (London).
  462. The Editor of "The Morning Post" (London).
  463. The Editor of "The Newcastle Daily Chronicle" (Newcastle-on-Tyne).
  464. The Editor of "The North Middlesex Chronicle" (London).
  465. The Editor of "The North Wales Guardian" (Wrexham).
  466. The Editor of "The Northern Whig" (Belfast).
  467. The Editor of "Notes and Queries" (London).
  468. The Editor of "The Nottingham and Midland Counties Daily Express.’ [sic]
  469. The Editor of "The Nuneaton Advertiser" (Nuneaton).
  470. The Editor of "The Observer" (London).
  471. The Editor of "Public Opinion" (London).
  472. The Editor of "Pump Court" (London).
  473. The Editor of "The Quarterly Journal of Science" (London).
  474. The Editor of "The Review" (London).
  475. The Editor of "The Rugby Advertiser" (Eugby).
  476. The Editor of "The Sanitary Record" (London).
  477. The Editor of "The Scarborough Evening News" (Scarborough
  478. The Editor of "The Scarborough Mercury" (Scarborough).
  479. The Editor of "The Scientific Review" (London).
  480. The Editor of "The School Board Chronicle" (London).
  481. The Editor of "The South Wales Daily News" (Cardiff). [412/413]
  482. The Editor of "The South Wales Echo" (Cardiff).
  483. The Editor of "The Southport Guardian" (Southport).
  484. The Editor of "The Sporting Life" (London).
  485. The Editor of "The Sportsman" (London).
  486. The Editor of "The Sportsman's and Tourist's Guide to Scotland" (London).
  487. The Editor of "St. Stephen's Review" (London).
  488. The Editor of "The Stratford-upon-Avon Chronicle" (Stratford-upon-Avon).
  489. The Editor of "The Tamworth Advertiser" (Tamworth).
  490. The Editor of "The Textile Recorder" (Manchester).
  491. The Editor of "The United Service Gazette" (London).
  492. The Editor of "The Volunteer Service Review" (London).
  493. The Editor of "The Wakefield Express" (Wakefield).
  494. The Editor of "The Wakefield and West Riding Herald" (Wakefield).
  495. The Editor of "The Western Daily Mercury" (Plymouth).
  496. The Editor of "The Westminster and Lambeth Gazette" (London).
  497. The Editor of "The Whitehall Review" (London).
  498. The Editor of "Woods and Forest" (London).
  499. The Editor of "The Worcester Daily Times" (Worcester).
  500. The Editor of "The World" (London).
  501. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1885).
  502. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor-Elect of London (1885-6).
  503. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1884).
  504. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1883).
  505. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1882).
  506. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1881).
  507. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1872).
  508. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1871).
  509. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London (1858).
  510. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of Dublin.
  511. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Edinburgh.
  512. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Elgin.
  513. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Glasgow.
  514. The Right Hon. the Lord Provost of Perth.
  515. His Worship the Mayor of Bath.
  516. His Worship the Mayor of Beverley.
  517. His Worship the Mayor of Birmingham.
  518. His Worship the Mayor of Bradford.
  519. His Worship the Mayor of Cardiff.
  520. His Worship the Mayor of Chester.
  521. His Worship the Mayor of Coventry.
  522. His Worship the Mayor of Dover.
  523. His Worship the Mayor of Dudley.
  524. His Worship the Provost of Dundee.
  525. His Worship the Mayor of Exeter.
  526. His Worship the Provost of Greenock.
  527. His Worship the Mayor of Hull.
  528. His Worship the Provost of Inverness. [413/414]
  529. His Worship the Mayor of Kidderminster.
  530. His Worship the Mayor of Leeds.
  531. His Worship the Mayor of Limerick.
  532. His Worship the Mayor of Liverpool.
  533. His Worship the Mayor of Londonderry.
  534. His Worship the Mayor of Macclesfield.
  535. His Worship the Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
  536. His Worship the Mayor of Newport, Mon.
  537. His Worship the Mayor of Plymouth.
  538. His Worship the Mayor of Preston.
  539. His Worship the Mayor of Scarborough.
  540. His Worship the Provost and High Sheriff of Stirling.
  541. His Worship the Mayor of Swansea.
  542. His Worship the Mayor of Wigan.
  543. The President of the Batley Chamber of Commerce.
  544. The President of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce.
  545. The President of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce.
  546. The President of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce.
  547. The President of the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce.
  548. The President of the Coventry Chamber of Commerce.
  549. The President of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce.
  550. The President of the Dudley Chamber of Commerce.
  551. The President of the Port of Falmouth Chamber of Commerce.
  552. The President of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.
  553. The President of the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce.
  554. The President of the Goole Chamber of Commerce.
  555. The President of the Greenock Chamber of Commerce.
  556. The President of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce.
  557. The President of the Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce.
  558. The President of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce.
  559. The President of the Kidderminster Chamber of Commerce.
  560. The President of the Leicester Chamber of Commerce.
  561. The President of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
  562. The President of the London Chamber of Commerce.
  563. The President of the Macclesfield Chamber of Commerce.
  564. The President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce.
  565. The President of the Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce.
  566. The President of the Newport (Mon.) Chamber of Commerce.
  567. The President of the South of Scotland Chamber of Commerce.
  568. The President of the Southampton Chamber of Commerce.
  569. The President of the Stockton-on-Tees Chamber of Commerce.
  570. The President of the Warrington Chamber of Commerce.
  571. The President of the Waterford Chamber of Commerce.
  572. The President of the Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce.
  573. The President of the Worcester Chamber of Commerce.
  574. The President of the Cheshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  575. The President of the Cowbridge Farmers' Club. [414/415]
  576. The President of the Derbyshire Dairy Farmers' Association.
  577. The President of the East Riding of Yorkshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  578. The President of the Essex Chamber of Agriculture.
  579. The President of the Hampshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  580. The President of the Kendal Chamber of Agriculture.
  581. The President of the Maidstone Chamber of Agriculture.
  582. The President of the Monmouthshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  583. The President of the Newcastle Farmers' Club.
  584. The President of the Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture.
  585. The President of the South Wilts Chamber of Agriculture.
  586. The President of the Staffordshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  587. The President of the York Chamber of Agriculture.
  588. The President of the Warwickshire Chamber of Agriculture.
  589. Augustus B. Abraham, Esq.
  590. John G. Adair, Esq., D.L. Monasterevan (Ireland).
  591. Cole A. Adams, Esq. London.
  592. William Rushton Adamson, Esq. Battle, Sussex.
  593. Daniel Adamson, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. Manchester.
  594. The Rev. Dr. Hermann Adler, Ph.D., M.A. London.
  595. Wm. Agnew, Esq., M.P. (Lancashire, Stretford).
  596. Wm. Allingham, Esq., F.R.S. London.
  597. W. Allison, Esq. London.
  598. Professor Geo. J. Allman, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. London.
  599. Rev. Henry Allon. London, D.D., of Yale College, New Haven, Conn.
  600. William Allport, Esq. London.
  601. Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Esq., R.A. London.
  602. Sydney Allport, Esq. London.
  603. George Anderson, Esq., M.P. (Glasgow).
  604. William Anderson, Esq. London.
  605. J. C. St. Aubyn Angove, Esq., Mem. Law Soc. London.
  606. R. H. Appleton, Esq. Preston-on-Tees.
  607. Vincent Augustin Applin, Esq., M.I.L.S. London.
  608. Professor T. C. Archer, F.R.S.E.
  609. John H. Arkwright, Esq. Leominster.
  610. Benjamin Armitage, Esq., M.P. (West Salford).
  611. T. R. Armitage, Esq., M.D. London.
  612. Henry H. Armstead, Esq., R.A. London.
  613. J. R. Astell, Esq.
  614. Rev. J. C. Atkinson, B.A. Grosmont, York,
  615. R. J. Atkinson, Esq. London.
  616. Professor John Attfield, F.R.S., F.C.S., &c.
  617. Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S. London.
