Exam 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals/Develop Mobile Applications

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This lesson covers Develop Mobile Applications. It looks at the application life cycle, mobile device APIs, mobile device controls, and building the user interface.

Activity 1 - Manage the Application Life Cycle

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This objective may include but is not limited to: preserving application state information and handling activate/deactivate functions; using tombstoning; balancing code between battery usage and performance; creating a responsive application with feedback of user actions; managing visible status for long-running operations; storing passwords; splash screen.

  1. Read Execution Model Overview for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Multitasking for Windows Phone.
  3. Read Running your App in the Background (Tombstoning).

Activity 2 - Understand Mobile Device APIs

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This objective may include but is not limited to: NavigationServices class, mapping/GeoLocation APIs, and Forms, Canvas, and Media APIs in HTML5; describing and defining manipulation events, including ManipulationStarted and ManipulationDelta.

  1. Read Frame and Page Navigation Overview for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Location for Windows Phone.
  3. Read Graphics in HTML5.
  4. Read Microsoft: Gesture Support for Windows Phone.
  5. Read Microsoft: App Hub—Touch Input.
  6. Read Microsoft: How Do I: Use Touch Manipulation in a Windows Phone 7 Application?.

Activity 3 - Understand Mobile Device Controls

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This objective may include but is not limited to: using Windows Phone controls; arranging content with panels; displaying collections of items; building custom controls; describing and defining Push/Raw/Tile notification; using tasks and choosers to enhance application functionality.

  1. Read Laying out a Page.
  2. Read App Hub: Layout on the Screen.
  3. Read App Hub: Using Controls.
  4. Read Tiles Overview for Windows Phone.
  5. Read Microsoft: Creating and using tiles, toast, and Windows push notifications.
  6. Read Choosers for Windows Phone.

Activity 4 - Build the User Interface

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This objective may include but is not limited to: creating layout with Style; designing with system theme, accent color, and screen orientation; graphic layering (transparency, borders, resizing); creating the user experience to be clean, focused, and using UI standards and guidelines; integrating images and media in an application.

  1. Read Theme Overview for Windows Phone.
  2. Read Getting Started with Controls.
  3. Read Theme Resources for Windows Phone.
  4. Read Essential Graphics, Visual Indicators, and Notifications for Windows Phone.
  5. Read General Design Principles.
  6. Read Media on the Windows Phone Platform.


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