User talk:Kamolpat 5180367

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Homework 1 Hello!!!

I'm Kamolpat, nickname is Pat.

studying at MUIC, TIM major.

really love Comp Ess class and mr. Brian!

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Homework 2 How is cloud computing different than using a normal computer?

The cloud computer is very convenient for all pepople because when we do our projects and and assignmentsm, we can maintain it in the servers. Moreover, files and datas are not lost when our computers are broken. We can get out datas anywhere that provides internet to us. On the other hand, normal computers are unconvenient for all people because we have to save a data on a computer, and we need to use a thumb drive or a floppy drive to save them. Furethermore, when our computers are error and broken, we can not bring our work back, and noone reposible for it.

How could you turn a classroom into a cloud computing classroom?

We need to register the some websites such as google, yahoo, or wiki. Therefore, when teachers assign homework, or when we have to send homework, we can put it on that servers. We will not lost datas

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Crochet.david 17:17, 5 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

Homework 3 What is the best smart phone operating system and why?

I think Palm Pre is the best smart phone in my point of view because the Palm Pre signaled the resurrection of Palm. It is well-designed, and has a very promising OS, which if tweaked and improved slightly, can challenge any OS on the market.

Operating System: Palm webOS