  618. Professor Charles C. Babington, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Cambridg [sic]
  619. The Rev. Churchill Babington, D.D., F.L.S., V.P.R.S.L. Sudbury.
  620. John Bagot, Esq., J.P. Dublin.
  621. William A. Baillie-Grohmann, Esq., J.P. London.
  622. William Bainton, Esq. Beverley. [415/416]
  623. Benjamin Baker, Esq. London.
  624. Enoch Baldwin, Esq.
  625. Charles Ball, Esq., C.E. London.
  626. Hugh Ballinghall, Esq., Provost of Dundee.
  627. S. B. Bancroft, Esq. London.
  628. Joseph Edge Banks, Esq. Coventry.
  629. James W. Barclay, M.P. (Forfarshire).
  630. Frederick S. Barff, Esq., M.A. Kilburn.
  631. James Barlow, Esq., J.P. Bolton, Lancashire.
  632. Thomas Oldham Barlow, Esq., R.A. London.
  633. William Henry Barlow, Esq., F.R.S. London.
  634. Thomas Barnes, Esq., J.P., D.L. Farnworth Cotton Mills, near Bolton, Lanc.
  635. John Barran, Esq., J.P. Leeds.
  636. Wilson Barrett, Esq., Tragedian. London.
  637. V. B. Barrington-Kennett, Esq. London.
  638. John Wolff Barry, Esq. London.
  639. Professor Henry Charlton Bastian, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., F.L.S. London.
  640. W. W. B. Beach, Esq., M.P. (Hampshire, Andover).
  641. Professor Lionel Smith Beale, M.B., F.R.S., F.R.C.P. London.
  642. William E. Bear, Esq. London.
  643. John T. Bedford, Esq., H.M.L.
  644. H. Coppinger Beeton, Esq. London.
  645. Richard C. Belt, Esq. London.
  646. The Rev. William Benham, B.D., F.S.A. London.
  647. F. Williams Benn, Esq. London.
  648. John Bennett, Esq. Goole.
  649. John Bennett, Esq. Waddon, Surrey.
  650. Francis Bennoch, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.S.L. London.
  651. George Berkley, Esq. London.
  652. William Henry Besant, Esq., M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S. Cambridge.
  653. W. T. Best, Esq. Liverpool.
  654. The Right Rev. John William Bewick, D.D.
  655. The Very Rev. E. Bickersteth, D.D., F.R.G.S.
  656. R. W. Binns, Esq., F.S.A. Worcester.
  657. C. B. Birch, Esq., A.R.A. London.
  658. Robert Bird, Esq. Cardiff.
  659. Charles Bishop, Esq. Tunbridge Wells.
  660. James Black, Esq. Glasgow.
  661. William Black, Esq., J.P., M.Inst.M.E. (Black, Hawthorn & Co.). Gateshead.
  662. Henry Blackburn, Esq. London.
  663. Rev. Beaver H. Blacker, M.A. Clifton.
  664. Professor John S. Blackie. Edinburgh.
  665. Charles W. Blake, Esq., M.R.C.V.S. London.
  666. Edward Augustus Bond, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. London.
  667. Alfred J. Boult, Esq., Fel. Inst.P.A., M.E. (W. P. Thompson & Boult). London,
  668. The Rev. Wm. Boyce, M.A., F.R.G.S. London.
  669. The Rev. A. K. H. Boyd, D.D. Glasgow. [416/417]
  670. E. Lennox Boyd, Esq., F.S.A. Folkestone.
  671. K. Whelan Boyle, Esq. London.
  672. J. Brinton, Esq., M.P. Kidderminster.
  673. John Syer Bristowe, Esq., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. London.
  674. Charles Broadbent, Esq. Warrington.
  675. William B. Brocklehurst, Esq. Macclesfield.
  676. William C. Brocklehurst, Esq., M.P. (Cheshire, Macclesfield).
  677. The Right Rev. C. H. Bromby, D.D. Montford.
  678. The Rev. William Haig Brown, LL.D. Godalming.
  679. Chas. Brown, Esq. Chester.
  680. Robert Brown, jun., Esq., F.S.A. Barton-on-Humber.
  681. Wm. E. Brown, Esq. Darlington.
  682. George B. Bruce, Esq. London.
  683. T. Lauder Brunton, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. London.
  684. William B. Bryan, Esq., M.I.C.E. London.
  685. James Bryce, Esq., M.P. (Aberdeen, South).
  686. Geo. Buchanan, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. London.
  687. J. C. Buckmaster, Esq., F.C.S. London.
  688. John Bullough, Esq. Accrington, Lancashire, and Meggernie Castle, Perthshire.
  689. Robert D. Burnie, Esq. Swansea.
  690. John Burr, Esq. London.
  691. E. N. Buxton, Esq., M.P. (Essex, Walthamstow). London.
  692. Charles Louis Buxton, Esq. Marsham, Norwich.
  693. W. Pollard Byles, Esq. Bradford.
  694. Alfred Carpenter, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.P., J.P. Croydon.
  695. E. Carr, Esq. Wakefield.
  696. William Carruthers, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. London.
  697. Samuel Cartwright, Esq. London.
  698. Robert Chambers, Esq. Edinburgh.
  699. William Watson Cheyne, Esq., M.B., F.R.C.S. London.
  700. Ewan Christian, Esq. London.
  701. Bailie Clark, Esq. Edinburgh.
  702. J. Moir Clark, Esq. Wilmington (Delaware).
  703. F. N. Clarke, Esq., F.S.S. London.
  704. Leigh Clifford, Esq. London.
  705. T. Spencer Cobbold, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S.
  706. Charles Cochrane, Esq. Stourbridge.
  707. Wentworth Lindsay Cole, Esq. London.
  708. John Coleman, Esq. Derby.
  709. Eugene Collins, Esq.
  710. Wilkie Collins, Esq. London.
  711. James C. Colvill, Esq. Raheny.
  712. William Cook, Esq., J.P.
  713. John Corner, Esq. London.
  714. Thos. Russell Crampton, Esq. London.
  715. F. R. Crawshay, Esq., J.P. Pontypridd.
  716. C. N. Cresswell, Esq. London. [417/418]
  717. Geo. Anderson Critchett, Esq., M.A., F.R.C.S. London.
  718. The Rev. G. Cromwell, M.A.
  719. William Crookes, Esq., F.R.S. London.
  720. James Cropper, Esq., J.P., D.L.
  721. Francis W. Cross, Esq. Canterbury.
  722. Thomas Cunliffe, Esq. Bolton.
  723. Arthur T. Dale, Esq. London.
  724. Alfred Darbyshire, Esq. Manchester.
  725. H. Davey, Esq. Worcester.
  726. Israel Davis, Esq., M.A. London.
  727. S. Rutherford Davidson, Esq. London.
  728. Warren de la Rue, Esq., M.A., D.C.L., Ph.D., F.R.S. London.
  729. Alderman P. de Keyser. London.
  730. John Dent Dent, Esq. Wetherby.
  731. J. Bailey Denton, Esq., J.P., F.G.S., M.Inst.C.E. London.
  732. Brockwell Dalton, Esq. London.
  733. Edward Dicey, Esq. London.
  734. Charles Dickens, Esq. London.
  735. Lewis L. Dillwyn, Esq., M.P. (Swansea Town).
  736. Professor Dittmar. Glasgow.
  737. Fredk. A. Dixon, Esq. Ottawa, Canada.
  738. G. T. Dixon, Esq. Leeds.
  739. Joseph Dodds, Esq., M.P. (Stockton).
  740. Thomas Orme Dudfield, Esq., M.D. London.
  741. William Dudgeon, Esq. London.
  742. William Duncan, Esq. Durham.
  743. David Duncan, sen., Esq. Cardiff.
  744. William Dunham, Esq. London,
  745. W. Eassie, Esq., C.E. London.
  746. J. Treeve Edgcombe, Esq. London.
  747. Robert W. Edis, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. London.
  748. H. Sutherland Edwards, Esq. London.
  749. Arthur H. Evans, Esq. London.
  750. J. Evans, Esq. Carnarvon.
