Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/H

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An experience of something that does not exist outside the mind

The following references are relevant:-

Goetz et al (2010) Hallucinations and sleep disorders in PD [2]

Fenelon et al (2011) Feeling of presence in Parkinson's disease [3]

Bertram and Williams (2012) Visual hallucinations in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism [4]

Further Research

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Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hallucinations.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
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Hyperkinesia (Increased force, speed, violence, speed of movement)

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Increased force, speed, violence, speed of movement.

The following references are relevant:-

Ackermann et al (1989) Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.[5]

Inzelberg et al (1995) Kinematic properties of upper limb trajectories in idiopathic torsion dystonia[6]

Thomsen et al (2011) Psychomotor stimulation by dopamine D1-like but not D2-like agonists in most mouse strains [7]

Further Research

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Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hyperkinesia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  2. Goetz, Christopher G.; Ouyang, Bichun; Negrom, Alive and Stebbins, Glenn T. (1931) Full Text Neurology 75 (20) 1773 – 1779 Hallucinations and sleep disorders in PD
  3. Fénelon, Gilles; Soulas, Thierry; De Langavant, Laurent Cleret; Trinklet, Iris and Bachoud-Lévi, Anne-Catherine (2011) Full TextJ. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 82 (11): 1219 – 1224. Feeling of presence in Parkinson's disease
  4. Bertram, Kelly and Williams, David R. (201) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 83 (4) 448 – 452 Visual hallucinations in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism
  5. Ackermann, A; Ziegler, W. and Oertel, W. H. (1989) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 56 (6) 805 – 807. Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.
  6. Inzelberg, R.; Flash, T.; Schechtmann, E and Korczyn, A.D. (1995) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 58 (3) 312 – 319. Kinematic properties of upper limb trajectories in idiopathic torsion dystonia
  7. Thomsen, Morgane; Ralph, Rebecca J. and Caine, S. Barak (2011) Full Text Exp. Clin. Psychopharmacol. 19 (5) 342 – 360.Psychomotor stimulation by dopamine D1-like but not D2-like agonists in most mouse strains


Excessive sexual activity

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(Related symptoms: Satyriasis, Sadomachism)

The following references are relevant:-

Witjas et al (2012) Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease. [1]

Politis et al (2013) Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease. [2]

Pereira et al (2013) Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice. [3]

Further Research

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Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypersexuality .
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Witjas, T.; Eusebio, A.; Fluchère, F. and Azulay, J.P. (2012) Full Text Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 168 (8-9) 624 - 633. Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Politis, M.; Loane, C.; Wu, K.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Woodhead, Z.; Kiferle, L.; Lawrence, A.D.; Lees, A.J. and Piccini, P. (2013) Full Text Brain. 136 (Pt 2) 400 -411.Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease.
  3. Pereira, B.; Llorca, P.M.; Durif, F.; Brousse, G.; Blanc, O.; Rieu, I.; Derost, P.; Ulla, M.; Debilly, B. and de Chazeron, I. (2013) Full Text Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 19 (2) 242 - 246. Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice.
Hypertonia (Excessive muscle tone)

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Excessive muscle tone

The followng references are relevant:-

Wright et al (2007) Axial hypertonicity in Parkinson’s disease: Direct measurements of trunk and hip torque [1]

Goldenberg(2008) Medical Management of Parkinson’s Disease [2]

Xia et al (2011) Differentiation between the contributions of shortening reaction and stretch-induced inhibition to rigidity in Parkinson’s disease[3]

Further Research

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Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypertonia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Wright, W,G,; Gurfinkel, V.S.; Nutt, J.; Horak, F.B. and Cordo, P.J. (2007) Full Text Exp. Neurol. 208 (1) 38 – 46. Axial hypertonicity in Parkinson’s disease: Direct measurements of trunk and hip torque
  2. Goldenberg, Marvin M. (2008) Full Text P.T. 33 (10) 590 – 594, 599 – 606 Medical Management of Parkinson’s Disease
  3. Xia, Ruiping,; Powell, Douglas.; Rymer, W. Zev; Hanson, Nicholas;Fang, Xiang; and Threlkeld, A. Joseph (2011) Full TextExp. Brain Res. 209 (4): 609 – 618. Differentiation between the contributions of shortening reaction and stretch-induced inhibition to rigidity in Parkinson’s disease
Hypokinesia (Reduced force, impetus or speed of movement)

