Colloquia familiara: a selection/Diversoria: Questions about the text

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  • Who had a pleasant stay at an inn? Who had an unpleasant one?
  • Describe the speaker's experience at the inn in Lyon. What did he like about the hospitality he received?
  • Name at least three negative things about the German inn.
  • Who else was staying at the German inn? Name at least three specific professions or types of people mentioned in the dialogue.
  • Why are the speakers concerned about the number of people packed into one room and the lack of ventilation?
  • Describe the food served at the German inn.
  • Where else has Gulielmus traveled?
  • Describe a negative experience you have had either at a hotel or as a guest at someone's house. You can talk either about the way you were treated or about the food you ate there—or both.
  • Divide into groups of 5 or 6. Two of you will be innkeepers and the rest guests. The innkeepers' goal is to make the guests' stay as unpleasant as possible. Devise ways to do this and then act out a scene with the guests reacting.
  • Change roles and repeat the activity, this time making the guests' stay an extraordinarily pleasant one.