  751. G. A. Everitt, Esq., J.P. Birmingham.
  752. Louis Fagan, Esq. London.
  753. R. E. Farrant, Esq. London.
  754. The Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. London.
  755. Frank Fearneley, Esq. Kidderminster.
  756. Dr. Heinrich Felbermann. London.
  757. Wm. Ferguson, Esq., of Kinmundy, J.P.
  758. George P. Field, Esq., M.R.C.S. London.
  759. Rogers Field, Esq., B.A., M.Inst.C.E. London.
  760. Jos. Firth B. Firth, Esq., LL.B. London.
  761. John Fisher, Esq., J.P. Hull.
  762. Professor W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S. London.
  763. John Forshaw, Esq., Mayor of Preston, 1884. [418/419]
  764. G. Le Neve Foster, Esq., D.Sc. Llandudno.
  765. T. Nelson Foster, Esq. Gloucester,
  766. John Fowler, Esq. London.
  767. W. Fowler, Esq., formerly M.P. (Cambridge).
  768. Charles Douglas Fox, Esq. London.
  769. Professor E. Frankland, D.C.L., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S. London.
  770. W. E. Freir, Esq. London.
  771. Richard Frewen, Esq. Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and London.
  772. Meadows Frost, Esq. Liverpool.
  773. Chas. John Galloway, Esq., J.P., M.Inst.M.E. Manchester.
  774. J. Garratt, Esq., J.P. Worcester.
  775. H. Simpson Gee, Esq. Leicester.
  776. John Hall Gladstone, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.S. London.
  777. W. W. Glenny, Esq., J.P. Barking.
  778. Edward W. Godwin, Esq. London.
  779. George Godwin, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. London.
  780. A. R. Goldie, Esq. Glasgow.
  781. G. Lawrence Gomme, Esq., F.S.A. London.
  782. D. N. Goodwin, Esq. Kidderminster.
  783. Frederick Gordon, Esq. Great Stanmore.
  784. Philip Gosset, Esq. Jersey.
  785. R. M. Gover, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.P. London.
  786. W. E. Gowers, Esq., M.D. London.
  787. Richard Gowing, Esq. London.
  788. J. C. Grant, Esq. London.
  789. William Grantham, Esq., Q.C., M.P. (Croydon).
  790. The Very Rev. George Monro Grant, D.D. Kingston, Ontario; Canada.
  791. J. P. Graves, Esq. Waterford.
  792. John Greenway, Esq. Plymouth.
  793. Rev. Robert Gregory, M.A, London.
  794. W. M. Grylls, Esq. Falmouth.
  795. The Right Rev. Matthew B. Hale, D.D. London.
  796. Charles Hancock, Esq., M.A. London.
  797. Geo. Harper, Esq. Huddersfield.
  798. Augustus Harris, Esq. London.
  799. Ernest Hart, Esq. London.
  800. Joseph Hatton, Esq. London.
  801. Thomas Hawksley, Esq., F.R.S. London.
  802. Charles H. Hawtrey, Esq. London.
  803. Jeremiah Head, Esq. (Fox, Head & Co.). Middlesbro'.
  804. Edward David Hearne, Esq., M.A., D.C.L. London.
  805. Professor C. W. Heaton, F.C.S. Charing Cross Hospital, London.
  806. Charles Heisch, Esq., F.C.S.
  807. John Snowdon Henry, Esq., J.P. (A. and S. Henry). Manchester.
  808. W. U. Heygate, Esq. Loughborough.
  809. Pantland Hick, jun., Esq. Scarborough.
  810. Alfred Hickman, Esq. Wolverhampton. [419/420]
  811. Edward Hicks, Esq., formerly M.P. (Cambridge).
  812. George Hill, Esq. London.
  813. James L. Hill, Esq. Southampton.
  814. Isaac Holden, Esq., D.L., J.P., M.P. (Yorkshire, W. R. North). Keighley.
  815. Thomas Holder, Esq., J.P. (Chambers, Holder & Co.). Liverpool.
  816. Samuel Holland, Esq.
  817. John Hollingshead, Esq. London.
  818. J. Hopewell, Esq. Rugby.
  819. Manley Hopkins, Esq. London.
  820. His Honour Judge Hughes. Chester.
  821. Professor G. M. Humphry, M.D., F.R.S. Cambridge,
  822. Robert Hutchinson, Esq., J.P., F.R.S.E. Carlowrie.
  823. Walter Iliffe, Esq., F.R.C.S., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glasgow. Kendal.
  824. Cosmo Innes, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. London.
  825. Henry Irving, Esq. London.
  826. Saul Isaac, Esq., J.P. London.
  827. Thomas H. Ismay, Esq. Liverpool.
  828. Robert Ives, Esq. Calthorpe, Norwich.
  829. W. L. Jackson, Esq., M.P. (Leeds, North).
  830. J. S. Jeans, Esq. London.
  831. Henry A. Jones, Esq. Chalfont St. Peter.
  832. John Wm. Jones, Esq. Newport, Mon.
  833. George Kenning, Esq. London.
  834. Robert Kerr, Esq. Paisley, N.B., and East Newark, N.J., U.S.
  835. Rev. Dr. John Kinnear, D.D., formerly M.P. (Donegal).
  836. Joseph Knight, Esq. London.
  837. George Lambert, Esq. London.
  838. Isaac Latimer, Esq. Plymouth.
  839. John F. La Trobe-Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., C.E.
  840. E. A. Leatham, Esq., M.P. (Huddersfield).
  841. H. Lee, Esq. Manchester.
  842. Henry Lee, Esq. London.
  843. Richard Lee, Esq. London.
  844. Maurice Lenihan, Esq., J.P. Limerick.
  845. Walter Hume Long, Esq., M.P. (Wiltshire, Devizes).
  846. Charles James Longman. London.
  847. Henry Lumley, Esq. London.
  848. J. Watson Lyall, Esq. London.
  849. R. S. D. Lyons, Esq., M.D.
  850. H. C. Macandrew, Esq. Inverness.
  851. Justin McCarthy, Esq., M.P. (Longford, North).
  852. James Macdonald, Esq. London.
  853. Patrick Macfadyen, Esq. London.
  854. Thomas Macknight, Esq. Belfast.
  855. John Gordon McMinnes, Esq., formerly M.P. (Warrington).
  856. Dep.-Inspector-General A. C. Macrae, M.D. London.
  857. Robert McVicker, Esq., J.P. Londonderry. [420/421]
  858. Philip Magnus, Esq. London.
  859. H. H. Marks, Esq. London.
  860. John Marshall, Esq., F.R.S., L.S.D. London.
  861. George Marsham, Esq., J.P., D.L. Maidstone.
  862. Richard B. Martin, Esq., M.A., J.P. London.
  863. T. W. C. Master, Esq., formerly M.P. (Cirencester).
  864. W. Mather, Esq., M.P. Manchester.
  865. Henry Mitchell, Esq., J.P. Bradford.
  866. The Right Rev. James Moorhouse, D.D. Melbourne, Australia.
  867. John Morgan, Esq. Stratford-upon-Avon.
  868. J. T. Morgan, Esq. Leeds.
  869. Arnold Morley, Esq., M.P. (Nottingham, East).
  870. Malcolm Morris, Esq., F.E.C.S.E. London.
  871. Charles Moseley, Esq. (David Moseley & Sons). Manchester.
  872. Dep.-Inspector- General Frederick J. Mouat, M.D. London.
  873. Dr. Henry Muirhead. Glasgow.
  874. P. A. Muntz, Esq., M.P. (Warwickshire, Tamworth)
  875. Richard J. Murphy, Esq. Glengeary, co. Dublin.
  876. William Murrell, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.P. London.
  877. Ambrose Myall, Esq., Assoc. M.Inst. C.E. London
  878. The Right Rev. Louis George Mylne, D.D.
  879. Joseph Naylor, Esq., J.P. Weston-super-Mare.
  880. George P. Neele, Esq. London.
  881. John Newton, Esq. Easingwold.
  882. Henry Willis Newton, Esq. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
