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Line integral

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The Curve, Line, Path or Contour integral expands the standard integral term for the Integration in the complex plane (Complex Analysis) or in the multidimensional space or . The path, the line or the curve, via which is integrated, is called the integration path[1]. The line integral over a closed path are written with the symbol .

Real-valued Line Integrale

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A path is given which is imaged from an interval (e.g. interpreted as a time interval) into the vector space . indicates the place where the value is . The difference is

  • Line integral first type and
  • Line integral second type.

Pathintegral first type

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Animation for a line integral of first type over a scalar field

The path integral of a continuous Function

along a continuously differentiable piece path is defined as

Deduction of the path

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refers to the derivation from to . and are a vectors. The derivation vector indicates the change behavior in each component function of .

Remark - Component functions

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The component functions are illustrations for which the derivation with the knowledge from the real analysis can be calculated.

Example of a path and its derivation

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A differentiable path is defined first with

The track of the path forms an ellipse with the half axes 5 and 3.

Derivation of the path in the two-dimensional space

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The derivation of the path results directly from the derivation of the component functions

Example - Deduction of the Way in the Three-dimensional Space

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Now a vector is and . The derivation vector indicates the change behavior in each component function of .

Draw the trail of the path in (Ellipse) and plotted the trail of the path in with CAS4Wiki plots.

Vector length of the derivation vector of the path

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indicates the Euclidian norm of the vector .

Picture of the path - track

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The image set of one piece differentiable curve in should not be confused with the graph of a curve which is a part of the .


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  • An example of such a function is a scalar field with cartesischen coordinaten.
  • A path can pass through a curve either as a whole or only in sections several times.
  • For , the path integral of the first type gives the length of the path .
  • The path forms, inter alia on the starting point of the curve and on its end point.
  • is an element of the definition set of and is generally not' for time. is the corresponding Differential.

Pathintegral second type

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Visualization of a line integral of second type over Gradient vector field

The line integral over a continuous gradient vector field

with a curve also parameterized in this way is defined as the integral over the scalar product of and :

Influence of parameterization

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If and 'simplified' (d. h, and are identical This justifies the name curve integral; if the direction of integration is visible or irrelevant, the path in the notation can be suppressed.

Curve integrals

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Since a curve is the image of a path , the definitions of the curve integrals essentially correspond to the path integrals.

Curve integral 1. type

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Curve integral 2. type

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Length of curve

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A special case is again the length of the curve parameterized by  :

Displacement element and length element

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The expression occurring in the first type of curves

is called scalar path element' or 'length element.The expression occurring in the second type of curve integrals

is called 'vectorial path element'.

Rules of Procedure

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Be , Curve integrals of the same type (i.e. either both first or second type), be the original image of the two functions and of the same dimension and be (698104789). The following rules apply to , and :

Notation for curve integrals of closed curves

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If is a closed way, you write

instead of also

and similar for closed curves

instead of also .

With the circle in the Integral one would like to make clear that is closed. The only difference is in the notation.


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  • If is the graph of a function , this curve will be passed through the path
parametrized with . About
the length of the curve is equal
  • A ellipse with large half-axis and small half-axis is parameterized by for . Your scope is therefore
In this case refers to the numerical eccenttricity of the ellipse. The integral on the right is referred to as elliptic tntegral due to this connection.

Path Independency on Integral

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If a vector field is a Gradient field, i.e.


This applies to derivation of function composition of and


which exactly corresponds to the integral of the path integral over to .

Dependence of integral boundaries 1

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This follows for a given curve


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The following image show two arbitrary curves and in a Gradient vector field connecting point with point .

two arbitrary curves 'S1' and 'S2' in a Gradient vector field connecting point 1 with point 2.
two arbitrary curves 'S1' and 'S2' in a Gradient vector field connecting point 1 with point 2.

Dependence of integral boundaries 2

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This means that the integral of over depends solely on points and and the path between them is irrelevant to the result. For this reason, the integral of a gradient field is referred to as “displaced”.

Remark - closed paths - Ringintegral

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In particular, the ring integral applies to the closed curve with two arbitrary paths and :

Application in Physics

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This is particularly important in Physics, since, for example, the Gravitation has these properties. Since the energy in these force fields is always a conservation variable, they are referred to in physics as conservative force.

Scaler fields - Potential energy

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The scalar field is the Potential or the potential Energy. Conservative force fields receive the mechanical energy, i.e. the sum of kinetic Energy and potential energy. According to the above integral, a work of 0 J is applied on a closed curve overall.

Number of revolutions

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Path independence can also be shown with the application of the Integrability condition.

This curve has winding number two around the point p.

if the vector field is not possible as a gradient field only in a (small) environment of a point, the closed path integral of curves outside is proportional to the number of turns around this point and otherwise independent of the exact curve (see Algebraic Topology: Methodology).

Remark - Complex pathintegrale

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If is replaced by , complex path integrals are treated which are treated in the Complex Analysis.


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  • Harro Heuser: Lehrbuch der Analysis – Teil 2. 1981, 5. Auflage, Teubner 1990, ISBN 3-519-42222-0. p. 369, Theorem 180.1; p. 391, Theorem 184.1; p. 393, Theorem 185.1.


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  1. Klaus Knothe, Heribert Wessels: Finite Elemente. Eine Einführung für Ingenieure. 3. Auflage. 1999, ISBN 3-540-64491-1, S. 524.

See also

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