User talk:Jitiwan518

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Crochet.david in topic Copyright problem with File:Jitiwan.jpg
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Hello! I'm Jitiwan Nitiyothin I'm a 2nd year student. My ID number is 5180458. my birthday is 27 February 1990.

Homework: Cloud Computing 1. How is cloud computing different than using a normal computer? '''ANS''': The differences between the Cloud computing and a normal computer is that, the cloud computing allows us to use applications and share files on the internet. Also, anyone can access to those at anytime on any computers. In contrast, a normal computer, the files we make and save will be privately storedd on the computer we use, and they can't be accessed by people that use other computers.

2. How could you turn a classroom into a Cloud computing classroom? '''ANS''':The first step for turning a classroom into a cloud computing classroom is that everyone must create their own accounts where we can upload and share files on the internet. The account will allow us to share and access other people’s works, such as friends’ document or teachers’ lectures, at anytime and from any computers. By having a cloud computing classroom, it will be convenient for students to share ideas and learn things from their classmates and teachers. For example, if any student post a question or explaination, other students also can get benefit from the post.

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Thanks for uploading File:Jitiwan.jpg, but:
This file may soon be deleted, unless some copyright information is found. Please place {{information}} on the file page and fill out who the owner is and the copying terms. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about using files because of copyright law.
Who owns the rights to this file? Usually this is the work's creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Only the person or company who owns the rights can give permission to use this file freely.
What are the terms for using this file? Wikiversity accepts open content, public domain, and fair use works (see Wikiversity's Copyright policy). You can place a {{copyright template}} on the file page to signify the copyright terms.
Please remember to do this for any other files you have uploaded or will upload. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page or the Wikiversity community at the Colloquium. Thank you.

Crochet.david 17:07, 5 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

'''Homework''' What is the best smartphone marketer? ans In my opinion, I think blackberry is the best smartphone marketer. There are 4 reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, the E-mail service of Blackberry is the best. This is because it has intelligent push email service which will help users to immediately download the message and has LED indicates when a new message is received. Secondly, every version of blackberry have a full QWERTY keyboard which will help users to type faster and more accurate same as using keyboard on notebook. Thirdly, a camera of blackberry is quite good because it has many functions such as auto-focus, white balance, flash, image stabilization, and variable zoom. Lastly, using Blackberry is more suitable for teenagers who like to chat because there are many chatting programs available such as BBM, MSN, IM, and Skype. Moreover, facebook and twitter can be downloaded for using in Blackberry which help users to widely and quickly contact with others at the same time.