  883. John Noble, Esq. Henley-on-Thames.
  884. Ernest Noel, Esq., M.P. (Dumfries Burgh).
  885. Perry Fairfax Nursey, Esq., C.E. London.
  886. Lucius E. O'Brien, Esq. Toronto.
  887. Denzil E. Onslow, Esq., formerly M.P. (Guildford).
  888. Charles Mark Palmer, Esq., M.P. (Durham, Jarrow).
  889. A. Villers Palmer, Esq. London.
  890. A. S. Palmer, Esq. Usworth, County of Durham.
  891. Charles Park, Esq. London.
  892. Henry Park, Esq., J.P. Wigan,
  893. William Parker, Esq. Batley.
  894. Howard Paul, Esq. London.
  895. Richard Peacock, Esq. Manchester.
  896. John Pearson, Esq. Manchester.
  897. W. H. Pellow, Esq. Liverpool.
  898. John Pender, Esq. London.
  899. Geo. Penfold, Esq. London.
  900. W. H. Perkin, Esq., F.R.S., P.C.S. Sudbury.
  901. Charles N. P. Phipps, Esq., J.P.
  902. Alfred Pickard, Esq. London.
  903. John Pound, Esq. London.
  904. W. R. H. Powell, Esq., J.P., D.L., M.P. (Carmarthenshire, West). [421/422]
  905. George Zohrab Price, Esq. London.
  906. James Priestley, Esq. (B. Viekerman & Sons). Huddersfield.
  907. John Priestman, Esq. London and New York.
  908. Robert Davies Price, Esq. Welshpool.
  909. John Henry Puleston, Esq., M.P. (Devonport).
  910. John Rae, Esq., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. London.
  911. David Radclilfe, Esq. Liverpool.
  912. Wm. Ramsey, Esq. Cupar, Fife.
  913. J. Ramsbottom, Esq. Alderly Edge.
  914. H. W. Henniker Rance, Esq. London.
  915. James Rankin, Esq. London.
  916. T. W. Reed, Esq. Leeds.
  917. Boverton Redwood, Esq., F.C.S., F.I.C. London.
  918. E. Renals, Esq. Nottingham.
  919. B. Windsor Richards, Esq. Middlesboro'-on-Tees.
  920. James Riley, Esq. Glasgow.
  921. Geo. C. Rivers, Esq. London.
  922. Thomas Perkin Eobinson, Esq. Wakefield.
  923. W. Robinson, Esq., F.L.S. London.
  924. James Rock, Esq. Tonbridge.
  925. Frederick E. Roe, Esq. Wrexham.
  926. A. K. Rollit, Esq.,LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.A.S. Hull.
  927. Richard Rose, Esq. London.
  928. R. Ruddock, Esq. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
  929. Dr. William Howard Russell. London.
  930. Peter Rylands, Esq., M.P. (Burnley).
  931. George Augustus Sala, Esq. London.
  932. Henry H. Sales, Esq. Manchester.
  933. Linley Sambourne, Esq. London.
  934. Henry B. Samuelson, Esq. London.
  935. Thomas S. Scarborough, Esq. Halifax.
  936. Professor Edward A. Shafer, F.E.S. London.
  937. C. P. Scott, Esq. Manchester.
  938. Samuel Smith Seal, Esq., M.I.L.S. London.
  939. Charles Seely, jun., Esq., J.P., D.L., M.P. (Nottingham, West).
  940. George E. Shepherd, Esq. London.
  941. Henry Simon, Esq. Manchester.
  942. Rev. Professor W. W. Skeat. Cambridge.
  943. John Slagg, Esq. Manchester.
  944. H. F. Slattery, Esq. London.
  945. T. Carrington Smith, Esq. Admeston.
  946. The Hon. Donald A. Smith. Montreal, Canada.
  947. Isaac Smith, Esq. Bradford.
  948. Ronald Smith, Esq. Southport.
  949. James Somervell, Esq. Mauchline.
  950. Lieut.-Col. Thos. Sowler. Manchester.
  951. Charles E. Spagnoletti, Esq. London. [422/423]
  952. Samuel Spalding, Esq., J.P. South Darenth.
  953. R. P. Spice, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. London.
  954. Ed. J. Stanley, Esq., M.P. (Somersetshire, Bridgewater).
  955. George Edward Stanley, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  956. Walter J. Stanton, Esq., J.P.
  957. H. H. Statham, Esq. London.
  958. T. Ballan Stead, Esq. Leeds.
  959. J. D. Steele, Esq., F.F.P.S., F.R.G.S. London.
  960. George Robert Stephenson, Esq., C.E.
  961. Philip Stern, Esq. London.
  962. James Stewart, Esq., M.P. (Greenock).
  963. Alderman Samuel Storey, M.P. (Sunderland).
  964. J. Meliss Stuart, Esq. London.
  965. William Summers, Esq., formerly M.P. (Stalybridge).
  966. Thomas Sutherland, Esq., M.P. (Greenock).
  967. James Tait, Esq. Edinburgh.
  968. Richard Tangye, Esq. Birmingham.
  969. Arthur Tapp, Esq. London.
  970. J. Pridgin Teale, Esq., M.B., M.A., F.R.C.S. Leeds.
  971. William L. Thomas, Esq. London.
  972. Henry Thomson, Esq. London.
  973. Chas. Meymott Tidy, Esq., M.B. London.
  974. William Tipping, Esq., J.P., M.P. (Stockport). Sevenoaks.
  975. M. Tomkinson, Esq. Kidderminster.
  976. Albert S. Tomson, Esq. Coventry.
  977. A. Loftus Tottenham, Esq., M.P. (Winchester).
  978. Frederick Treves, Esq., F.E.C.S. London.
  979. J. Henry Trewby, Esq. London.
  980. Tom Turner, Esq., J.P. Beverley.
  981. Professor John Tyndall, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. London.
  982. Robert George Underdown, Esq. Manchester.
  983. William Valentine, Esq., J.P. Belfast.
  984. S. D. Waddy, Esq., Q.C. London.
  985. J. C. Wakefield, Esq., J.P. London.
  986. W. H. Wakefield, Esq. Kendal.
  987. James Wakley, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.S. London.
  988. L. Walker, Esq. Greenock.
  989. T. J. Walker, Esq. Halifax.
  990. Alfred Wallis, Esq., M.B., A.A. Exeter.
  991. William Warren, Esq. London.
  992. Alfred E. T. Watson, Esq. London.
  993. T. Lindsay Watson, Esq. Hawick.
  994. William Clarence Watson, Esq., F.R.G.S. London.
  995. Edwin Waugh, Esq. Manchester.
  996. H. Weaver, Esq. London.
  997. F. W. Webb, Esq. Crewe.
  998. John Weir, Esq. Glasgow. [423/424]
  999. William H. Welsh, Esq. London.
  1000. T. B. Whitefoot, Esq. London.
  1001. John Robinson Whitley, Esq. London.
  1002. Joseph Whitley, Esq. Leeds.
  1003. Thos. P. Whittaker, Esq. Scarborough.
  1004. Mark Whitwell, Esq., J.P. Bristol.
  1005. Alfred Wilcox, Esq. London.
  1006. Josiah Wilkinson, Esq. Highgate.
  1007. E. Crane Wilkinson, Esq. Exeter.
  1008. C. Stanley Williams, Esq. Langton, Kent.
  1009. Professor A. W. Williamson, Ph.D., F.R.S., LL.D. London.
  1010. Wm. Hy. Wills, Esq. Blagdon.
  1011. Edward Wilson, Esq. Greenock.
  1012. Geo. F. Wilson, Esq., F.R.S., F.C.S., F.L.S. London.
  1013. Thomas Wilton, Esq. Bath.
  1014. Thomas Witherow, Esq., D.D. Londonderry.
  1015. Gilbert Wood, Esq., F.R.G.S. London.
  1016. Thomas Woodall, Esq. Dinham, Chepstow.
  1017. Mr. Alderman Edward Woodhouse, J.P. Leeds.
  1018. Edward Woods, Esq. London.
  1019. E. F. Wyman, Esq. London.
  1020. Charles Wyndham, Esq. London.
  1021. Edmund Yates, Esq. London.
  1022. Robert Yellowlees, Esq. Stirling.
  1023. R. D. Yelverton, Esq. London.
  1024. Adolphus W. Young, Esq. Twyford.
  1025. H. Young, Esq. Cleish, Kinross.

(Lowe 402–424)

Continental Council of Welcome

[edit | edit source]
