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Filmmaking Basics/3D Storyboard/FrameForge:Over-the-shoulder shot

From Wikiversity

Under construction since 2007

This school is:
Narrative film production - Wikiversity Film School
This course is:
The basics of narrative filmmaking
This lesson is:
Lesson: 3D Storyboarding
Pages of this Lesson:
Storyboarding using 3D software
Introduction to FrameForge 3D Studio free demo version
Getting started with FrameForge 3D Studio
Page 1 - Getting started storyboarding "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
Page 2 - A simple example
Page 3 - Building a movie set inside FrameForge
Page 4 - Creating depth of field inside FrameForge free demo version
Before and After: corrections by instructor
The corrections for Sir Mok
All the completed storyboards by students
The amazing storyboard from Gare Cline


Getting started with FrameForge 3D Studio

Creating a simple movie set

To do storyboarding with FrameForge 3D Studio, you do not need a movie set.
However, a movie set looks nice and helps you get orientated.
Therefore, here are optional instructions for people who want a movie set.

1. Create a wall in FrameForge 3D Studio

Room Builder

Using Room Builder, create a single wall which is 10 feet tall (3 meters) and 40 feet long (12 meters).
Drawing this exactly is difficult so use the numerical boxes to set the sizes.
Once you do this, you are finished. Press the Build Rooms button.
Click on the picture to see it full size.


The finished movie set

All done.
You need to practice with FrameForge 3D Studio

The next page

Look at the instructions for creating a simple movie set in FrameFore 3D Studio.

Contact your instructor

Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.