Electricity/Electric circuit

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Electric circuit[edit | edit source]

Electric components are connected in a closed loop to form an electric circuit

Electric circuit's Laws[edit | edit source]

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law The algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed circuit path must be zero.
Kirchhoff's Current Law The sum of the currents entering a particular point must be zero.
Ohm's law The current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional
to the potential difference across the two points.
Watt's law The power through a conductor between two points is directly proportional
to the potential difference and its current across the two points.

Electric circuit's configuration[edit | edit source]

Series circuit components are connected in adjacent to each other
Parallel circuit
2 port network

RL circuit[edit | edit source]

RL series[edit | edit source]

2 port LR[edit | edit source]


2 port RL[edit | edit source]


RC circuit[edit | edit source]

RC series[edit | edit source]

2 port RC[edit | edit source]


2 port CR[edit | edit source]


LC circuit[edit | edit source]

Circuit at equilibrium

Circuit at resonance

RLC circuit[edit | edit source]

RLC series[edit | edit source]

2 port LC series-R[edit | edit source]

2 port R-LC series[edit | edit source]