  1. Monsieur J. Bartholdi. Paris.
  2. Herr Robert Bayer, Bregenz. Austria.
  3. Monsieur Edmund Bazire. Paris.
  4. Herr Karl Blind. London.
  5. Professor George Brandes, Ph.D. Copenhagen.
  6. Herr Max Bruch. Breslau.
  7. Professor Ludwig Büchner, M.D. Darmstadt.
  8. Professor William Camphausen. Düsseldorf .
  9. Monsieur Alphonse de Candolle. Geneva.
  10. Professor Cesare Cantu. Milan.
  11. Monsieur Francis Charmes. Paris.
  12. Monsieur Jules A. A. Claretie. Paris. [424/425]
  13. Capt. F. Le Clerc. London.
  14. Professor Daniel Colladon. Geneva.
  15. Professor J. Conrad. Halle.
  16. Lieut.-Col. Descharmes. London.
  17. Monsieur M. Ernest Leon J. Desmarest. Dordogne.
  18. Professor August Dillmann, Ph.D., D.D. Berlin.
  19. Professor Johannes Dümichen.
  20. Herr Dr. E. Dümmler. Halle.
  21. Professor Dr. August Eisenlohr. Heidelberg.
  22. The Baron Erlanger. Paris.
  23. Professor Karl Elze, Ph.D., LL.D.
  24. Lieut.-Col. A. Fernandez Fret. London.
  25. Professor Kuno Fisher, Ph.D. Heidelberg.
  26. Don B. Perez Galdos. Madrid.
  27. Signer Alessandro Gavazzi. Rome.
  28. Monsieur Henry de Grelle. London.
  29. Monsieur Charles François Gounod. Paris.
  30. Signer Cavaliere Guglielmo Grant. Rome.
  31. Professor Ernst Häckel. Jena.
  32. Herr Alfred Hartmann, Solothurn. Switzerland.
  33. Dr. J. H. Von Hefner Alteneck. Munich.
  34. Professor Paul Heyse, Ph.D. Munich.
  35. Monsieur Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire. Paris.
  36. Monsieur Arsène Houssaye. Paris.
  37. Herr Dr. Kayserling. Budapest.
  38. Dr. Paul Lindau. Berlin.
  39. The Chevalier F. Krapf de Liverhoff. London.
  40. Rev. Dr. Louis Loewe. Broadstairs.
  41. M. Hyacinthe Loyson (Father Hyacinthe). Paris.
  42. The Count Lützow. London.
  43. H. S. J. Maas, Esq. London.
  44. His Excellency Don Marcial Martinez.
  45. Herr Oskar Meding ("Gregor Samarow"). Wohldenburg, Hanover.
  46. M. Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier. Paris.
  47. Professor Frederick Max Müller. Oxford.
  48. M. Michael de Munkacsy. Paris.
  49. Monsieur Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau. Paris.
  50. Professor Dr. Julius Oppert. Paris.
  51. Monsieur Edmond de Pressensé, D.D. Paris.
  52. Monsieur Félix Pyat. Saint Gratien, France.
  53. Monsieur Philippe Ricord. Paris.
  54. The Chevalier Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch. Leipzig.
  55. Monsieur Seydelmeyr. Paris.
  56. Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, F.S.A., M.R.I.B.A. Athens.
  57. Professor W. Schott, Ph.D. Berlin.
  58. His Eminence Cardinal Giovanni Simeoni. Eome.
  59. Monsieur Jules Simon. Paris. [425/426]
  60. Herr Friederich Spielhagen. Berlin.
  61. Monsieur Maurice Strakosch. Paris.
  62. The Baron B. Von Tauchnitz. Leipzig.
  63. Professor Arminius Vambéry. Budapest.
  64. Monsieur Louis Gustave Vapereau. Paris.
  65. Captain I. Da Fouseca Vaz. London.
  66. General A. Vogeli-Bodmer. Zurich.
  67. Dr. Karl Vogt. Geneva.
  68. Professor G. Weil, Ph.D. Berlin.

(Lowe 424–426)

American General Council

[edit | edit source]
  1. His Excellency the Governor of the Territory of Arizona.
  2. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Arkansas.
  3. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Connecticut.
  4. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Delaware.
  5. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Florida.
  6. His Excellency the Governor of the Territory of Idaho.
  7. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Kansas.
  8. His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
  9. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Maryland.
  10. His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  11. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Minnesota.
  12. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Mississippi.
  13. His Excellency the Governor of the Territory of Montana.
  14. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Nebraska.
  15. His Excellency the Governor of the State of New Hampshire.
  16. His Excellency the Governor of the State of New Jersey,
  17. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Oregon.
  18. His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  19. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Rhode Island.
  20. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Tennessee.
  21. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Texas.
  22. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Vermont.
  23. His Excellency the Governor of the Territory of Washington.
  24. His Excellency the Governor of the State of West Virginia.
  25. His Excellency the Governor of the State of Wisconsin.
  26. Member of Congress for Alabama. (Second District.)
  27. Member of Congress for Alabama. (Third District.)
  28. Member of Congress for Arkansas. (At Large.)
  29. Member of Congress for California. (At Large.) [426/427]
  30. Member of Congress for California. (Third District.)
  31. Member of Congress for California. (Fourth District.)
  32. Member of Congress for Georgia. (Fifth District.)
  33. Member of Congress for Illinois. (Seventeenth District.)
  34. Member of Congress for Illinois. (Eighteenth District.)
  35. Member of Congress for Illinois. (Nineteenth District.)
  36. Member of Congress for Indiana. (Twelfth District.)
  37. Member of Congress for Iowa. (Second District.)
  38. Member of Congress for Kansas. (At Large.)
  39. Member of Congress for Kansas. (At Large.)
  40. Member of Congress for Kansas. (At Large.)
  41. Member of Congress for Kansas. (First District.)
  42. Member of Congress for Kentucky. (Ninth District.)
  43. Member of Congress for Louisiana. (Fourth District.)
  44. Member of Congress for Maine. (At Large.)
  45. Member of Congress for Maryland. (First District.)
  46. Member of Congress for Maryland. (Sixth District.)
  47. Member of Congress for Massachusetts. (Fourth District.)
  48. Member of Congress for Massachusetts. (Tenth District.)
  49. Member of Congress for Michigan. (Eleventh District.)
  50. Member of Congress for Minnesota. (Second District.)
  51. Member of Congress for Mississippi. (Third District.)
  52. Member of Congress for Mississippi. (Sixth District.)
  53. Member of Congress for Missouri. (Ninth District.)
  54. Member of Congress for New Hampshire. (First District.)
  55. Member of Congress for New York. (Twenty-second District.)
  56. Member of Congress for New York. (Thirty-first District.)
  57. Member of Congress for New York. (Thirty-third District.)
  58. Member of Congress for North Carolina. (Sixth District.)
  59. Member of Congress for North Carolina. (Eighth District.)
  60. Member of Congress for Ohio. (Fourth District.)
  61. Member of Congress for Ohio. (Sixth District.)
  62. Member of Congress for Ohio. (Seventh District.)
  63. Member of Congress for Ohio. (Ninth District.)
  64. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Eighth District.)
  65. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Tenth District.)
  66. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Eleventh District.)
  67. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Nineteenth District.
  68. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Twenty-second District.)
  69. Member of Congress for Pennsylvania. (Twenty-seventh District.)
  70. Member of Congress for South Carolina. (First District.)
  71. Member of Congress for Tennessee. (First District.)
  72. Member of Congress for Tennessee. (Tenth District.)
  73. Member of Congress for Texas. (Second District.)
  74. Member of Congress for Texas. (Seventh District.)
  75. Member of Congress for Texas. (Tenth District.)
  76. Member of Congress for Virginia. (First District.) [427/428]
  77. Member of Congress for West Virginia. (Second District.)
  78. Member of Congress for Wisconsin. (Fourth District.)
  79. The Delegate from Arizona Territory.
  80. The Delegate from Washington Territory.
  81. The Delegate from Wyoming Territory.
  82. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Baltimore (Md.).
  83. The Hon. the Mayor of Bay City (Mich.).
  84. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Boston (Mass.).
  85. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Bridgeport (Conn.),
  86. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Cambridge (Mass.).
  87. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Chicago (Ill.).
  88. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Columbus (Ohio).
  89. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Des Moines (Iowa).
  90. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Dubuque (Iowa).
  91. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Elmira (N.Y.).
  92. The Hon. the Mayor of Fort Wayne, Allen Co. (Ind.)..
  93. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Grand Rapids (Mich.).
  94. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Harrisburg (Pa.).
  95. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Hoboken (N. J.).
  96. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Indianapolis (Ind.).
  97. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Lancaster (Pa.).
  98. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Louisville (Ky.).
  99. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Lynn (Mass.).
  100. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Milwaukee (Wis.).
  101. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Minneapolis (Minn.).
  102. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Newark (N.J.),
  103. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of New Bedford (Mass.).
  104. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Newport (Ky.).
  105. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of New York (N.Y.).
  106. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Norfolk (Va.).
  107. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Oakland (Cal.).
  108. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Oswego (N.Y.).
  109. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Paterson (N.J.).
  110. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Petersburg (Va.).
  111. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia (Pa.).
  112. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Portland (Me.).
  113. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Providence (R.I.).
  114. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Richmond (Va.).
  115. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of San Francisco (Cal.).
  116. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of St. Louis (Mo.).
  117. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of St. Paul (Minn.).
  118. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Sacramento (Cal.).
  119. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of San Antonio (Tex.).
  120. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Scranton (Pa.).
  121. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Somerville (Mass.).
  122. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Springfield (Mass.).
  123. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Taunton (Mass.). [428/429]
  124. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Terre Haute (Ind.).
  125. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Trenton (N.J.).
  126. The Hon. the President of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Washington (D.C).
  127. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Wheeling (W. Va.).
  128. The Hon. the Mayor of the City of Wilmington (Del.).
  129. Edward A. Abbot, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  130. Frank Abbot, Esq., M.D. New York.
  131. The Rev. Edward Abbot. Boston, Mass.
  132. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  133. Frank D. Allen, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  134. The Hon. Stephen M. Allen. Boston, Mass.
