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Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 2/refcontrol

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Exercise for the break

We want to realize as many bijective mappings as possible from the fingertips of the left hand to the fingertips of the right hand, by letting the corresponding (according to the assignment) fingertips touch each other.

  1. Realize the "natural“ bijection.
  2. Realize those bijections, where two adjacent fingertips swap their natural counterparts, and where the other three fingertips touch their natural counterparts (adjacent transposition).
  3. Realize those bijections, where two fingertips swap their natural counterparts, and where the other three fingertips touch their natural counterparts (transposition).
  4. Realize those bijections, where exactly two fingertips touch their natural counterparts.
  5. Realize those bijections, where exactly one fingertip touches its natural counterpart.
  6. Realize those bijections, where no fingertip touches its natural counterpart.


Give examples of mappingsMDLD/mappings

such that is injectiveMDLD/injective but not surjective,MDLD/surjective and is surjective but not injective.

What functions (and their defining rules) do you know from school?

How can we recognize by looking at the graphMDLD/graph (map) of a mapping

whether is injectiveMDLD/injective or surjective?MDLD/surjective

Which bijectiveMDLD/bijective functions (or between subsets of ) do you know from school? What is the name of the inverse function?MDLD/inverse function

  1. Let be the set of all (alive or dead) people. Study the mapping

    that assigns to every person the mother, with respect to injectivity and surjectivity.

  2. What is the meaning of the composition ?
  3. How does it look when we take the same mapping but, in the domain, restricted to the set of all only children, and, in the codomain, restricted to the set of all mothers?
  4. Be a bit hairsplitting and argue (referring to evolution or religion) that the mapping in (1) is not well-defined.

A function

is called strictly increasing if for all satisfying , also holds. Show that a strictly increasing function is injective.MDLD/injective

Is the mapping

injective?MDLD/injective Is it surjective?MDLD/surjective

Is the mapping

injective,MDLD/injective or not?

Determine the compositionsMDLD/compositions (mapping) and for the mappingsMDLD/mappings that are defined by

Let be sets, let and denote surjective mappings.MDLD/surjective mappings Show that the compositionMDLD/composition (map) is also surjective.

Let be sets, let and denote injective mappings.MDLD/injective mappings Show that the compositionMDLD/composition (map) is also injective.

Let be sets and let

be mappingsMDLD/mappings with their compositionMDLD/composition

Show that if is injective,MDLD/injective then also is injective.

In the following exercises about the power set, it might be helpful to think of the interpretation where is the set of people in the course, and is the set of all possible parties (with respect to the guests). For Exercise 2.16 , one might think of ladies in the course, gentlemen in the course.

Let be a set, and its power set.MDLD/power set Show that the mapping

is bijective.MDLD/bijective How does the inverse mappingMDLD/inverse mapping look?

Let be a set. Define a bijectionMDLD/bijection between

===Exercise Exercise 2.16


Let be a set, which is given as a disjoint unionMDLD/disjoint union

Define a bijectionMDLD/bijection between the power setMDLD/power set and the product setMDLD/product set .

Let denote sets. Define a bijectionMDLD/bijection between

How can we visualize the graphMDLD/graph (map) of a mapping

and the graph of a mapping

Let denote a mapping.MDLD/mapping Show that taking preimagesMDLD/taking preimages

fulfills the following properties (for arbitrary subsets ):

Let be a mapping.MDLD/mapping Show that taking imagesMDLD/taking images

satisfies the following properties (for arbitrary subsets ):

  1. ,
  2. ,
  3. .

Show by examples that the inclusions in (1) and (3) might be strict.

Let and denote sets, and let

be a mapping.MDLD/mapping Show that is injectiveMDLD/injective if and only if taking preimagesMDLD/taking preimages

is surjective.MDLD/surjective

Let and denote sets, and let

be a mapping.MDLD/mapping Show that is surjectiveMDLD/surjective if and only if taking preimagesMDLD/taking preimages

is injective.MDLD/injective

The idea of the following exercises came from http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt725/Challenge/Challenge.html, also take a look at http://www.vier-zahlen.bplaced.net/raetsel.php .

We consider the mapping

that assigns to a four tuple the four-tuple

We denote by the -th fold compositionMDLD/composition of with itself.

  1. Compute

    until the result is the zero-tuple .

  2. Compute

    until the result is the zero-tuple .

  3. Show that for every .

We consider the mapping

that assigns to a four-tuple the four-tuple

Determine whether is injectiveMDLD/injective and whether is surjective.MDLD/surjective

We consider the mapping

that assigns to a four-tuple the four-tuple

Show that for any initial value , after finitely many iterations, this map reaches the zero-tuple.

We consider the mapping

that assigns to a four-tuple of nonnegative rational numbers the four-tuple

Show that after finitely many iterations, this mapping yields the zero-tuple.

We will later deal with the question of how this mapping behaves with respect to real four-tuples; see in particular Exercise 23.16 .


Determine the composite functionsMDLD/composite functions and for the functionsMDLD/functions , defined by

Show that there exists a bijectionMDLD/bijection between and .

Let be sets, and let

be mappingsMDLD/mappings with their composite mappingMDLD/composite mapping

Show that if is surjective,MDLD/surjective then also is surjective.

Consider the set , and the mappingMDLD/mapping

defined by the following table

Compute , that is, the -rd composition (or iteration) of with itself.

Let and denote sets. We consider the mapping

which assigns to a mapping the mapping given by taking preimages.MDLD/taking preimages

a) Show that is injective.MDLD/injective

b) Suppose . Show that is not surjective.MDLD/surjective

Exercise to give up

Please hand in solutions to the following exercise directly to the lecturer.

We consider the mapping

that assigns to a four-tuple the four-tuple

Find an example of a four-tuple with the property that all iterations for do not yield the zero-tuple. Check your result on http://www.vier-zahlen.bplaced.net/raetsel.php .

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