Exam 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals/Use Data with Mobile Devices

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This lesson covers Use Data with Mobile Devices. It looks at networked data and data stores.

Activity 1 - Work with Networked Data

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This objective may include but is not limited to: integrating with databases (Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Lite); describing and defining how LINQ and Microsoft ADO.NET work; implementing data binding; minimizing the data traffic for performance and cost; making use of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web services and REST; describing and defining the benefits of SQL Server replication.

  1. Read ADO.NET Overview.
  2. Read LINQ to SQL.
  3. Read SQL Server Replication.
  4. Read Data Binding.
  5. Read Networking and Web Services Overview for Windows Phone.
  6. Read WCF Data Services.

Activity 2 - Use Data Stores

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This objective may include but is not limited to: using different kinds of storage (for example, file and database); describing and defining the benefits of different storage locations (local, isolated, remote); integration with XML; accessing native data and functionalities (launchers, choosers); handling offline situations.

  1. Read Isolated Storage Overview for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Local Database Overview for Windows Phone.
  3. Read Launchers and Choosers Overview for Windows Phone.


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