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UTPA STEM/CBI Courses/Statics/Force Equilibrium

From Wikiversity

Course Title: Statics

Lecture Topic: Force Equilibrium

Instructor: Dr. Seokyoung Ahn

Institution: The University of Texas-Pan American

Backwards Design

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Course Objectives

  • Primary Objectives- By the next class period students will be able to:
    • Understand force equilibrium in three dimensions
  • Sub Objectives- The objectives will require that students be able to:
    • Understand and able to draw a Free Body Diagram for three dimensional structure
    • Understand the concept of moment of inertia
    • Develop a solution based on engineering analysis
  • Difficulties- Students may have difficulty:
    • Students will encounter problems understanding Free Body Diagram
    • Students will encounter problems understanding physical meaning of "moment of inertia"
Map of KVLY-TV Mast
A view up the tower. Each colored segment is 100' tall.
  • Real-World Contexts- There are many ways that students can use this material in the real-world, such as:
    • Radio masts and towers are, typically, tall structures designed to support antennas (also known as aerials in the UK) for telecommunications and broadcasting, including television. They are among the tallest man-made structures. Similar structures include electricity pylons and towers for wind turbines. The Warsaw Radio Mast was the world's tallest supported structure on land, but it collapsed in 1991, leaving the KVLY/KTHI-TV mast as the tallest.
    • Read this story
    • Radio mast
In 1974, when the Warsaw radio tower was erected, it was the tallest structure ever built at 646.38 m (2,121 ft). It collapsed in 1991.
In 1974, when the Warsaw radio tower was erected, it was the tallest structure ever built at 646.38 m (2,121 ft). It collapsed in 1991.
In 1974, when the Warsaw radio tower was erected, it was the tallest structure ever built at 646.38 m (2,121 ft). It collapsed in 1991.

Model of Knowledge

  • Concept Map
    • Understanding structural uniqueness of radio mast
    • Understanding the need of guy wires and pretension on guy wires
  • Content Priorities
    • Enduring Understanding
      • Understand how step-functions work
    • Important to Do and Know
      • Understand the correlation between various classes
      • Formulate ideas based on knowledge previously obtained
    • Worth Being Familiar with
      • Differential Equations
      • Thermodynamics
      • Heat Transfer

Assessment of Learning

  • Formative Assessment
    • In Class (groups)
      • Generate equation to solve for thermometer output
    • Homework (individual)
      • Pre-lecture quiz after student has read chapter
  • Summative Assessment
    • In class quiz over lesson

Legacy Cycle

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Students will be asked to read chapter 3 of their measurements book prior to this lesson. They will also be provided with a temperature measurement quiz online so that they may evaluate their own understanding of the topic prior to attending class.


By the next class period, students will be able to:

  • Differentiate between zero-, first-, and second-order systems
  • Understand first-order step functions
  • Derive a time constant

The objectives will require that students be able to:

  • Understand several heat transfer/thermodynamics equations
  • Solve a differential equation


The students will be presented with the following questions:

  • Why is it that when taking ones temperature with a glass mercury thermometer it is recommended that the thermometer stay in the mouth for at least three minutes?
  • Is three minutes a sufficient amount of time?
  • Can this time be reduced while maintaining accuracy in measurement?


The students will be given a few minutes to individually write down their answers to the questions that have been presented. Students may respond with answers such as:

  • It takes the thermometer time to reach steady state
  • Because of the the reaction time of the thermometer
  • Because of the thermometer's time constant, you want an accurate reading


The following link presents application of trusses and frames in the construction industry: Walkway link 1 Walkway link 2

The professor will lecture on first-order step functions so that students will gain a better understanding of the topic. Students will be asked, "What do we need to know in order to answer our challenge questions?" and given a few minutes to individually write down their responses. Examples include:

  • We need to know the materials of the thermometer and their properties
  • We need to know some heat transfer, thermodynamics, and differential equation


Students will be provided with heat transfer and thermodynamics equations. They will then form groups and be asked to begin deriving the time constant.


Students will receive feedback on their progress and ideas as well as the correct process for deriving the desired equation. Students will be presented with a quiz at the beginning of the following class.


Students will now be able to answer the questions presented at the beginning of the lesson and will be asked to turn in a brief explanation.

Pre-Lesson Quiz

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Read the user testing data and then indicate whether it is quantitative or qualitative by selecting the appropriate radio button. When you are finished making your selection, click the "Submit" button.

1 The force equilibrium can be illustrated by Free Body Diagram.


2 Q2 Free Body Diagram gives you a insight about the system which in under static force equilibrium.


3 Average seat-time on a particular lesson.


4 Summative results of a satisfaction survey.


5 Comment on how slow the learning management system loads each page of a course.


6 Comment on how the learner struggles to figure out what button to click during a software application simulation practice task.


Test Your Mettle Quiz

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Read the user testing data and then indicate whether its severity by selecting the appropriate radio button. For the purposes of this exercise, you have already confirmed each item's veracity. When you are finished making your selection, click the "Submit" button.

1 In temperature measurement, the body temperature is constant yet the signal to the thermometer is changing from the room temperature to the body temperature. This can be classified as _____.

a static measurement
a dynamic measurement
a step change
a dynamic measurement and a step change
a static measurement and a dynamic measurement

2 What reaction forces do you need to indicate at a roller support?

Two forces and a moment
Two forces
A normal force and a moment
Only one force normal to the surface on which the roller is resting.

3 What reactions do you need to indicate at a fixed support in 2D?

Two forces and a moment
Two forces
A normal force and a moment
Only one force normal to the surface on which the roller is resting.
There are no forces, only a moment

4 I personally feel that this lesson needs to be divided in two. Provider Access and then the separate one call Beneficiary Resources. You could actually tailor beneficiary resources directly to patients. This could be put on Kiosks at MTF, send out CD’s with the lesson.

Deal Breaker

5 This does an excellent job of explaining the different roles. I wasn’t clear on my role until now. Didn’t know we could modify the web page for the MTF - good info. This may be the best WBT I have ever used. It shows you what you need to know with out a lot of unnecessary information.

Deal Breaker

6 When you typed in the last name, you typed it in the ‘Find NAS by Patient SSN box’ which is wrong and then hit the wrong search button.

Deal Breaker

7 When I returned to the course the next day, all my bookmarks were gone.

Deal Breaker

Knowledge Check 3

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In the previous lesson, Conducting User Testing, you conducted your own user test on an e-learning page from Wikiversity. In this knowledge check, practice what you know about analyzing results by judging the severity of each your findings. If you believe that the item needs resolution, think about how you might go about fixing it.

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