Social Victorians/1887 American Exhibition/State of Nebraska arrived at Gravesend

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  • 16 April 1887
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  • The American Exhibition, which opened on 6 May 1887

Prior Events

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Later Events

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  • 16 April 1887: Reception on board The State of Nebraska
  • 18 April 1887: The State of Nebraska arrived at the port of London.
  • 18 April 1887: The "Wild West" show moves to Earl's Court.

The Event Itself

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The ship The State of Nebraska carrying the cast, animals, and the rest of the show, arrived in Gravesend. [Moses says 16 April; Gower says 17 (Moses 43)]. The ship was met by government officials to control the livestock and artillery.

Then, as Cody tells the story,

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<quote>As the tug came, nearer, strains of "The Star Spangled Banner," rendered by a band on her deck, fell upon our ears, and immediately our own Cowboy band responded with "Yankee Doodle," creating a general tumult on our ship as the word was passed from bow to stern that friends were near. Once alongside, the company on board the tug proved to be the directors of the American Exhibition, with Lord Ronald Gower heading a distinguished committee accompanied by Maj. Burke and representatives of the leading journals, who made us feel at last that our sea voyage was ended.</quote> (Cody 708)

Ronald Gower describes meeting The State of Nebraska

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<quote>On the 17th of April, I went with Mr Whitley to Gravesend, to meet the S.S. State of Nebraska, in which ship Colonel Cody ("Buffalo Bill") with his cowboys and Indians had arrived that morning. We boarded the steamer, and had a hearty reception from all on board, including Mrs John Bigelow, the wife of the, at one time, American Ambassador to France. Buffalo Bill is a striking type of a man, of splendid physique, and with much natural dignity.</quote> (Gower 54–55)

Who Was Present

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  • The Exhibition Committee
  • The cast and crew who went over on The State of Nebraska
  • Mrs John Bigelow


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  • Cody
  • Gower
  • Moses