Center for Corporate Auditing, Responsibility and Management policy Authoring/Fair Internet policy

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Fair Internet policy

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Since the efficiency of the Internet is a strong source of unfairness one should demand the Cultural advancement policy for highly successful e-commerce companies (as, for instance, Amazon, Apple or Expedia).

A network partition provider can help Internet customers to utilize only those web sites adhering to a desired standard.

Corporate citizenship and donations

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  1. Since the internet is far too efficient a voluntary or mandatory taxation is in order.
  2. The company must implement the Tariff plan policy and thus aim to support full employment on a national scale.
  3. The company should aim to educate third parties about the policy and invite competitors and business associations to follow the example.

Co-determination and Co-regulation

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  1. The company must cooperate with unions, business associations and other organizations that aim to provide co-regulation for the Internet and especially for an ethically regulated Internet.
  2. The company must offer schemes for co-determination on different levels, including the general public. The need for this requirement follows immediately from the right to public participation.

Continuing education

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  1. The company must implement the Postmaterialism policy.