User talk:Kittipak

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Crochet.david in topic Copyright problem with File:Kduay.jpg
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My name is Kittipak Pakjamsai. My nickname is K. I am TIM major. I am going to take a core course soon. I want to take this course because of computer is important in our life.

Question 1: How is cloud computing different than using a normal computer?

Answer for Q.1: There are four characteristics for cloud computing. First, cloud computing can be accessed by anyone and any computer. Secondly, data and information in cloud computing can be stored safely in wide network. Thirdly, when spaces of normal computers are full, cloud computing helps users to store their data and information into the internet or network. Finally, cloud computing can always be used without lacking of speed. However, on the other hands, there are four characteristics of normal computer to compare with cloud computing. First, normal computers can be accessed by anyone but only with the computer which storing the data. Second, data and information in normal computer can be easily lost if the computer turn off or having problems. Thirdly, there are limits of memories in normal computers. Finally, if there are too much data in normal computers, the processing will be slowed down. It also can be easily hanked.

Question 2: How could you turn a classroom into a cloud computing classroom?

Answer for Q.2: To form a cloud computing classroom, both teachers and students need to have their own account in the same website. Then they can share all content, opinion, homework ifrom class in the webpage. All students are able to access and have more time to study all things happening in their classes.

[edit source]
Thanks for uploading File:Kduay.jpg, but:
This file may soon be deleted, unless some copyright information is found. Please place {{information}} on the file page and fill out who the owner is and the copying terms. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about using files because of copyright law.
Who owns the rights to this file? Usually this is the work's creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Only the person or company who owns the rights can give permission to use this file freely.
What are the terms for using this file? Wikiversity accepts open content, public domain, and fair use works (see Wikiversity's Copyright policy). You can place a {{copyright template}} on the file page to signify the copyright terms.
Please remember to do this for any other files you have uploaded or will upload. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page or the Wikiversity community at the Colloquium. Thank you.

Crochet.david 16:38, 5 May 2010 (UTC)Reply