Exam 98-374: Gaming Development Fundamentals/Understand Hardware

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This lesson covers Understand Hardware. It looks at input devices, output devices, networks, game performance, and game platforms.

Activity 1 - Choose an Input Device

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This objective may include but is not limited to: mouse, keyboard, Kinect, console, mobile.

  1. Read Windows Phone Development.
  2. Read Input on the XNA Framework (XBox 360 Controller).

Activity 2 - Choose an Output Device

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This objective may include but is not limited to: screen, television, hand-held devices, sound (local speakers, surround sound systems).

  1. Read Wikipedia: Output device.
  2. Read It’s Time to Take Mobile Gaming Seriously.

Activity 3 - Work with the Network

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This objective may include but is not limited to: set up Web services, TCP, UDP, basic management; plan for areas without access to Internet, notifications.

  1. Read Receiving Network Data.
  2. Read UDP vs. TCP.
  3. Read What every programmer needs to know about game networking.

Activity 4 - Manage Game Performance

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This objective may include but is not limited to: CPU vs. GPU, reach vs. HiDef, graphics networking performance, frame rate.

  1. Read Difference Between CPU and GPU.
  2. Read What Is a Profile?.
  3. Read Reach vs. HiDef.

Activity 5 - Understand the Different Game Platforms

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This objective may include but is not limited to: console, PC, mobile; compare memory management.

  1. Read Performance Considerations for Windows Phone 7.
  2. Read Designing Applications for Windows Phone 7, Chapter 2.
  3. Read Windows Phone Games.


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