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Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Outreach/Edit-a-thons/Fall 2017/Chapel Hill

From Wikiversity
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HGAPS Spring 2025: Mental Health and Resilience Resources for Squid Game
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Squid Game 2 had 68 million viewers on its launch -- that is a lot of people who might benefit from resources organized by themes in each episode. Check out this resource built by a team supported in part by a WMF Rapid Grant after season 1!
~ More at HGAPS.org ~

Pages expanded or improved

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Comments/suggestions should be made on the talk pages of the respective topics.

  1. Microbiome and Mental Health
  2. Schizophrenia, Criminality, and its Portrayal in the Media
  3. Representation of Eating Disorders in To the Bone
  4. 13 Reasons Why
  5. Creativity in Bipolar Disorder
  6. EBA Pages

Goals for Each Team

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Team Goals for Edit-a-thon Specific Items to Work On
Microbiome and Mental Health
  1. To understand Dr. Bonnie Kaplan's vision for her page and to help her understand ours.
  2. To understand where we can improve content wise.
  3. To establish concrete plans for the future going forward where we can continue to be of the most assistance to Dr. Kaplan.
  4. Creating a new page with Dr. Kaplan that is in line with what she wants, and having our page as a sub-link to said page.
  1. Resolving issue of "nutrition and mental health" and "microbiome and mental health" in whatever way Dr. Kaplan wants.
  2. Improving/disregarding nutrition section.
  3. Adding to probiotic, endocrine system, and acquisition sections.
  4. Adding other respectable citations and references.
Schizophrenia, Criminality, and its Portrayal in the Media
  1. Refine the way our information is represented so the page is as appealing and accessible as possible
  2. Obtain feedback from anyone that has not already seen the page
  3. Find the appropriate balance between the quantity of popular culture examples and research
  4. Discuss what we might change if a similar page were to be created on Wikipedia in addition to Wikiversity
  1. Improving the lead section and how it introduces our topic
  2. Potentially adding additional sections on related disorders, "genius" aspect associated with schizophrenia
  3. Making sure the order of sections flows best as possible
Representation of Eating Disorders in To the Bone
  1. Discuss page overall and get feedback on the different sections
  2. Look for areas of improvement in content and in style
  3. To learn and understand more about eating disorders
  4. Having the opportunity to collaborate with a faculty member or a local expert
  1. Maybe consider linking to other sites/blog posts that review To the Bone (mention controversy) or to other sites w/ resources for eating disorders (Message from Logan- if you guys do this, you should coordinate with us and the resources subpages plan- LS)
  2. Consider adding information on causality/etiology?
  3. Are the DSM criteria cited appropriately as far as paraphrasing goes?
  4. Making sure the conveyed information/formatting is accurate, clear, and organized.
  5. Is there other information that we could include?
13 Reasons Why
  1. Coordinate with App to further develop 13RW main page
  2. Get feedback on main page (things to add; feedback on what's there already)
  3. Get App's thoughts and others on the subpages for resources
  4. Have some things worthy of being linked to by the end of the night
  1. Developing main 13RW Page
  2. Making the current resources pages seem complete
  3. Deciding then making what would be best for additional ones
Creativity in people with bipolar disorder
  1. See if there is a better and more comprehensive way to organize the page
  2. Advice on what to provide more detail on and what "white rabbits" to eliminate.
  3. Narrowing
  1. Consider adding a table
  2. Adding more information and detail
Overall goal:

How can we tweak current materials to make it easier for therapy usage and assessment usage?

Guiding questions:

  1. Which resources are helpful? Which aren't? For those less helpful, we can hide those materials.
  2. Suggestions on organizing the material?
  3. What else can be included? Keep in mind copyright...
  4. Potentially could shift assessment resources to Wikiversity? (e.g., instructions for assessing scoring software, without including password)

All comments to be made on-the-fly, or put on Talk page!

General resources and ecosystem:

Specific things to do:

  1. Navigate general EBA ecosystem by clicking on General Resources
  2. Review sample portfolios
    1. ADHD portfolio portfolio
    2. Depression in youth portfolio
  3. Review sample assessment measures
    1. Beck Anxiety Inventory
    2. Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
  4. Review clinical vignettes
    1. Arlene
    2. Christopher

Follow-up items post edit-a-thon:

  • Talk pages to follow up on (insert links): Link