  135. Stillman Boyd Allen, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  136. Wm. R. Alling, Esq. New York.
  137. The Hon. Oliver Ames. Boston, Mass.
  138. Col. A. Andrews. San Francisco, Gal.
  139. Clarence Andrews, Esq. New York, and Beaconsfield Club, London.
  140. Constant A. Andrews, Esq. New York.
  141. Capt. Nathan Appleton. Boston, Mass.
  142. The Hon. W. W. Astor. New York.
  143. Edward Atkinson, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  144. F. E. Atteaux, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  145. Henry Bacon, Esq. Paris.
  146. William K. Baker, Esq. Springfield, Mass.
  147. W. D. Baldwin, Esq. Washington, D.C.
  148. W. W. Baldwin, Esq.
  149. T. W. Barhydt, Esq.
  150. F. A. P. Barnard, Esq., D.D., LL.D. New York.
  151. E. J. Barney, Esq.
  152. G. W. Bartholomew, Esq. Hartford, Conn.
  153. Dervey Bates, Esq. London.
  154. William Baumbarten, Esq. New York.
  155. William H. Beers, Esq.
  156. Clark Bell, Esq. New York.
  157. Solon Spencer Beman, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  158. Henry Bergh, Esq.
  159. Albert Bierstadt, Esq., N.A. New York.
  160. A. L. Blackman, Esq.
  161. H. R. Bloomer, Esq. London.
  162. A. J. Bloor, Esq. New York.
  163. W. A. Blount, Esq. Pensacola, Fla.
  164. F. M. Boggs, Esq. Paris.
  165. The Hon. Alex. E. Boteler. Shepherdstown, West Virginia,
  166. George H. Broughton, Esq., A.E.A. London.
  167. G. Bouscaren, Esq., M.Am.Soc.C.E. Cincinnati.
  168. Oden Bowie, Esq. Baltimore, Md.
  169. C. B. Boyd, Esq. Wytheville, Va. [429/430]
  170. James Thomas Boyd, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  171. Judge S. M. Breckinridge. St. Louis, Mo.
  172. S. W. Bretzfield, Esq. New York.
  173. Lyman Bridges, Esq.
  174. F. A. Bridgman, Esq. Paris.
  175. Isaac Britton, Esq.
  176. Enoch S. Brown, Esq. Brooklyn, N.Y.
  177. John G. Brown, Esq., M.N.A. New York.
  178. John Haskall Butler, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  179. E. A. Buck, Esq. New York.
  180. W. Masters Camac, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  181. The Hon. Angus Cameron, U.S. Senator, La Crosse, Wis.
  182. The Hon. Henry W. Cannon. Washington, D.C.
  183. Gen. Charles A. Carleton. New York.
  184. Will Carleton, Esq. Brooklyn, New York.
  185. Thos. M. Carnegie, Esq. Pittsburgh, Pa.
  186. Gen. J. B. Carson. Chicago, Ill.
  187. Jerome Carty, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  188. F. Chamberlain, Esq. Hartford, Conn.
  189. Parker C. Chandler, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  190. J. E. Childs, Esq. New York.
  191. Eliot C. Clarke, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  192. W. S. Chisholm, Esq. Savannah, Ga.
  193. Thos. C. Clarke, Esq. New York.
  194. Capt. Arthur H. Clark, Boston, Mass.
  195. The Hon. J. Randolph Clay, U.S. London.
  196. S. L. Clemens, Esq. Hartford, Conn.
  197. Alexander Cochrane, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  198. A. B. Coffin, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  199. Gen. Charles H. T. Collis. New York.
  200. John Esten Cooke, Esq. Boyce, Va.
  201. A. L. Coolidge, Esq. (Houghton, Coolidge & Co.). Boston, Mass.
  202. Professor Edward D. Cope. Philadelphia, Pa.
  203. Elmer L. Corthill, Esq. New York.
  204. Alexander I. Cotheal, Esq. New York.
  205. The Hon. M. J. Cramer. Berne.
  206. The Hon. J. Schuyler Crosby. Washington, D.C.
  207. Ralph F. Cullinan, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  208. The Hon. A. G. Curtin. Bellefonte, Pa.
  209. The Hon. George William Curtis, LL.D. West New Brighton, Staten Island.
  210. Charles H. Dalton, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  211. Charles P. Daly, Esq. New York.
  212. Professor James D. Dana, LL.D. New Haven, Conn.
  213. W. T. Dannat, Esq. Paris.
  214. Felix O. C. Darley, Esq. Claymount, Del.
  215. Professor George Davidson, A.M., Ph.D. San Francisco, Cal.
  216. Professor Thomas Davidson, M.A. Boston, Mass. [430/431]
  217. Lewis H. Davis, Esq. Chicago.
  218. Col. L. M. Dayton. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  219. W. E. Dean, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  220. J. S. Decker, Esq. New York.
  221. Tallmadge Delafield, Esq. New York.
  222. Hon. Alex. Del Mar. New York.
  223. John H. de Mott, Esq. (De Mott & Durant, Bankers and Brokers). New York.
  224. Chas. F. Dennet, Esq. Brighton, Eng.
  225. Joseph Derrick, Esq. London.
  226. J. W. Doane, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  227. Thomas Dolan, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  228. Edward Bates Dorsey, Esq., Mem.Am.Soc.C.E. New York and London.
  229. Gen. Neal Dow. Portland, Me.
  230. W. A. Drake, Esq., M.Am.Soc.C.E.
  231. Chester A. Dresser, Esq. Southbridge, Mass.
  232. Joseph W. Drexel, Esq. New York.
  233. Thomas H. Dudley, Esq. New Jersey.
  234. John Ward Dunsmore, Esq. London.
  235. John L. Durant, Esq. (De Mott & Durant). New York.
  236. C. W. Durham, Esq., M.Am.Soc.C.E. New York.
  237. Capt. J. B. Eads. St. Louis, Mo.
  238. George R. Eager, Esq. Marietta, Ga.
  239. The Hon. Dorman B. Eaton. Washington, D.C.
  240. Thomas A. Edison, Esq. New York.
  241. James B. Edmonds, Esq. Washington, D.C.
  242. Hon. Wm. Edwards. Cleveland, Ohio.
  243. Walton White Evans, Esq. New York.
  244. Edward A. Farrington, Esq. New York and London,
  245. The Hon. W. B. Farwell. San Francisco, Cal.
  246. John. T. Ferguson, Esq. Memphis, Tenn.
  247. The Hon. T. W. Ferry. Michigan.
  248. Albert Fink, Esq. New York.
  249. Mark Fisher, Esq. Maidenhead.
  250. Col. Thomas Fitzgerald, Phila., Pa.
  251. John Flintoff, Esq. New York.
  252. G. J. Foreacre, Esq. Atlanta, Ga.
  253. L. N. Fowler, Esq. London.
  254. Thomas Powell Fowler, Esq. (Dunning, Edsall, Hart, & Fowler). New York.
  255. James B. Francis, Esq. Lowell, Mass.
  256. Gen. W. B. Franklin. Hartford, Conn.
  257. Major-Gen. John Charles Fremont. New Brighton, Staten Island.
  258. The Hon. Henry F. French. Washington, D.C.
  259. Hon. Robert Froehlich. Manchester.
  260. O. B. Frothingham, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  261. The Hon. Robert W. Furnas. Brownville, Neb.
  262. Lyman J. Gage, Esq. New York.
  263. Albert Gallatin, Esq. San Francisco, Cal. [431/432]
  264. George Clinton Gardner, Esq. New York.
  265. J. G. Gates, Esq. London.
  266. J. Drew Gay, Esq. Ravena, Cal.
  267. Walter Gay, Esq. Paris.
  268. Geo. E. Ghiselin, Esq. Daggett, San Bernardino Co., Cal.
  269. The Hon. Addison C. Gibbs, LL.D. London.
  270. The Hon Randall L. Gibson. U.S., New Orleans, La.
  271. William Aug. Gibson, Esq. London.
  272. Benj. J. Gifford, Esq. Rantoul, Ill.
  273. John A. Gifford, Esq. New York.
  274. The Hon. Henry A. Gildersleeve. New York.
  275. C. F. Gillingham, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.S.E. Los Angeles, Cal.
  276. Col. Auguste H. Girard. New York.
  277. The Hon. G. W. Glick. Topeka.
  278. Thomas Gliddon, Esq. Rochester, N^Y.
  279. Samuel P. Godwin, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  280. Benjamin A. Gould, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  281. Frederic Graff, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  282. Robert A. Grannis, Esq. New York.
  283. Simon Gratz, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  284. George E. Gray, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  285. William Bullough Gray, Esq. (Howard, Bullough & Riley). Boston, Mass.
