Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Therapy/Neuroprotection/Phytic Acid

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Phytic acid is a powerful antioxidant and it has been hypothesised that it could have neuroprotective qualities for PD patients. Research is at the stage of basic data gathering.


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Phytic acid (known as inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), or phytate when in salt form) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds.


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Obata [1] examined the antioxidant effect of phytic acid on iron (II)-enhanced hydroxyl radical (*OH) generation induced by MPP+ in the extracellular fluid of rat striatum. The results were :-

These results suggest that the antiradical effect of phytic acid occurs by chelating iron required for the MPP(+)-enhanced *OH generation via the Fenton-type reaction.


Xu et al [2] tested the hypothesis that excess iron associated with cell death in PD could be reduced by the application of phytic acid. They tried this on rats pre-treated with MPP+ to render them Parkinsonian. Their results concluded:-

Collectively, our results demonstrate a significant neuroprotective effect of phytate in a cell culture model of PD.


Xu et al [3] repeated the 2008 research with a number of variables. The conclusion:-

Together, our data suggest that IP6 protects against 6-OHDA-induced cell apoptosis in both normal and iron-excess conditions, and IP6 may offer neuroprotection in PD.

Further Reading

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Kell, Douglas B. Full Text Arch. Toxicol.84 (11) 823—889

Towards a unifying systems biology understanding of large-scale cellular death and destruction caused by poorly iganded iron: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, prions, bactericides, chemical toxiclogy and others as examples.


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Therapy > Neuroprotection

Sub Pages:

Neuroprotective agents
Substances with possible neuroprotective properties:
Caffeine,--Celastrol,--Co-Enzyme Q10,--Creatine,--DHA,--Exendin-4 (EX-4),--GDNF,--Glutathione (GSH),--GM1,--Isradipine,--Melatonin,--Minocycline,--Nicotine,--NSAIDs,--Phenylbutyrate,--Phytic Acid,--Probucol,--Quinoxaline,--Rasagiline,--Riboflavin,--Statins,--Tolcapone,--Urate & Uric Acid,--Vitamin D,--Vitamin E,--


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  1. Obata, T. 2003 Abstract Brain Res. 978 (1-2):241 - 244. Phytic acid suppresses 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion-induced hydroxyl radical generation in rat striatum.
  2. Xu, Q.; Kanthasamy, A. G. and Reddy, M. B. (2008)Abstract Toxicology 245 (1-2):101 - 108. Neuroprotective effect of the natural iron chelator, phytic acid in a cell culture model of Parkinson's disease.
  3. Xu, Q.; Kanthasamy, A. G, and Reddy ,. M. B.(2011) Abstract Parkinsons Dis. Feb 7;2011:431068. Phytic Acid Protects against 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Dopaminergic Neuron Apoptosis in Normal and Iron Excess Conditions in a Cell Culture Model.