Biblical Overview/Lesson Template
Here you can place an optional introduction.
Pre-Lesson Activity
[edit | edit source]- Here you can record several pre-lesson activities for the student to engage in before continuing.
- A typical pre-lesson activity might include reading a wikipedia entry on a certain theological position, or more commonly, reading beforehand the passages of scripture that pertain to the lesson.
- If an activity involves reading scripture, place a link to's New King James translation of the passage. To obtain the link, go to and search for the passage. Then use the URL from your browser's address bar as the link URL.
- Browse Wikipedia for various views of the authorship of Genesis. You might try searching for "Genesis", or "Pentateuch", and see where that takes you.
- Read Genesis 1:1 - 2:4
- Take note of any structure or methodology apparent in the order that God created the universe.
[edit | edit source]Here you can place an optional introduction to or synopsis of the lesson to come.
(scripture reference) :: (section title)
[edit | edit source]The above section title represents the general form of a lesson subsection. First the scripture reference is placed, followed by a double-colon, and terminated with the section's title. (see below for an example)[1][2]
Genesis 2:8 - 17 :: Garden of Eden
[edit | edit source](section title)
[edit | edit source]At times a scripture reference may not be applicable, such as in a book overview, or in the topical studies. If that is the case, simply providing the section title is adequate. (see below for an example)[3]
[edit | edit source]Study Questions
[edit | edit source]- In this section, you can ask a few study questions.
- Usually, one per section of the lesson is sufficient.
- Make sure to ask open-ended questions, instead of close-ended questions with simple yes/no/one word answers.
- Example: Why is the authorship of Genesis important to our understanding of the book? why is it important to the understanding of the Bible?
Next Lesson
[edit | edit source]In this section, give a brief synopsis of the next lesson, as well as an indented link to it:
Supplemental Resources
[edit | edit source]- Sermons Through the Bible - Pastor Joe Focht
- Pastor Joe Focht is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Philadelphia who has a sermon set through the bible.
- Add the specific study(ies) here that pertain to the passages dealt with in this lesson.
- example: Genesis 1:1-1:5
- feel free to add your own supplemental resources.
[edit | edit source]References
[edit | edit source]- Here is a place where you can provide a full bibliography of your works cited (if any).
- Check out this nifty citation builder for easy citing.
- Here's an example:
- Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy B.; Dallas Theological Seminary. Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Colorado Springs, Colo: Victor. ISBN 0-88207-813-5.