  286. Henry C. Greeley, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  287. Maj.-Gen. Geo. S. Greene. New York.
  288. John E. Green, Esq. Louisville, Ky.
  289. Henry Greenebaum, Esq. New York,
  290. Col. James T. Griffin. London.
  291. James J. Grinnell, Esq. Greenfield, Mass.
  292. F. L. Griswold, Esq. Buenos Ayres.
  293. Dr. Egbert Guernsey. New York.
  294. M. F. H. De Haas, Esq., N.A. New York.
  295. John Habberton, Esq. New York.
  296. The Hon. John A. Haldeman. Bangkok.
  297. A. Oakey Hall, Esq. London.
  298. W. S. Hall, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  299. Clifton A. Hall, Esq. Providence, R.I.
  300. John A. Hambleton, Esq. (John A. Hambleton & Co., Bankers). Baltimore, Md.
  301. Chas. D. Hamill, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  302. Frank H. Hamilton, Esq. New York,
  303. Dr. Graeme M. Hammond. New York.
  304. Surg.-Gen. W. A. Hammond, M.D. New York.
  305. Maj.-Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, U.S.A. Governor's Island, New York.
  306. Professor Henry G. Hanks. San Francisco, Cal.
  307. George Harding, Esq. New York and Philadelphia, Pa.
  308. W. W. Harding, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  309. Theodore Harris, Esq. Louisville.
  310. Edwin B. Hay, Esq. (Hancock, Hay & Griswold). Washington, D.C. [432/433]
  311. The Hon. John Hay. Cleveland, Ohio.
  312. Rowland Hazard, Esq. Peace Dale, R.I.
  313. George P. A. Healey, Esq. Paris.
  314. A. Hegewisch, Esq. New York.
  315. John J. Hemphill, Esq. Chester, S.C.
  316. W. J. Hennessy, Esq. Honfleur.
  317. Morris H. Henry, Esq., M.A., M.D., LL.D. New York.
  318. Gen. John Hewston. San Francisco, Cal.
  319. Dr. F. M. Hexamer. New York.
  320. Lewis B. Hibbard, Esq. New Orleans. ,
  321. Rev. E. E. Higbee. Harrisburg.
  322. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Esq. Cambridge, Mass.
  323. Jerome Hill, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  324. P. Hanson Hiss, Esq. Baltimore.
  325. Richard Hoffmann, Esq. New York.
  326. Col. W. W. Hollister. Santa Barbara, Cal.
  327. J. F. Holloway, Esq. New York.
  328. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Esq. Beverly Farms, Mass.
  329. Augustus Hoppin, Esq. Providence, R.I.
  330. Professor E. N. Horsford. Cambridge, Mass.
  331. John C. Houk, Esq. Knoxville, Tenn.
  332. Bronson Howard, Esq. Detroit (Michigan).
  333. George W. Howe, Esq. Cleveland.
  334. H. P. Hubbard, Esq. New Haven, Conn.
  335. W. D. Hubbard, Esq. Hartford, Conn.
  336. Richard A. Hudnut, Esq. Broadway, New York.
  337. E. Aubrey Hunt, Esq. London.
  338. Thomas Sterry Hunt, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S. Montreal.
  339. W. P. Hunt, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  340. The Hon. C. P. Huntington. New York.
  341. D. Huntington, Esq., N.A. New York.
  342. W. E. Ingalls, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  343. James Jackson Jarvis, Esq. Rome.
  344. M. R. Jefferds, Esq., C.E. Galveston, Texas, and London, England.
  345. Morris K. Jesup, Esq. New York.
  346. Eastman Johnson, Esq., N.A. New York.
  347. W. E. Johnston, Esq., M.D. Paris.
  348. Evan R. Jones, Esq. Wisconsin, and Cardiff, S. Wales.
  349. Eben D. Jordan, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  350. Philip S. Justice, Esq. London and Philadelphia, Pa.
  351. Judge Wm. D. Kelley. Philadelphia, Pa.
  352. Edmund Kelly, Esq. Paris.
  353. E. H. Kendall, Esq. New York.
  354. Samuel H. Kennedy, Esq. New Orleans.
  355. Charles S. Keyser, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  356. Maj. J. C. Kinney. Hartford, Conn.
  357. Joseph Kinsey, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio. [433/434]
  358. Daniel Kirkwood, Esq., LL.D. Bloomington, Ind.
  359. Sherman W. Knevals, Esq. New York.
  360. The Hon. John Jay Knox. New York.
  361. William Kohl, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  362. Wm. Lacy, Esq. Los Angeles, Cal.
  363. E. Lamb, Esq. Providence, R.I.
  364. Burnet Landreth, Esq. Bristol, Pa.
  365. The Hon. Elbridge J. Lapham. Canandaigua, N.Y.
  366. J. A. Latcha, Esq., M.Am.Soc.C.E. Toledo, Ohio.
  367. Augustus Laver, Esq. San Francisco, Cal., U.S.
  368. Judge De Witt C. Lawrence. Washington, B.C.
  369. Joseph Le Conte, Esq., M.B. Berkeley, Cal.
  370. Lewis W. Leeds, Esq. London.
  371. M. D. Leggett, Esq. Cleveland, Ohio.
  372. Joseph Leidy, Esq., M.D., LL.D. Philadelphia, Pa.
  373. Charles G. Leland, Esq. London.
  374. Professor J. P. Lesley. Philadelphia, Pa.
  375. Hon. Robert T. Lincoln. Chicago, Ill.
  376. John R. Lionberger, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  377. Col. Robert M. Littler. Chicago, Ill.
  378. The Hon. L. J. Logan. Boston, Mass.
  379. Elias Loomis, Esq., LL.D. New Haven, Conn.
  380. Benson John Lossing, Esq., LL.D. Dover Plains, Duchess Co., N.Y.
  381. Col. C. A. Lounsberry. Bismarck, Dakota.
  382. H. Loutrel, Esq. New York.
  383. Col. Wm. H. Love. Baltimore.
  384. Maj. Garret J. Lydecker. Washington.
  385. Moses Lyman, Esq. Sandford, Orange Co., Fla.
  386. William J. MacAlpine, Esq. New York.
  387. The Hon. J. K. McCammon. Washington, D.C.
  388. Donald Macleay, Esq. Portland, Oregon.
  389. Leander McBride, Esq. Cleveland, Ohio.
  390. Cyrus H. McCormick, jun., Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  391. Col. Mark L. McDonald. Santa Rosa, Cal.
  392. George Ross McKenzie, Esq. New York.
  393. The Hon. J. H. McLean. St. Louis, Mo.
  394. General M. T. McMahon. New York.
  395. James McMillan, Esq. Detroit, Mich.
  396. Wm. McMillan, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  397. W. F. McNutt, Esq., M.D. San Francisco, Cal.
  398. Montague Marks, Esq. New York.
  399. C. C. Martin, Esq. Brooklyn.
  400. Edward Martin, Esq. New York.
  401. Geo. C. Mason, jun., Esq. Newport, R.I.
  402. Leonard Matthews, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  403. Hiram S. Maxim, Esq. London.
  404. David N. Melvin, Esq. Linoleumville, Staten Island, N.Y. [434/345]
  405. Lieut.-Col. George H. Mendell. San Francisco, Cal.
  406. A. Mitchell, Esq. Milwaukee, Wis.
  407. Donald Grant Mitchell, Esq., LL.D. ("Ik Marvel").
  408. L. H. Mitchell, Esq. London.
  409. E. Morgan, Esq. Springfield, Mass.
  410. Charles O. Morris, Esq. (White, Morris, & Co., Bankers). New York.
  411. Godfrey Morse, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  412. Hon. Leopold Morse, M.C. Boston, Mass.
  413. John F. Moulton, Esq. Buffalo, N.Y.
  414. Henry Mosler, Esq. St. Cloud, France.
  415. Logan C. Murray, Esq. New York.
  416. Thomas Nast, Esq. Morristown, N.J.
  417. J. S. Newberry, Esq. New York.
  418. George B. Newcomb, Esq. New York.
  419. H. Victor Newcomb, Esq. New York.
  420. M. J. Newmark, Esq. Lyons, France.
  421. Maj.-Gen. John Newton, U.S.A. Washington, D.C.
  422. Henry J. Newton, Esq. New York.
  423. J. Howard Nichols, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  424. G. A. Nicolls, Esq. Reading, Pa.
  425. Joseph Nimmo, jun., Esq. Washington, D.C.
  426. W. E. Norton, Esq. London.
  427. James R. Osgood. Boston, Mass.
  428. Courtlandt Palmer, Esq. New York.
  429. Edwards A. Park, Esq., D.D, Andover, Mass.
  430. Ernest Parton, Esq. London.
  431. William A. Paton, Esq. New York.
  432. H. W. Peabody, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  433. Charles Sprague Pearce, Esq. Paris.
  434. Hon. Henry B. Peirce. Boston, Mass.
  435. B. F. Peixotto, Esq. Lyons. France.
  436. George D. Maduro Peixotto, Esq. Paris.
  437. Mark P. Peixotto, Esq. Lyons, France.
  438. P. H. Philbrick, Esq., M.S., C.E. Iowa City.
  439. C. H. Phillips, Esq. San Luis Obispo, Cal.
  440. R. F. Phillips, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  441. Charles Phillips, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  442. Professor Edward C. Pickering. Cambridge, Mass.
