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- Quizbank now resides on MyOpenMath at https://www.myopenmath.com (although I hope Wikiversity can play an important role in helping students and teachers use these questions!)
- At the moment, most of the physics questions have already been transferred. To see them, join myopenmath.com as a student, and "enroll" in one or both of the following courses:
- Quizbank physics 1 (id 60675)
- Quizbank physics 2 (id 61712)
- Quizbank astronomy (id 63705)
The enrollment key for each course is 123. They are all is set to practice mode, giving students unlimited attempts at each question. Instructors can also print out copies of the quiz for classroom use. If you have any problems leave a message at user talk:Guy vandegrift.
- Latest essay: MyOpenMath/Pulling loose threads
- Latest lesson: Phasor algebra
See special:permalink/1863358 for a wikitext version of this quiz.
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Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
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\question \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{Discovery-Rupes-(rotated).png} The horizontal crack along the center of figure is a\ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\choice antipodal
\choice propodal
\choice meander
\CorrectChoice scarp
\choice rille
\question Antipodal to Caloris Basin is\ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\choice an iron/nickel deposit
\CorrectChoice weird terrain
\choice a scarp
\choice a water deposits
\choice a silicon deposits
\question A volatile is a substance that \ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\choice reacts violently with acids
\choice reacts violently with water
\choice reacts violently with oxygen
\choice melts or evaporates at high temperature
\CorrectChoice melts or evaporates at low temperature
\question The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of \_\_\_ and \_\_\_. \ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\choice ice and gas
\choice carbon and oxygen
\choice ice and water
\choice ice and rock
\CorrectChoice metal and rock
\question If the universe is mostly hydrogen, why aren't terrestrial planets made of mostly hydrogen?\ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice thermonuclear fusion in the protosun turned the hydrogen into helium
\choice These planets lie inside the frost line for hydrogen
\choice tidal forces from the Sun prevented accretion
\choice tidal forces between the terrestrial planets prevented accretion
\choice tidal forces from Jupiter prevented accretion
\question Mercury's atmosphere consists mostly of\ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice hydrogen
\choice helium
\choice oxygen
\choice nitrogen
\choice carbon dioxide
\question In what sequence did Mercury's weird terrain and Caloris basin form?\ifkey\endnote{ placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863358}}}\fi
\choice The were formed at exactly the same time
\CorrectChoice The weird terrain was formed almost immediately after the Caloris basin
\choice The weird terrain was formed a few millions years after the Caloris basin
\choice The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billion years after the Caloris basin
\choice The weird terrain was formed approximately 2 billion years before the Caloris basin