Instructional design/ePortfolios/Benefits and challenges

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Benefits of ePortfolios

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Benefits for the learner Benefits for the educator Benefits for the evaluators
Record and examine goals and successes Embedding technology into curriculum Identify a need for professional development programs
Reflect on learning experiences Use of authentic assessment tools Provide training or continued education to employees
Set long term goals Monitor performance regularly Increase staff morale and create excitement
Take responsibility for managing their own learning Have evidence of student work
Receive credit for formal and informal learning Develop personalized learning spaces
Get feedback from teachers and peers Support students' development
Demonstrate skills to future employers Create rubrics and guidelines

You can explore more advantages of ePortfolios from the "Forty one benefits of an ePortfolio" article.

Challenges with ePortfolios

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Challenges for the developer Challenges for institutions Challenges for the evaluators
Privacy issues Long term maintenance Ownership and intellectual property
Time consuming Adoption Workload
Not enough skills Developing a team Technical training
Motivation Institutional support Scope of effort
Technical Skills Hardware and Software Obtaining permission

Some challenges related to an ePortfolio project adoption are discussed in Lorenzo and Ittelson's "An overview of ePortfolios" article. [1]

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  1. Lorenzo, G., Ittelson, J. (2005). An overview of ePortfolios.