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Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.

Challenge Based Instruction (CBI)

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This web site is a compilation of course content developed for higher education in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields using the Challenge Based Instruction (CBI) approach. The program was created and sponsored by the Center of Excellence in STEM Education[1]. Each of the presented lessons was created by faculty from one of several South Texas colleges or universities. The University of Texas-Pan American [UTPA][2], which is currently transitioning to The University Texas - Rio Grande Valley[3], spear-headed the project with support from its neighboring college, South Texas College [STC][4]. Since then, several South Texas colleges and universities have contributed to the growing archive. Other schools and organizations that have contributed include but may not be limited to the following: Laredo Community College [LCC][5], Texas A&M International University [TAMIU][6], The University of Texas - Brownsville [UTB][7], the Region One Education Service Center[8], and the Texas Early College High School [ECHS][9].

The curriculum so developed presents information to the student through the legacy cycle. These lessons can be located by the links below. The first section allows navigation by STEM category or by instructor name. The categories are organized in a very general format as some institutions use different names for similar courses and/or topics. The second section, "Tools", offers basic help when adding and editing the CBI Courses. These have been added to help keep some consistency in the format within these courses and subjects. Detailed procedures for adding content are currently under development. References are available through Wiki Help in the columns to the left.

Courses Designed Around the CBI Format

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  1. See Center of Excellence in STEM Education[1]
  2. See UTPA.edu [2]
  3. See UTRGV.edu [3]
  4. See SouthTexasCollege.edu [4]
  5. See Laredo.edu [5]
  6. See TAMIU.edu [6]
  7. See UTB.edu [7]
  8. See ESC1.net [8]
  9. See txechs.com[9]