Activities, assignments and assessment/Simulation in health education

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Simulation in health education. Monica Peddle. Copy on Youtube.

Monica Peddle's presentation for AAAOpenConf2013


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'Mask' education - expert in the room who knows what the student needs to take from the interaction. Engage learners in simulation activities. Research now showing increased learning outcomes. Learning through simulation can: -Develop foundational skills -Identify own learning needs Role Play: Important to have script and planned, well designed activity. A way of teaching Technical and Non-technical skills rolled into Procedural Skills. Where might simulation fit in the curriculum ? Think about simulator and approach to simulation.

Challenges: Labour intensive and high cost in set up ; Only educate in small groups; Spaces and equipment access issues.

Emphasis on validation of learning: certification of competence Many virtual based resources being developed - very targeted approaches.

Q: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCES) common in medicine - research on effective role play based learning using students, highly scripted, and students very engaged. M: Engagement much higher with 'mask' patient as expert and experienced.