Motivation and emotion/Book/2024/Dopamine fasting

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Dopamine fasting:
What is dopamine fasting and how does it affect motivation and emotion?
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Figure 1: Friend A and Friend B

Imagine you have two friends (see Figure 1), [grammar?] friend A who constantly post on social media. They are always seeking likes, comments and retweets. Friend B uses their phone only the bare minimum such as phone calls and for work.

Friend A does everything in life with the intention to share it with the world including walks, meals and day trips. They are unable to leave the house without their phone and never enjoys the moment.

Friend B lives care-free, no obligations to post or share. They value everything in their day from their morning coffee to their afternoon walks.

Who would you rather be around?

 Explain the connection between this scenario and the topic (DF)


This template provides tips for the topic development exercise. Gradually remove these suggestions as the chapter develops. It is OK to retain some of this template content for the topic development exercise. Also consult the book chapter guidelines.

The Overview is typically consists of one to four paragraphs inbetween the scenario and focus questions. Suggested word count aim for the Overview: 180 to 330 words.

Focus questions:

  • How does dopamine affect motivation and emotion?
  • What are the benefits of dopamine fasting?
  • How can colour affect the release of dopamine?
  • What are all the roles that dopamine plays in the brain?
  • How can you improve your dopamine systems function?

What is Dopamine?

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Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and also acts as a hormone.

Effects on Motivation and Emotion

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  • How it affects motivation
  • How it affects emotion
  • What's the relationship between them?

Roles of Dopamine

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  • What roles does dopamine play in the brain?
  • Figure 2 - pathway
  • How is dopamine released?
  • Ventral Tegmental Area and Nucleus Accumbens to activate our reward system
    Figure 2: Dopamine release pathway

Managing Dopamine Release

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  • Explain how to manage the release of dopamine
  • Rewards System explanation
  • Dopamine quiz - what is dopamine known as?

Dopamine Fasting

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Fasting is the abstinence from food or drink, so for dopamine fasting it is a form of digital detox. It is a concept that stems from reducing or eliminating any activities that can trigger a dopamine release including affection, movement, creativity, motivation and time for yourself.

  • explain what dopamine fasting is
  • explain advantages and disadvantages
  • most efficient way to dopamine fast


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  • Summaries how dopamine fasting affects motivation and emotion.
  • Link the benefits of dopamine fasting results.
  • Future studies

See also

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Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Dopamine: What it is, function & symptoms.

Oscar. (2024, March 3). What releases dopamine? - 40 activities for natural dopamine. Forge of Mind.

Teleanu, R. I., Niculescu, A. G., Roza, E., Vladacenco, O., Grumezescu, A. M., & Teleanu, D. M. (2022). Neurotransmitters—Key factors in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders of the central nervous system. PubMed Central (PMC).

Wikipedia. (2024, July 13). Dopamine fasting. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 15, 2024, from

Wikiversity. (2021). Motivation and emotion/Book/2021/Dopamine and motivational drive. Retrieved August 15, 2024, from

Wikiversity. (n.d.). Motivation and emotion/Textbook/Motivation/Motivational toxicity. Retrieved August 15, 2024, from

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Provide external links to highly relevant resources such as presentations, news articles, and professional sites. Use sentence casing. For example:

Suggestions for this section:

  • Only select links to major external resources about the topic
  • Present in alphabetical order
  • Include the source in parentheses after the link