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Reduced force, impetus or speed of movement

The following refences are relevant:-

Ackermann et al (1989) Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.[1]

Heldman et al (2011) The Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease: Reliability and Comparison with Kinematic Measures[2] #

Espay et al (2011) Differential Response of Speed, Amplitude, and Rhythm to Dopaminergic Medications in Parkinson’s Disease [3]

Further Research

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Search the scientific literature for Hypokinesia

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypokinesia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)

Search the scientific literature for Rigidity

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Rigidity.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Ackermann, H.; Ziegler,W. andOertel, W.H. (1989) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 52 (6) 805 – 807. Palilalia as a symptom of levodopa induced hyperkinesia in Parkinson's disease.
  2. Heldman, Dustin A.; Giuffrida, Joseph P.; Robert; Megan; Filomena; Andrew P.; Alok; Sang Jin; Fredy J. and Espay, Alberto J. (2011) Full Text Mov. Disord. 26 (10) 1859 – 1863. The Modified Bradykinesia Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease: Reliability and Comparison with Kinematic Measures
  3. Espay, Alberto J,;Giuffrida, Joe P.; Chen, Robert; Payne, Megan; Mazzella, Filomena; Dunn, Emily; Vaughan, Jennifer E.; Duker, Andrew P.; Sahay, Alok; Kim, Sang Jin; Revilla, Fredy J. and Heldman, Dustin A. (2011) Full TextMov. Disord. 26 (14) 2504 – 2508. Differential Response of Speed, Amplitude, and Rhythm to Dopaminergic Medications in Parkinson’s Disease


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Hypomania (Pathological elation)

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Pathological elation.

The following references are relevant:-

Zahodne and Fernandez (2010) Parkinson’s Psychosis [1]

Haq et al (2010) A Case of Mania following Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [2]

Copra et al (2012) Underlying Neurobiology and Clinical Correlates of Mania Status-Post Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: A Review of the Literature [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypomania.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Zahodne, Laura B. and Fernandez, Hubert H. (2011) Full Text Curr. Treat. Options Neurol. 12 (3) 200 – 211. Parkinson’s Psychosis
  2. Haq, Ihtsham U.; Foote, Kelly D.; Goodman, Wayne K.; Ricciuti, Nicola; Ward, Herbert; Sudhyadhom, Arhar; Jacobson, Charles E.; Siddiqui, Mustafa S. and Okun, Michael S. (2010) Full TextStereotact. Funct. Neurosurg. 88 (5) 322 – 328.A Case of Mania following Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  3. Chopra, Ami; Tye, Susannah J.; Lee, Kendall H.; Sampson, Shirlene; Matsumoto, Joseph; Adams, Andrea; Klassen, Bran; Stead, Matt; Fields, Julie A. and Frye, Mark A. (2012) Full TextJ. Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 24 (1) 102 – 110. Underlying Neurobiology and Clinical Correlates of Mania Status-Post Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: A Review of the Literature
Hypophonia (Reduced vocal force)

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Reduced vocal force

The following references are relevant:-

Russell et al (2010) Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease [1]

Hammer et al (2010) Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation changes speech respiratory and laryngeal control in Parkinson's disease [2]

Darling and Huber (2011) Changes to Articulatory Kinematics in Response to Loudness Cues in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease [3]

Further Research

Search the scientific literature

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypophonia.
This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
Pubmed (abstracts)
Pubmed_Central (Full_Text)


  1. Rusell, John A.; Ciucci, Michelle R.; Connor, Nadine P. and Schallert, Timothy (2010) Full Text Brain Res. 1341 3 – 11. Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Hammer, Michal J.; Barlow, Stephen M.; Lyons, Kelly E. and Pahwa, Rajesh (2010) Full Text J. Neurol. 257 (10) 1692 – 1702. Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation changes speech respiratory and laryngeal control in Parkinson's disease. http//
  3. Darling, Meghan and Huber, Jessica E.(2011) Full Text J. Speech Lang. Hear. Res. 54 (5) 1247 – 1259. Changes to Articulatory Kinematics in Response to Loudness Cues in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

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