3D Modelling/Create 3D Models/Hugin

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Hugin Software for 360 Degree Image in Aframe
Hugin Result in Aframe - Link to interactive Aframe Website

Create an spherical image for 360o-Panorama Image. The underlying image must represent a special geometry of a spherical 360o-Panorama. The software Hugin will help you in creating such a panorama.

Market Place called Saumarkt in Karlsruhe-Durlach, Germany

Basic Workflow

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Basic workflow with the wizzard.

  • Angle of view for cameras: The workflow is to use a standard camera with multiple images and you concat multiple images into one equirectangular image representing a 360 degree view of scenery[1]. For the process of creating an equirectangular image the angle of view of cameras will be helpful to understand with workflow in Hugin.
  • Set the export format to JPEG to Hugin/Settings/Stitching/Output Format (default is TIFF with compression LZA - good quality but very large files)
  • Load Images in Hugin with Assistant/Wizzard.
  • Selected Object Type: equirectangular (spherical)
  • Save Project
  • Align Images (press "Align"-Button in Assistant)
  • Create Panorama (press "Create Panorama"-Button in Assistant)
  • Panorama JPG is created in Image Folder - explore JSON3D4Aframe to use the spherical image in AFrame (see "AFrame Settings").
  • Optional: Upload your 360-Degree panorama to WikiMedia Commons

Learning Tasks

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Create Sequence of Images with a Standard Camera

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Indoor 360 degree images with small tripod
Larger tripod for outdoor use for taking images for a 360 degree image in AFrame

There are a few recommendations for taking the images (see Video of Image Shooting Techniques by Florian Knorn (2011) on Youtube[5].

  • Image you are standing inside a sphere (centre) and you want cover the whole inner surface with snapshots.
  • Use a camera with good image quality,
  • Use a Tripod for taking the images,
  • Use 25% percent overlap between images, so that Hugin can stich the images together.
  • Use characteristical unique areas as overlap regions of the images, that allows automatic image stiching with Hugin without to much extra manual work of marking matching points between images.
  • avoid repeating patterns in overlap area of images (e.g. similar windows of high rise building or a monotonous pavement as overlap region)
  • Avoid moving objects in your images (if that happens you can mask those object in Hugin)
  • Do not mix landscape and portrait format of the images.
  • switch off automatic camera settings
  • Filename Pattern: rename images to the following pattern by
    • middle01.jpg, middle02.jpg, ... for images in a horizontal direction 360 degree.
    • upper01.jpg, upper02.jpg, ... for images in a upper region above horizontal direction (e.g. part of sky, top floors of the building, ...)
    • lower01.jpg, lower02.jpg, ... for images in a lower region above horizontal direction
    • top.jpg vertical image into the sky
    • button.jpg, ... vertical images (e.g. floor, remove tripod and take a snapshot from the ground)

When you cover the whole 360 degrees including sky and floor you can stich those images together with Hugin.

Final Result

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Equirectangular Image from Wikiversity used for Aframe 360 Degree Image (see Hugin)

External Resources

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See also

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  1. Equirectangular Images (2018) Github repository - URL: https://github.com/niebert/JSON3D4Aframe#equirectangular-scene-in-aframehttps://github.com/niebert/JSON3D4Aframe#equirectangular-scene-in-aframe - (accessed 2022/12/05)
  2. Hugin Video Tutorial by Brian Cluff (2017) - (accessed 2018/01/04) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_gONzUndQo
  3. GIMP Clone Tool Video Tutorial by John Philip Jones (2014) - (accessed 2018/01/04) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snkGHfrPGiA
  4. GIMP Clone Tool Documentation (accessed 2018/01/04) - https://docs.gimp.org/2.2/en/gimp-tool-clone.html
  5. 360x180° Panorama Tutorial - Pt.1: Shooting the images (2011) by Florian Knorn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUiw3jtErxk&list=PL15B8C737F69319BE&index=2