  443. W. L. Picknell. Parkstone, Dorset.
  444. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, Esq. Brooklyn, N.Y.
  445. Evelyn Pierrepont, Esq. London.
  446. The Hon. Albert Pike. Washington, D.C.
  447. Anthony Pollok, Esq. Washington, D.C.
  448. Frank L. Pope, Esq. New York.
  449. Maj.-Gen. Fitz John Porter. New York.
  450. Orville W. Powers, Esq. London.
  451. Adolph Proskauer, Esq. Mobile, Ala. [435/436]
  452. Rastus S. Ransom, Esq. New York.
  453. Samuel H. Rathbone, Esq. New York.
  454. The Hon. Dwight T. Reed. Madrid.
  455. Whitelaw Reid, Esq. New York.
  456. Hon. Alexander H. Rice. Boston, Mass.
  457. Col. John Hamilton Rice. Boston, Mass.
  458. John Morgan Richards, Esq. London.
  459. Gen. E. H. Ripley. Rutland, Vt.
  460. Col. A. F. Rockwell. Washington, D.C.
  461. Capt. J. F. Rodgers. Washington, D.C.
  462. John Rogers, Esq. New York.
  463. The Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. New York City.
  464. William H. Ross, Esq. New York.
  465. Vice-Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, U.S.N. Washington, D.C.
  466. Col. Henry Sturgis Russell. Boston, Mass.
  467. The Hon. H. S. Sanford. Berlin.
  468. Prof. Charles S. Sargent. Brookline, Mass.
  469. John S. Sargent, Esq. Paris.
  470. The Hon. Philetus Sawyer. Oshkosh, Wis.
  471. Philip Schaff, Esq., D.D., LL.D. New York.
  472. Irving M. Scott, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  473. W. H. Secor, Esq. New York.
  474. Clarence A. Seward, Esq. New York.
  475. Gen. Alexander Shaler. New York.
  476. E. S. Sheffield, Esq. Santa Barbara, Cal.
  477. E. L. Sheldon, Esq. London.
  478. George E. Sherman, Esq. Port Henry, N.Y.
  479. Gen. Thomas Sherwin. Boston, Mass.
  480. Edward Shippen, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  481. Frank Hill Smith, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  482. Geo. Putnam Smith, Esq. New York.
  483. Lloyd P. Smith, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa.
  484. Milton H. Smith, Esq. Louisville, Ky.
  485. John Gilmer Speed, Esq. New York.
  486. Thomas A. Speed, Esq. Louisville, Ky.
  487. Thomas W. Spencer, Esq. Albany, N.Y,
  488. Henry M. Stanley, Esq. London.
  489. The Hon. Edgar Stanton. St. Petersburg.
  490. Theodore Stanton, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  491. D. McN. Stauffer, Esq. New York.
  492. Simon H. Stern, Esq. New York.
  493. Simon Sterne, Esq. New York.
  494. Alfred Stone, Esq. Providence, R.I.
  495. David M. Stone, Esq. New York.
  496. Russell Sturgis, Esq. (Baring Bros. & Co., London). Leatherhead.
  497. E. H. Talbott, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  498. Col. Stuart Taylor. San Francisco, Cal. [436/437]
  499. Wm. H. Thomson, Esq. St. Louis, Mo.
  500. Rev. E. P. Thwing, Ph.D. Brooklyn, N.Y.
  501. Dr. J. A. Tonner. New York.
  502. Major Ben C. Truman, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  503. James C. Truman, Esq. Binghampton, N.Y.
  504. The Hon. Charles K. Tuckerman. Paris.
  505. C. G. Turner, Esq. New York.
  506. Theo. N. Vail, Esq. Boston, Mass.
  507. P. H. Van Der Weyde, Esq., M.D. New York,
  508. Gen. Egbert L. Viele. New York.
  509. John A. L. Waddell, Esq. Tokio, Japan.
  510. William H. Wallace, Esq. New York.
  511. Thomas U. Walter, Esq., LL.D. Philadelphia, Pa.
  512. Gratiot Washburne, Esq. Chicago.
  513. Leander Waterbury, Esq. New York.
  514. S. Waterhouse, Esq., Ph.D., LL.D. St. Louis, Mo.
  515. George H. Watrous, Esq. New Haven, Conn.
  516. The Hon. J. Riley Weaver. Vienna.
  517. Gen. Alex. S. Webb. New York.
  518. J. J. Wedgwood, Esq., M.D., D.D.S., L.D.S. London.
  519. E. L. Weeks, Esq. Paris.
  520. John Weir, Esq. London.
  521. L. C. Weir, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  522. Henry S. Welcome, Esq. London.
  523. James Wemyss, jun., Esq. Boston, Mass.
  524. Joseph R. West, Esq. Washington, D.C.
  525. The Hon. Byron Weston. Dalton, Mass.
  526. G. F. Wetherbee, Esq. London.
  527. George H. Wheeler, Esq. Chicago, Ill.
  528. James McNeal Whistler, Esq. London.
  529. F. M. White, Esq. Memphis, Tenn.
  530. D. J. Whitney, Esq. New York.
  531. John Greenleaf Whittier, Esq. Amesbury, Mass.
  532. Thos. H. Williams, Esq. San Francisco, Cal.
  533. Gen. Jas. Grant Wilson. New York.
  534. Joseph M. Wilson, Esq., A.M.C.E. Philadelphia, Pa.
  535. De Volson Wood, Esq. Hoboken, N.J.
  536. T. W. Wood, Esq., N.A. New York.
  537. Col. C. W. Woolley. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  538. Rear-Admiral John L. Worden, U.S.N. Washington, D.C.
  539. Col. Carroll D. Wright. Boston.
  540. Professor Thomas Yeatman. Paris.
  541. H. M. Yerington, Esq. Carson City, Nev.
  542. Gen. James E. Yonge. Pensacola, Fla.
  543. J. Henry Zeilin, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa. [437/438]

(Lowe 426–438)

Commissioners Appointed by the Governors to Represent Their Respective States at the American Exhibition, London

[edit | edit source]
  1. California: A. Andrews, of San Francisco.
  2. Colorado: Noel May, of Denver.
  3. Georgia: Thomas P. Stovall, of Atlanta.
  4. Idaho: P. J. Kinney, of Boise City.
  5. Kansas: Frederick Collins.
  6. Louisiana: Samuel P. Blanc, of New Orleans.
  7. " : James T. Griffin, of London, Eng.
  8. Maine: J. B. Ham, of Lewiston.
  9. Maryland: J. Thomas Scharf, of Baltimore.
  10. Michigan: F. W. Noble, of Detroit.
  11. Minnesota: W. D. Washburn.
  12. Montana: John E. Kennedy, of Blatchford.
  13. Nebraska: W. F. Cody, of North Platte.
  14. Nevada: W. M. Havener, of Reno.
  15. New Jersey: Wm. S. Taylor, of Burlington.
  16. New Mexico: W. B. Sloan, of Santa Fe.
  17. North Carolina: P. M. Wilson, of Raleigh.
  18. Oregon: E. W. Allen, of Portland.
  19. Pennsylvania: J. G. Ditman, of Philadelphia.
  20. Rhode Island: Mark H. Wood, of Barrington Centre.
  21. South Carolina: A. P. Butler, of Columbia.
  22. Tennessee: L. B. McWhirter, of Nashville.
  23. Texas: S. J. T. Johnson, of Corsicana.
  24. Vermont: John B. Mead, of Randolph.
  25. Virginia: E. B. Moon, of Richmond.

(Lowe 438)

Questions and Notes

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[edit | edit source]
  • "The American Exhibition." Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, April 16, 1887; pg. 440; Issue 2504, Col. B.
  • "The American Exhibition." Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, May 07, 1887; pg. 520; Issue 2507, Col. A
  • Illustrated London News (London, England), Saturday, April 23, 1887; pg. 464; Issue 2505, Col. B.
  • Lowe, Charles. Four National Exhibitions and Their Organiser. T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.